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Everything posted by ImAnEagle

  1. I seemed to notice portals opening up beneath the player as they walked, could this be a power controlled by the zombie to affect the player, or does it affect the zombie only? I don't really like the idea of having to play as the human after you infect them. I feel like I'll be playing too much as a human in a game mode built around being a zombie.
  2. Haha, sorry about that. I always just call Green Run "Tranzit". But the map has been searched up, down, left, and right. Anything is believable now, because people are lowering their standards on how to accept a theory. I know I speak for everyone when I say I want to know the next step.
  3. We all know how it's been tweeted, referenced, and posted on here a ton. There is more to the easter egg. But from what I've seen from the multiple zombies devotees who are doing the easter egg, we're at a standstill. My guess is, we finish this when Tranzit 2 is out. We've seen the darkened portion of the map, we've seen the possible alternate bus, now we wait. I'm sure 3arc will throw it in somewhere, and I'm fairly positive we'll see that second bus. I'm thinking this second bus will be driven by a familiar character, maybe one of the O4. Tell me what you think in the replies: Tranzit 2, real or not?
  4. While listening to "Carry On" again, a certain phrase caught my attention... "Seeking out those with the voice." Hmmm...
  5. In the multiplayer trailer you can see the player throwing a knife that then shock the surrounding opponents. I could definitely see 3arc implementing this into zombies as a sort of wonder weapon, a mobile wunderwaffe if you will. When upgraded, it increases the blast radius. I dunno. My mind was trailing. And yes, I'm back, hopefully for a long time.
  6. I kinda think the perk machines could be just a figment of the gangs imagination, working as a sugar pill... Think about it. In the crazy world they live in where they're part of the last dozen people alive, they're mind is no doubt going to play tricks on them. What if these "drinks" are really just hallucinations and the gang's minds are set to believing they just took something that will increase they're performance. I know it's a VERY long shot, but worth a thought.
  7. I'm up for it I've DLC pack 1 and 4(Ascension and Moon) Xbox players wanted GT: GhostxNoble I haven't a mic though :(
  8. I do see how that could be griffin station... The big part of the "paw" being the biodome, the 2nd largest part of it being the start area, and the two smaller dots to it's left and right, tuneel 6 and tunnel 11. Back on the matter of the moon, they could've thrown a few silent patches in here and there. I know this sounds crazy, but they could have gradually increased the size of the moon through multiple patches. EDIT:Didn't mean to copy exactly what you just said about the biodome and all didn't see that part on my first scroll through
  9. After being away from zombies for about a month or so, I realized something yesterday. It seems that the moon(on any maps where the moon is viewable) has grown bigger. Now, I have poor memory, but I sure don't recall the moon on ascension taking up a quarter of my screen...(the size of the moon may be exaggerated by me) I also played on NDU yesterday, and noticed the moon takes up almost a third of the horizon line. Some of you may remember a post I made about the moon on Der Reise disappearing. I haven't played on COTD in ages, so if another member could check for anything curious involving the moon, that would be great. Also, has anyone else noticed 3arc has been giving alot of attention to things in the air? Things such as Rockets, landers, Being on the moon, asteroids, Aether, FLYtrap, Missiles, eclipses, water geyser, things like that. It makes me wonder what's going on in their minds... P.S. Welcome to the year of Black Ops 2
  10. After being away from zombies for about a month or so, I realized something yesterday. It seems that the moon(on any maps where the moon is viewable) has grown bigger. Now, I have poor memory, but I sure don't recall the moon on ascension taking up a quarter of my screen...(the size of the moon may be exaggerated by me) I also played on NDU yesterday, and noticed the moon takes up almost a third of the horizon line. Some of you may remember a post I made about the moon on Der Reise disappearing. I haven't played on COTD in ages, so if another member could check for anything curious involving the moon, that would be great. Also, has anyone else noticed 3arc has been giving alot of attention to things in the air? Things such as Rockets, landers, Being on the moon, asteroids, Aether, FLYtrap, Missiles, eclipses, water geyser, things like that. It makes me wonder what's going on in their minds... P.S. Welcome to the year of Black Ops 2
  11. Thompson without a doubt. On Der Reise, you could have that by round 4 and could be milking trains before the need to pack a punch arises.
