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Moon: Final Zombie Map?


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Can I just say how much I love Treyarch and how glad I am that they have finally given us what we want. XD

Ever since WaW we have been stockpiling evidence of a map on the moon, and every time my friends had said how stupid it would be. Showed them, huh?

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My guess for the present is that it will be the last zombie map for Black ops, MW3 for sure will NOT have Zombies.

My guess for the future is that "Black Ops 2" will in fact be "Call of Duty: Dead Ops" and it will blend the the GKnova6/MKUltra/Black ops storyline with the original Zombies/935/Vril storyline.

However if they do just go with a straight sequel to Black Ops then there WILL be some type of "Zombies" mode in the next 3Arc game.

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  • 4 months later...

I hope it's the last pack for the crew. In the next 3Arc game, maybe there'll be a new set of heroes. That'd be pretty cool :)

HOW DARE YOU! We know nothing of our heros now! I admit that the next zombie map should take place at a school that survived the big bang theory's blast, and as three students and a teacher, but tank, takeo Sam/richtofen, and nicolia are the greastest storyline ever, period ! Sam has to switch back with richtofen, tank must recover his memory, nicolia .... Has to do something..... And takeo must destroy group 935! Thennnnn you can start fresh but now now!

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Look the way I see it is that only a compleat IDIOT would stop zombies... They're making MILLION$ of the freiken franchise! There will be more zombies on cod 9, if not I will single( ok mabie not single) handedly start it up again by cod 11

no a complete idiot would contine making zombies till the point that it is not even fun anymore. to the point thats it a completely worthless mode that has been dragged out for forever. of course stopping it now while there is peak interest would be a stupid idea, but dragging out something for eternity is hell to those who once loved what it stood for.

Look at Shrek 1, it was a kind of decent film, and maybe one sequel was due. thats a maybe , however a third and fourth were far too excessive. it makes me wish shrek never existed.

the same logic can be applied to zombies.

also look at lost, was great at the end but had no where to go because it may have lasted longer than it shouldve, so it took a retarded exit out that upsetted a sh!t ton of fans.

so to reiterate i want it to continue, but. and thats a big but. but it has to end at some point. and then another project can come forward

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Ok. It has become apparent that nobody is putting that much research or thought into this, so I'm gona list the basics: #1: they are NOT ending the zombies franchise, that's just throwing millions of dollars away. #2 there will not be prequels, or different characters, tank, nicolai, and takeo are still the freiken best people you will ever play as, they might do what they did with "five" and call of the dead, and replace the characters for one map, but that's it! #3 group 935 has been dead for a while #4 richtofen is now in Samantha's body and Sam is in richtofen's they will likely switch back to their original bodys later on. #5 the next zombie map will probably not be in space. No we are not going to have "mars zombies" that's gay, the next zombie map will be on ruined earth, a part of earth that survived the blast, or another dimension such as areata or however you spell it.... And you hammer face.... Zombies is not worthless! It's fucking amazing! Especially for people who have awful lag, plus without zombies don't ya think freiken multiplayer would become the same freiken shit played over and over again? Literaly every cod will have that, but only trey arch will have zombies so shut your fucking mouth and learn some freikening logic.

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Der atzi, You need to relax. Take a deep breath or twelve. Now to address your statement.

1.You do not KNOW they are not ending the franchise. Yes it would be dumb, but then again when has potential stupidity stopped people from doing things?

2. Again you do not know that this will happen. It makes just as much sense to get a new group as it would to try and fix the old one. Why can there not be prequels? The Star wars saga made millions off of the prequel trilogy. As far as spin offs The Clone Wars saga also has gave them a nice profit, so why can zombies not do the same?

3. I am not highly informed on the stories finer details.

4. It is possible. Does not have to be likely though.

5. I do not see how mars zombies are homosexual. Aether is the word you were probably looking for.

(...And you hammer face...). He did not say it was worthless. He said he hoped it did not get dragged to the point of becoming worthless. Read more carefully next time. Freiken? I think you, sir, need to expand on your vocabulary. Also watch your tongue, there was no need at all to tell his to "Shut (his) fucking mouth and learn some freikening logic.) What even is freikening? Is that German?

Please stop the anger filled posts. Also please learn proper manners towards your fellow human beings and expand your vocabulary to contain more adjectives than "fucking", "frieken" , and "friekening". This would have been so much more acceptable if you replaced those words with "silly", "yellow" and "minty" respectively.

Thank you for your time, and remember if you do not have anything nice to say, do not say it at all.



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Whoawhoawhoa. Easy up y'all. We're all just cowboys on the wagon train of life. Yeehaw.

That said, everyone just chill. There's gonna be another round of zombies in your future, take it from me. I got this... I dunno, just this feel that I know I'm right about this. 8-)

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oh how I love the anger bound poster who can not read. I think this is the fourth one I've met. I even made sure to reiterate my point just for him on the chance he skimmed. I even made my "but" super large and bold to draw his attentntion. anyway thanks megafroman (if that is your real name), and fausty is knowledge incarnate.

@ Der atzi also I don't think anyone on here said anything about replacing the characters altogether only for a map or two. and if they wanted to so what, you'd still buy the map and so would all of us.

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Dont u think it would be cool if the next zombie map would be the three original characters along with Sam Maxis to go back in time to stop them from blowin up the Earth and continue Zombies from there? :geek:

I detest this idea. I'm not saying its bad that you came up with it, or that you're a horrible person so please don't get offended. It's like think about it, we go through all of this trouble to nuke earth and then what? We can just go back to fix it, so what was the point of having it happen in the first place.

sorry if that sounded mean.

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I would like to see 4 different characters [(Maybe 1 carry-over (Richtofen)], same story, just a different point of view of how the other characters got up to the point of when "Moon" takes place.

That would be cool to see.

what about post moon? like people who survived the nukes, and have to deal with a daily struggle to survive?

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I'm sorry it's been a very stressful month, didn't mean to snap.... God this is humiliating, and Nazi zombies is like one of the only things that helps me stay sane.... Especially nickolai and richtofen, amazing storyline, and generous amounts of pure creativity. Again sorry to snap I will try to refrain from this in the future, :(:(:( But I still think that mabie takeo or somebody finds a way to use the pyramid device to warp the crew to a time and place either before the explosion, or a place that survived, because we only know that the rockets destroyed the half of the earth we can see, we don't know about the other half. Oh and by the way I can feel it in my bones that arethure will be the last zombie map, or mabie new York, but I'm getting ahead of myself, let's make sure there will actually be more zombies before we make crazy predictions.

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I'm sorry it's been a very stressful month, didn't mean to snap.... God this is humiliating, and Nazi zombies is like one of the only things that helps me stay sane.... Especially nickolai and richtofen, amazing storyline, and generous amounts of pure creativity. Again sorry to snap I will try to refrain from this in the future, :(:(:( But I still think that mabie takeo or somebody finds a way to use the pyramid device to warp the crew to a time and place either before the explosion, or a place that survived, because we only know that the rockets destroyed the half of the earth we can see, we don't know about the other half. Oh and by the way I can feel it in my bones that arethure will be the last zombie map, or mabie new York, but I'm getting ahead of myself, let's make sure there will actually be more zombies before we make crazy predictions.

don't worry about it, we all go through this. skimming is a serious hazard on online forums, we need to spread awareness. and dont worry about the little time, if there is something super important jump on it, but if it isnt very important let it wait till you have enough time.

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