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A Zombie Trilogy v.III [NOW IN VIDEO]

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Well I personally have a different opinion on how the zombies were there. I've been working on a MotD analysis the last two weeks that ill hopefully release tonight, but here's a tiny part of that.

If this is before Group 935 and the creation of zombies, where did these zombies come from?

Well, you're looking at it all wrong. Group 935 didn't originally create zombies from Element 115, the element was simply a way to tap into an ancient power that could reanimate dead cells, among other things. An ancient power that is much more than 115 itself. Ancient civilizations all across the globe believed in this energy to revive the dead, and worshiped it's powers throughout history. You see, it is the energy within the 115 that has the ability to create zombies, and that's what 935 tapped into. So what energy is it? Vril? Some other ancient energy source? Something more? We're not sure. But we can just look at it as Aether energy for now.

[tab][/tab]This Aether energy has been around for a long time, and it appears from Mob of the Dead that Lucifier once had control of this power before Group 935 tapped into it's powers through 115 and Samantha and Richtofen took their reign.

I've been saying this since Black Ops, but there is a direct correlation between the energy within Element 115 and the energy that Richtofen seeks.


I strongly believe 115 was not responsible for these zombies, but rather Aether energy instead. The same energy that would later be found in Element 115 meteors by 935. The '115' code stating "maybe next time" and "I don't think so" was another indicator this.

I hope that makes . Just how I've always interpreted it.

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The problem with that is that Richtofen invented the zombie. Yes, the game never says that directly, but the indirect evidence is insurmountable. Time and time again it is implied that not only were zombies a direct creation of Group 935 but a creation of Richtofen specifically. After all, they are his angels, not Lucifer's. Since Lucifer comes up with very little on his own, the Perks weapons etc., I think it more likely he didn't come up with the zombies either. All in all, in Zombies, Lucifer appears as nothing more than a moocher. Even if Group 935 based their zombie discoveries on Lucifer, I'd support an ontological paradox before saying that they just copied Lucifer.

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I could argue that necromancy is something too complex and advanced to explain and that is why we call it magic. Fitting in with Clarke's definition of magic.

I'm not really sure what you mean about Richtofen. I know it is explicitly stated by characters like Tank or Richtofen himself, that the zombies are his creations. But I guess you could say the artificial zombie was Richtofen's creation.

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Well I've been under the impression that the maps have proven that Group 935 alone was not responsible for the creation of zombies. It's not like it something specifically that Richtofen or 935 did that created the zombie. They used Element 115, and the side effect was the reanimation of dead cells. It was more like they tried to brainwash zombies rather than create zombies themselves, hence why there's never been evidence provided from when Richtofen or 935 would have created them.

Zombies in Green Run, Nuketown, Ascension, Die Rise, all locations where Group 935 were not present, and zombies were still there. It goes beyond 935 in my opinion.

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We know that zombies are created by electrical stimuli from 115 reanimating previously non-functioning cells. Not magic.

Artificial zombie? Preposterous.

Group 935 started it all. 115 has since in the Black Ops II maps acted like a virus, spreading to all those locations. Also, Ascension Group bridged the gap in the '60's.

Just because a new discovery is made does not mean we throw out everything that we know to be fact. 13 Zombies maps with zombies from 115. A new map with something else. Instead you propose that the other THIRTEEN are the odd ones out.

If you want to continue to discuss this, then fine. But I won't be having any of it.

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Those 13 zombie maps all had evidence of 115, except maybe Ascension. Funny thing to mention about that is that there are zombie signs on the gates in Ascension like Der Riese. Did you mention that in your story?

I still don't understand the concept of 115 being airborne. I always thought in every map, that radiation from the meteors resurrected the bodies.

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Well like I said I've been under this impression since the end of Black Ops, when I wrote the 115 = Vril thread, it is not a new concept for me. Hence why I was not too surprised when MotD was dated before 935.

There is a reason that Vril, Aether, and all that has been tossed into the mix, and why element 115 connects directly to all of it. They are one in the same thing. Element 115 and it's powers is something much bigger than anything Group 935, or any other human organization, could have ever created.It is something that is literally, out of this world.

I've always been a supporter that Element 115 is not the sole reason for zombies, and now we have a map that seems to actually support this. This does not contradict any of the other maps. I've said that Element 115 is a way to create zombies, but it's not the only reason zombies can exist.

Lucifer put these mobsters through purgatory as a form of punishment. As a way to punish them while they're there, he uses the Aether energy to reanimate dead prisoners. Group 935 later uses this same Aether energy when first experimenting with 115 to create zombies. This is just how I see it.

