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Who's in charge and how did the zombies get to Alcatraz?

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Most of us know by now that MOTD takes place in the 20's-30's because its during the prohibition era. This is before Samantha took control of the zombies. So I'm pretty sure that nobody is controlling the zombies. I had a theory that you had to get to a certain round to see Samantha control them but that's not true coz someone would know.

But here's the real question, how did the zombies leave Der Riese at this time? I really have no answer to this so can someone please help me out here. Also, sorry if someone's already done this post.

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Right, although there are other theories out there, the main ideology is that Satan has trapped the mobsters in a time loop, to keep them repeating the same thing again and again. A "cycle" so to say. Satan also threw some zombies in to make the time loop like the mobsters own personal hell. To fight for their lives forever, but always dying. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong here :)

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I could've sworn like when you got Instakill, Double Points, etc it's Sam's demon voice?

Yeah, I think that this is because "Satan" , or whatever "The Ultimate Evil" is, is in and always has been in the MPD. But has simply lost control, has become less powerful. Or is simply waiting on the sidelines waiting to strike. However he does still have some influence and when the person in control becomes emotionally unstable ( love, hate, sad, happy), the "UE" 's influence comes through.

Just my idea though ;)

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Turns out we were wrong about that. It turns out that that is Lucifer's voice. Samantha tried to warn us there was something residing in Aether with her. Turns out it was the devil. What we previously thought to be Samantha's "demonic" voice was actually just her using the voice of the devil.

Or you can just say Treyarch didn't want to re-record them. : P

@Briggzy: I think what happened was that Samantha pacified him. When someone else is in control, he loses his power. Now that Richtofen is in control, in Die Rise we hear groaning of pain. Perhaps Richtofen can't handle it? Perhaps he can't pacify him like Samantha could?

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I hadn't thought about that actually. I'm creating a thread about my theories on this "Evil" at the moment. I'm hoping its going to be my first good, theory thread. ;) If I put the "pacifying" power on Satan in there ill be sure to credit you with it. ;)

No need to credit me on that. Don't worry about it.

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I hadn't thought about that actually. I'm creating a thread about my theories on this "Evil" at the moment. I'm hoping its going to be my first good, theory thread. ;) If I put the "pacifying" power on Satan in there ill be sure to credit you with it. ;)

Good luck with that. You should mention the theories about Satan brainwashing peeps. I'll be looking for it ;). Give me credit for having such an awesome avatar. jk :lol:

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So all this time the power up drops have been voiced by Satan?? I could believe that just because a discussion I had a long time ago about how Samantha sounds very much like a child even when she is angry (the hide and seek GAME OVER voice as an example)

She has the accent, high pitched,female voice but when we get the power ups they are straight up evil. I think either one of these two things, she was in fact partners with the devil and he speaks through her sometimes, kind of like the exorcist movie :D

Or, Sam is sharing the aether and it's power, but competing at the same time. Sam is trying to kill the original four but the power ups are coming from the demon, who is more than likely just enjoying the whole thing and trying to prolong it.

Now with Richtofen you can always tell it's him, so I doubt he is anything close to partners with this second entity. Even on Tranzit his quote when he clears his throat, he still sounds like Richtofen. Being older,wiser and a LOT more insane he can use this power a lot better than Samantha and perhaps the ever so small hints of alien interference could have helped him.

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"A gift from Sam? But why?"

I think "The Evil" was involved all along and Mob of the Dead solidifies his roll as a prankster. He's using people as toys and playing with them. When Sam became in control she brought hell to Earth in pursuit of Richtofen and 935 and "The Evil" wasn't able to stop her so instead plays along. Sam was only a child when this happened and wasn't able to suppress this Evil and that is why we hear the same Demonic announcer between the two. Now that Richtofen is in control he is trying to suppress "The Evil" and is struggling to keep control instead of giving in and controlling with "The Evil" like Sam did.

Edit: Tatoo, we think very much alike, and at the same time, too.

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