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Zombie Challenges?

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A few off the top of my head:

-First Room

-Gun Specific (Shotties only, snipers only, pistols only, etc.)

-Tough Areas of Maps, like the Maze in Buried, the Power Room in Die Rise, or the Cabin in TranZit.

-No Perks

-No PaP

-No Trains

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Personally, I am very picky with challenges. I like challenges that actually make it fun. Challenges like "No Jug" to me might as well be called "Your time playing this game 50% off". Some good ones I'd recommend:

Double-Barrled Shotgun challenge: Your weapons must be the Double-Barreled Shotgun and the Sawed-Off Double-Barrled Shotgun w/ Grip.

Any first room challenge: Don't leave the first room.

Camping in interesting places: like the Nuketown garage, Diner roof, etc.

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Hardcore zombies- No crawlers, no "wait a minute", just kill until the rounds end in game over.

Also team hardcore- A predetermined team is picked (four players ofcourse) you can only revive your teammate and vice versa, same rules, just kill and end rounds until it's over.

I used to do these on BO1 all the time, havn't even done them BO2 but now I kind of want to :)

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Personally, I am very picky with challenges. I like challenges that actually make it fun. Challenges like "No Jug" to me might as well be called "Your time playing this game 50% off". Some good ones I'd recommend:

i agree with this, i wanna be doind challenges that put a bit of fun into the game :) not that the game isent fun cuz i love zombies lol but havin a new challenge would be nice

me & my mate did a pap room challenge on tranzit got to round 33 i think :/ not realy a massive high round but it was fun to do

i like the sound of the cabin challenge on tranzit might try that next :) thank u for all the sujestions

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The der atzi challenge: May GOD have mercy on your soul with buried...

Ok try monopoly:

Each player gets a part of the map (say buried)

1 gets the front of the house(including candy store), one gets the saloon area (including gunsmith), one gets the origional box spawn area, and one gets the maze all to himself... You can devise territory amongst your selves...

Gameplay is simple: When you get down in, everyone gets 1 shot at the box, then everyone works together to open the house, then shoots Leroy, and opens house (players receive one perk from ghost)

Here's how this works:

The guy near the candy store (white) has access to EVERYTHING in the candy store, church, and courthouse areas, including all wall weapons, speedcola, vulture aid, two weapons ?s, two building tables, the power, and candy. He has COMPLEAT control over this area, meaning nobody comes in or out without buisness...

Similarly, the guy near the Jail house (blue)owns that side of town too... Including: Jug, Leroy, two chalk bits, a buildable table, the general store, the weapons locker, two box locations, and a possible booze spawn.

The guy near the gunsmith (yellow) has access to the saloon, meaning booze, the dartboard, a buildable, the chalk drawings, the bank, mule kick, a box location and one chalk slot.

And finally the guy in the maze (green) : He has access to stamin up, the ghost house, pack a punch, prospecting, the nav card table, quick revive, the remmington chalk slot, the maze box locations, the mine's box location, and double tap.

Now, nothing is free.... Not even the usual cost either, and everything must be paid for: If say, yellow wants jug. He would have to trade blue something for it... Such as access to a chalk... But also remember the big guy is locked up and blue needs both a key and booze to access jug... So if say, white has the key, and yellow has the booze, blue can give access to jug to both White and blue for their help...

This is for EVERYTHING! You want a new turbine, trade a booze for it, want to pap? (remember you also have to go through the house) you need to trade something for it... Don't care what it is, but you got to get something from something...

Rules: No locking the box, however anyone is welcome to bring the box to their location EXCEPT for the person with access to candy...

If a player goes down is IS ok for others to revive him

Time bombs are permitied... But can't be used for leverage: Let me get vulture aid, or I'll send us back to round 3! But can be used as a transaction: I'll let you get vulture aid and in trade, you place down the time bomb

The paralizer can be used to access the roofs of buildings still in your area, (such as the shingling of the bank).

No asking to put a weapon back in the box so another can get it as a trade.

Leroy MUST be shot after what he was used for, no multiple uses: One use then he's back...

Leroy can be traded and used at a work bench, however the player in the jail area can NOT gain anything extra from having Leroy take peices...

Drops can not be used for trading (let me get double tap or I won't grab this max amo!)

Only one player can be out of his area at a time, others must wait until everyone is back where they should be before leaving...

Failure to fallow the rules will result in FORCED purchase of the galvaknuckles, and FORCED Transferance of 2700 points to the player who was wrongs (player who owns the bank does not receive payment for rule-breaking transactions unless he was the player wronged)

If one gets leroy to hold a crawler, it's up to whoever fed him candy, to kill it....

If a player leaves, whoever has the most points, kills, headshots, or whatever you measure, wins...

Set yourself some special goals: Start song, do Easter egg, ect. If you want to...

Hope you enjoyed monopoly!

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