I'm not trying to knock your thread, simply providing my input on the matter.

Change is the law of life my friend. We must embrace it, not fear it.

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Those 13 zombie maps all had evidence of 115, except maybe Ascension. Funny thing to mention about that is that there are zombie signs on the gates in Ascension like Der Riese. Did you mention that in your story?

I still don't understand the concept of 115 being airborne. I always thought in every map, that radiation from the meteors resurrected the bodies.

But wouldn't radiation necessarily mean that is could also be airbourne as well? I don't see it really causing one to turn into a zombie; rather, it is just dormant until the human dies. Once their cells are dead, the 115 that is within then would reanimate in the form of a catalyst. The trigger itself would be death. Hence, any form of death - whether zombie inflicted or not - would create the said zombies.

If I think that's true, then virtually any contact with 115 in such intensified amounts could make anyone susceptible of the after effects a.k.a. "zombification".

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What importance does "zombie signs" have?

Well, we know 115 has an airborne form. It's how it causes those alive to become paranoid. In fact, there was a page or two in this thread's discussion dedicated to it.

Shooter, you can try to argue that A equals B, but the fact that we have a definitive separation of A from B says otherwise. You would need some type of proof that A equals B, and of course none exists. You can have that theory, but there's not enough evidence to call that.

Infest, we can't say whether that is true or not. What we know is that the effect of 115 on someone that is alive is paranoia. The effect on someone that is dead is zombification. What you're saying is if a person once exposed to 115 will turn into a zombie in a sterile environment. I wouldn't think so, but there's not enough evidence to call, and to be honest it seems a silly point.

Monopoly Mac: rockets. Confirmed in Die Rise that 115 is widespread since the missiles fell.

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115 wasn't mentioned by name in Die Rise. It was called the contagion or something like that. Recall George Barkley? Die Rise proved that the entire world was now ravaged by zombies, and a contagion was in the air. How'd it get there? Rockets. What else? It's literally the defining factor of the future.

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I don't like it but current evidence does support it, I suppose.

So do we say that what's happening in Mob of the Dead is just the characters killing zombies in limbo or do we say that breaking the cycle actually changes history? I can't really tell what radio log is telling us. If it's Ferguson telling us what really happened or he's telling us what originally happened.

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If you listen to the Radios, Ferguson says he worked there until 1942 (I think that's right; I'd have to check), but he says the whole thing in the past tense. Also note the quality of the recording. Therefore I think that the recording was made by an older Ferguson beyond the '30's. Lucifer traps them in a sort of time loop, to repeat that night over and over, but they break the cycle by making the night end differently, changing history. And, since this is the prequel, that means that everything that is the zombies storyline occurs after this divergence. Who knows what would've happened if this cycle hadn't been broken? (Although I don't think it would've changed much.)

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New (confirmed [good enough for me, at least]) finds from PlayTheGame:

While I realize that the current lack of cooperation from Chicago's finest leaves us at something of a disadvantage, I find your latest report extremely troubling. The alliance that exists between our outfit and the north side gangs must be sustained, lest we face a repeat of February 19, 1929.

The answer is simple. No divorce. No matter what ideas Angelina may have about making a new life, she needs to understand that it's not going to happen. I didn't pluck her pretty little tush from chorus line obscurity just so she can turn around and screw me as soon as times get tough. No divorce. She can leave this marriage the day she leaves this Earth.

I know it's been a long time, but I wanted to write you, just so you know I'm doing well. It's been a long time coming, but I finally managed to make a success of myself in the city. Work's been good to me these last few years, so much so that I decided to take a bit of time off. I'll write you again when I get back to work... Maybe I'll even send you some pictures.

Enclosed are some more recent illustrations from my proposed comic strip, "Icarus from Mars". While I understand that you were less than enthusiastic about my previous submissions, I would urge you to look again with fresh eyes. Laid up in the hospital means I've had more time than ever to devote to my craft, and my artwork is improving by leaps and bounds. Eagerly awaiting your response, Albert Arlington.

EDIT: So, what does all this mean? When you couple PlayTheGame's transcripts of the codes with nayrc's transcripts of the deathbed audio, we get a lot of insight into the characters' backstory.

Sal was the boss of a gang somewhere near or in Chicago. He bribed the mayor and city officials. His gang was allied with another known only as "Chicago's finest", but there was tension. A violent incident occurred on February 29, 1929. Sal's once mighty empire began to face tough times, and no one came to his aid. Eventually, he was caught and thrown in prison. What was left of his empire fell into ruins due to people scrambling to replace Sal.

