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what will be the special enemy???

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So, here begins another post in the "Call of the Dead theories" topic section by imaneagle lol. I just can't stop my brain!!!

So, down to business. Hopefully everyone reading this knows that call of the dead is based around a lighthouse, yes?

Every map for the last 5 maps has had a special round, devoted to a specific enemy other than zombies, so its predictable that these rounds will return in call of the dead. The question, however, is what "gifts" will they be bearing???

My guess is "diver" zombies. Back in the 60's, before the scuba gear was invented, I'm pretty sure they had the big metal suits, that can be seen in scooby doo and kinda look like rosie big daddys from bioshock. Here's some attributes I thorized up pretty quick.

Speed: relatively slow, but once in a while, there will be fast ones.

Dmg resistance: 3x health of normal zombie and are immune to grenades and claymores.

Goals: the divers main goal is to kill players, and will be assigned a random player. Once they down the player the will go for a randomly assigned perk, depending on what the average perk is. It will only take 2 kicks for the perk to ne gone.

So guys, hope you enjoyed another imaneagle call of the dead post.

Please post your ideas and leave feedback in the following posts.

Thanks, eagle.

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I hope they remove the perk stealing! It's really been bugging me, and it's why I usually play kino der toten rather then ascension. The monkeys get on my nerve and with the setting of the map it looks like they wont be coming back*whew* Hopefully they just keep it simple like hellhounds, I like it like that. I feel like they always wanna go above and beyond on everything and sometimes ruin it. The hellhounds alone are fine for me but I would like to see a new "special round" boss every map pack

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Personally, I think its gonna be a new sub boss... we've never had a snowy zombies map....

Normal maps- dogs

Inclosed map(five)- scientist

Ascension- monkeys

Call of the dead-

I think the name of the map kinda has to do with it... Ascension, monkeys flying into space, five... the american scientist turning

Uh, Call of the Dead... The telephone lady zombified that says numbers during the campaign... No, jk.

But if that was true she would CALL the dead, by shouting rare insults and alerting the hordes

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