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Cash Back Issues


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Okay so is anyone else having some serious problems with getting the cash back persistent perk i will go down at least 10 times trying to get it and still haven't got it i have only had it three times but i cannot get it again I've been trying for a while now is anyone else having this problem and if you have the solution PLEASE HELP ME! :evil:

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the perk is a pain in the butt to get once you lose it. My theory is that you have to get at least 40 perks drank with the new characters (so no survival) and then you can start drinking perks and going prone to get it but it still may take about 5-20 tries.

why i say 40 times? in der reise you would get 25 points every time you did this. when you do cash back, you get 1000 points. if you divide 1000 by 25 you get 40. and other people were saying it was taking around 50 perks drank to get it once they lost it. and then i thought well it took about 5-10 tries to get it the first time and that was because we already had the 40 perks drank before.

that is also why people thought in the beginning that you needed 100 perks drank because the number they came up with included perks drank from survival.

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Yes I think you can only get it once as well.. I keep trying it every day but fail everytime XD

you can get it multiple times, op said he had it three times. but its super hard to get back once you lose it. well not hard just takes a long time. you need around 55 perks total drank on tranzit/die rise/any map with the new 4 to get the cash back.

I find this perk just like steel barriers, useful but not exactly needed and a pain the ass to get back once you lose it and takes forever to get anyways.

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Yes I think you can only get it once as well.. I keep trying it every day but fail everytime XD

you can get it multiple times, op said he had it three times. but its super hard to get back once you lose it. well not hard just takes a long time. you need around 55 perks total drank on tranzit/die rise/any map with the new 4 to get the cash back.

I find this perk just like steel barriers, useful but not exactly needed and a pain the ass to get back once you lose it and takes forever to get anyways.

I wish it was like steel barriers then i'd get it more often :D

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Yes I think you can only get it once as well.. I keep trying it every day but fail everytime XD

you can get it multiple times, op said he had it three times. but its super hard to get back once you lose it. well not hard just takes a long time. you need around 55 perks total drank on tranzit/die rise/any map with the new 4 to get the cash back.

I find this perk just like steel barriers, useful but not exactly needed and a pain the ass to get back once you lose it and takes forever to get anyways.

I wish it was like steel barriers then i'd get it more often :D

Its like steel barriers in the numbers, but barriers are easier to get than perks so its faster to get baricades then cash back.

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Yes I think you can only get it once as well.. I keep trying it every day but fail everytime XD

Not true. I lost mine after keeping it for a few weeks, because some randoms screwed me over when they respawned me on Die Rise and I was in a hurry. I kept trying and going back in TranZit mode. And then the other day I got it back, but what I noticed is that I had just reached 500 perks drank when I got it back. Coincidence?

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Try calling J. G. Wentworth. This has to be one of the most difficult perma perks to pin down on it's exact requirements. I say go prone whenever you can and continue to play as normal. Trying for it over an over again in the Bus Depot will surely prove to be aggravating.

O defiantly. play normal just like steel barriers. If I sit on round 1 trying to get steel barriers I'm just gonna get pissed off because its going to take a while to get and then on round 5 when the jumping jack round comes I'm going to lose it so it isn't worth it. The first time you are in a hurry on die rise or tranzit (like trying to buy double tap in the middle of a round on round 30) you will lose it and be like damn, I shouldn't have waisted 30 minutes of my life trying to get the damn thing.

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