When Billy was a kid, his mom and dad worked hard to pay for expenses. His dad worked hard, but his mom turned to prostitution to pay the bills. Billy found out, and eventually, he let it slip. His parents split up forever. When he grew up and left for the city, he kept in touch with his parents, primarily his dad. After struggling for a while in the city, he ended up becoming successful as a hit-man, but he left that part out of his letters to his father.

Finn was a man that did illicit gambling, and he was very clever at it. He fell in love with a chorus girl named Angelina Bow and married her. The two became wealthy, and she became an actress. Then, hard times fell upon them that made it difficult to pay expenses. Tension between them builds. Angelina decides that they should leave, but Finn won't do it. She then decides to divorce him and leave the city without him. Finn refuses to let her go, so she tells the police about his crimes, and they lock him up in prison. Finn's heart is broken.

Al was a con man, and he made many shady deals to try to make a quick buck. He was, however, on the side, a comic book artist. One day, he got into an accident that allowed him more time in the hospital to work on his comic book. He made one illustration that he called "Icarus from Mars" and sent it to the Editor with high hopes. However, the Editor outright despised Al's idea and artwork. Al continued to do cons, but he was caught and thrown in prison.

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I didn't think that Element 115 became airborne until later, it basically mutated into a airborne version (which is entirely possible so please don't just say NO and give no proof as why it couldn't be). Element 115 was not stated to be at all airborne "UNTIL" Great Leap Forward. That is where we get the first mention that it can now also spread via airborne. It isn't far fetched that it originally was solid but over time mutated into a airborne version. It actually from my knowledge is how airborne viruses originate. They all had a liquid or solid form but mutated at some point to a airborne version. Where the mutation was born is not always known but I REFUSE to state that the virus could be airborne because logically if it was always a airborne virus then why didn't Maxis or Richtofen or anyone else become a zombie until after interactions with other zombies.

P.S. :P your welcome for the Perks sign ^.^ just like to know I contributed MMX cus helping you with this means a lot to me. ^.^

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It's funny how we get a very interesting special cast of characters in one map than we could ever learn about the N4 in two. :P

@Zelkova: I was talking to Mac, and an idea had struck me. Element 115 would not be mutated, but it could be altered if there was another property being involved. Is it possible that a new object is working in hand in Black Ops II alongside the 115?

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@Monopoly Mac: Agreed.

@Zelkova: Well, no. 115 has always been able to go airborne. That's how Maxis experienced paranoia when working on it in Der Riese. (The fact that it can cause paranoia was known LOOOOOONG before Die Rise.) This was documented in the Servant files. Saying that it mutated is like saying the all water was once ice and then mutated into liquid. We must remember that 115 is an element. A modular unit of 115 is a single atom. It is a fantastic element, yes, but it is just an element, not a virus, even if it is quite similar in nature. Also, Zelkova, you can only turn into a zombie if you're dead. If you are alive and exposed to 115, you will experience paranoia, among other things. And you've contributed far more than that.

@InfestLithium: Lol. I think that is because we will only get this group once. I really don't think so, simply because we haven't had any indication of an addition energy source in Zombies besides vril, and I really don't think it is vril. (Vril is found deep underground, not in the air.)

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Update; before:

P05.In the late 1920's to early 1930's, mobs were rampant in the United States. Salvatore "Sal" DeLuca was a mob boss who employed various types of people to fulfill the needs of his so-called empire built on alcohol, gambling, and prostitution. Some of the people he employed were Billy Handsome, who killed people violently and publicly for the boss, and Albert "The Weasel" Arlington, who was a con artist and a money-handler who had artistic inspirations. Michael "Finn" O'Leary was notable for being the only person who successfully conned the Weasel. Finn loved and was married to an actress named Angelina Bow. Around this time, Alcatraz Prison, Alcatraz Island, San Francisco, California, United States, was operational. Alcatraz held the worst behaved prisoners in the country. Lucifer took it upon himself to meddle in Alcatraz. Upon discovering Lucifer, the Warden of Alcatraz began to worship him and practice many satanic rituals. The Warden also imported a little bit of 115 to be used to manufacture a beverage. He called it a Perk-A-Cola, and the beverage was named Electric Cherry. Upon seeing this, Lucifer plucked other Perks that would be created in the future out of their respective times and placed them within Alcatraz, temporally displacing them.

