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How would you stack it?

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...Perks, drops, and Official Wonder Weapons, that is. We actually arer having a strict pattern on the amount of Perks and Drops we can have on one map, with a new perk and a new Wonder Weapon included in the mix. This is what I mean:

In TranZit, we were given a total of 5 Drops and 6 Perks, plus the Jet Gun.

The drops were:

Max Ammo



Insta Kill

Double Points

The perks were:


Double Tap


Speed Cola

Stammin Up

Tombstone (new)

In Die Rise, we also had 5 Drops, 6 Perks, and the Sliquifier.

The drops were:

Max Ammo



Insta Kill

Double Points

The perks were:


Double Tap


Speed Cola

Mule Kick

Who's Who (new)

In MotD, we get 5 drops and 6 perks, plus the Blundergat.

The drops were:

Max Ammo


Fire Sale

Insta Kill

Double Points

The perks were:


Double Tap

Speed Cola

Deadshot Daiquiri

Electric Cherry (new)

So, say the next map is around the same size as Ascension. How would you stack it with perks, drops, and wonder weaponry?

This is what I'd love:


Max Ammo


Fire Sale (Carpenters are pointless IMO.)

Insta Kill

Double Points



Double Tap


Speed Cola

PhD Flopper (Missing Mustang & Sallies at Point Blank)

Mule Milk (new) -- Wnite perks that effects you in a way that allows you to occasionally chain-insta-kills zombies when you get collateral damage + carry Extra Reserve Ammo

The new wonder weapon would be called The Heater -- An upgradable Assault Rifle that fires through two barrels on both sides of the gun at once, but your ammo decreases by one at a time with a somewhat slow fire rate. At first glance, it doesn't seem like much -- then you upgrade it. Out comes The Scorcher -- a three barreled assault rifle that fires extremely effective pink flames out of the bottom of it whilst you shoot, getting the zombies in the legs while the top half has replaced it's normal ammo with automatic sniper shots. The basic mag wouldn't change for it, nor would reserve ammo to keep from OP. It'd be at 20/180 with full ammo, and have a slightly increased fire rate. If you keep it out while you're out of ammo, it will shoot a fireball of flame if you ADS, but makes you wait 6 seconds to do it again.

So, what about you guys?

-bagel_, out

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In MotD, we get 5 drops and 6 perks, plus the Blundergat.

The perks were:


Double Tap

Speed Cola

Deadshot Daiquiri

Electric Cherry (new)

There were only 5 perks. Fix :)

But yea I really want an assault rifle wonder weapon. I actually would rather an smg wonder weapon to run faster but ehh an automatic wonder gun would be badass

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Code for this game has become really complicated now that

A- Map are much larger then any before this

B-New features are flipping everywhere! (Which we love)

C- The switch to the multiplayer engine causes some transference problems, shortening the code allowance ever so slightly...

D- Multiplayer maps are bigger as well, making even less room for zombies, if they have a zombies-dedicated map pack, we should have a map with 8 perks and all drops....

Also I think I should point out you forgot the audio drop in MOTD... IT COUNTS!

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You thing about Power-Ups is incorrect. Perks too.



There isn't any real pattern.

we are talking about bo2.

Then look at the BOII section???????????

well those images are very misleading anyways. The one about drops include turned drops which we are not looking at when determining patterns. And the one about perks include grief perks so it is also misleading.

I honestly don't think there is a pattern anyways. I do believe that there may be a max amount of perks (maybe drops also) to a map (in bo2) just because I heard there is a limit to the coding. This could all change when (and if) we get a zombie only map pack that can give more room to mess around with.

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