P06.Sal, Billy, and the Weasel ended up getting caught and thrown in Alcatraz. Finn's wife, Angelina, told the authorities what he had been doing. So, Finn was locked up in Alcatraz as well, and his heart was broken. Lucifer then went even further. The Weasel was working on a comic book he hoped to publish one day. However, the Editor that he sent it to while in prison scribbled nasty remarks all over it. Out of frustration, the Weasel tore it into pieces. Lucifer saw this and formed a plan. In the future, he saw zombies being created. He plucked them out of their time and placed them within Alcatraz as well. The Warden locked them up away from the prisoners and warned them not to get too near the zombies. Meanwhile, most of the prisoners suffered various fates of torture, death, and ritual sacrifices throughout Alcatraz unless they behaved. The Warden also collected Civil War weaponry, and he made a heavily modified creation called the Blundergat that even came with a Acid Gat Kit that would infuse acid with 115 into it. In March 1933, the Nazi Party gained control of the country, turning the Weimar Republic into the Greater German Reich, or Nazi Germany. Richtofen wasn't able to be a back-alley surgeon from that point on due to the party's morals, so he joined the Nazi army to satisfy his obsession with death.


P05.In the 1910's, there was a kid named Billy Handsome. His dad worked hard to pay for expenses, but his mom secretly turned to prostitution to help pay the bills. Billy found out and eventually let it slip to his father. His parents then split up. In the late 1920's to early 1930's, Alcatraz Prison, Alcatraz Island, San Francisco, California, United States, was operational. Alcatraz held the worst behaved prisoners in the country. Lucifer took it upon himself to meddle in Alcatraz. Upon discovering Lucifer, the Warden of Alcatraz began to worship him and practice many satanic rituals. The Warden also imported a little bit of 115 to be used to manufacture a beverage. He called it a Perk-A-Cola, and the beverage was named Electric Cherry. Upon seeing this, Lucifer plucked other Perks that would be created in the future out of their respective times and placed them within Alcatraz, temporally displacing them.

P05B.Around this time, Salvatore "Sal" DeLuca was the boss of a mob in Chicago, Illinois, United States. He bribed the mayor and city officials, and his mob was allied with another known as Chicago's Finest. He built an empire based on gambling, alcohol, and prostitution. Billy Handsome, now a grown man, moved to Chicago to try to make a successful living. He kept in touch with his parents, primarily his dad. He struggled to find a living in the city until he became successful as a hitman for Sal's mob. He wrote letters to his parents, but he left out that his success was due to being a hitman. Albert "The Weasel" Arlington was a con man known by Sal's mob, and he made many shady deals to try to make a quick buck. He was also an aspiring comic book artist on the side. Michael "Finn" O'Leary illicitly gambled and was very clever. He fell in love with a chorus girl named Angelina Bow and married her. Finn and Angelina became wealthy through Finn's clever gambling exploits. Tension between Sal's mob and Chicago's Finest began to build when they hit hard times, and a violent incident occurred on February 29, 1929. Sal's mob began to suffer, and no one came to Sal's aid.

P05C.Albert went to the hospital because of some injuries he got. While in the hospital, he had more time to devote to his comic books. He made one called Icarus from Mars, and he sent it to the Editor in high hopes. The Editor vehemently rejected the proposed comic book, which hurt Albert greatly. So, Albert returned to his cons when he healed. Finn gained fame when he was able to score a con on the great con-artist, the Weasel. Angelina became a famous actress, but hard times fell upon Finn and her that made it difficult to pay expenses. Tension built between them. Angelina decided that they should leave Chicago, but Finn refused. She then decided to divorce him and leave Chicago without him. Finn refused to let her go, so she told the police about his crimes, breaking his trust and his heart.

P06.Finn was locked up in prison. Sal ended up getting caught by the authorities as well, and so did Billy and Albert. They all ended up in Alcatraz. While they were locked up, Sal's mob deteriorated into chaos. In the future, Lucifer saw zombies being created. He plucked them out of their time and placed them within Alcatraz. The Warden locked them up away from the prisoners and warned them not to get too near the zombies. Meanwhile, most of the prisoners suffered various fates of torture, death, and ritual sacrifices throughout Alcatraz unless they behaved. The Warden also collected Civil War weaponry, and he made a heavily modified creation called the Blundergat that even came with a Acid Gat Kit that would infuse acid with 115 into it. In March 1933, the Nazi Party gained control of Germany, turning the Weimar Republic into the Greater German Reich, or Nazi Germany. Richtofen wasn't able to be a back-alley surgeon from that point on due to the party's morals, so he joined the Nazi army to satisfy his obsession with death.

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