  12. I have rounds 20+ on some maps, I think Ascension is one(I know, I suck D:). Anyways, I have absolutely no way to provide proof of this, so if an associate of codz could add GhostxNoble and check my rounds, that'd be great
  13. Hey guys, it's me(I'm back ) Anyways, I was playing on Der Reise yesterday, and I was pretty bored with the crawler, so I decided to do flytrap. It was around that time that I realized the moon was gone. So is this normal now, or not? Because frankly, I can't tell.
  14. Sorry, all. I was in a angry/ depressed mood that day. DOn't know why I felt the need to be a dick. I really apologize, because I had the capacity to hold my thoughts, but for some reason I didn't. Please dont hate me :(
  15. ARE PEOPLE RETARDED Team Deathmatch is a common gametype in many games. Just because it says Team Deathmatch, it doesnt make it a call of duty game. SECOND, Iron Wolf? Really? Treyarch NOR Infinity Ward would be so stupid as to give their game a name only a 12 year old could love. AND THIRD It even says T6 in the picture and has a picture of a terminator. WHAT WOULD T6 EVEN STAND FOR? GOD DAMN
  16. Okay well I know it might not be the best theory, can someone who has time on their hands please try this? Complete the Ascension easter egg and when Sam whispers "Come find me", look at the Moon. It might do something, or it might not. Thanks to any and all who try this, I just started high school and have a lot on my mind and hands.
  17. Okay well I noticed on the poster(as many others did) that Der Riese is spelled incorrectly. But then today I watched the trailer and its spelled correctly. People had a bunch of theories and stuff about the misspelling, but this is just, BLAAAA WHATS GOING ON THIS CONFUSES ME
  18. Okay, I know there is a debate on what the order of the maps are, but I think(and feel like I know) that the last 2 maps are Moon and Ascension, but I do not know the order. I say this because in Ascension, Richtofen is in a Space Suit(DUHHHH). Now that we know about MOON, we know why he's in it. We just don't know when they happen. I think Ascension is the last map, and it introduces the new zombie heroes quite nicely(?). We have the guys from Shangri La and Gersch and Yuri. END THEORY
  19. Okay well we all know that to access the pack a punch in Ascension you have to Launch the rocket. We also all know that the rocket destination was most likely the moon, due to the amount of 115. So now, what if that rocket plays a part in MOON? I think it would be cool that once you reach a certain part, or maybe evern from the start, that you can explore the rockets remnants and such.
  20. Okay first I noticed some zombies(?) have astronaut helmets on. I put the question mark because in pictures I noticed that all of the zombies have no suit. This means our heroes our in the astronaut suit. I also noticed that one helmet is shattered. In space, you need a helmet to stay alive. I think this broken helmet symbolizes death for our gang. Second THE ZOMBIES ARE FLOATING WHICH MEANS WE CAN EITHER FLOAT OR JUMP HIGH Third A part of Earth seems to be blowing up, or something. It looks like its around the Washington, D.C. Area, too :shock: FOURTH In the description on the Call of Duty website, it says the map will feature a new perk which will triple the zombie experience. I dunno, but I think its referring to a perk that will triple points. /END POST
  21. Yes back on topic I think they will include some multiplayer skins. It's been rumored that MW3 will have customization of character ON PAR with Halo: Reach. That's A LOT of stuff. So I think it would be cool if they threw in that Ghost uniform. And some others : "Cliffhanger" MacTavish: You play as MacTavish in the same outfit he wore on the Hangar raid- Arctic Maps Only Shadow Company Mercenary: Play as a mercenary from Sheperd's Shadow Company-Desert and Urban levels only- Great for clans Corporal Dunn- Play as "Of their own accord" Dunn- Urban levels only- Description: HOOOOOLY SHIT! Weapon Skins: White Tape: The "fantastic" White Tape camouflage, as seen on the MW2 Museum level "Just Like Old Times" Black Vector: The illusive Black, silenced Vector used on the mission "Just Like Old Times" This perk I've had in my brain for a while, not the right spot, buut I'll just throw it out SOPMOD: Lets you have 3 attachments on your primary.
  22. The strap says living dead. I shit you not. http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Pentagon_theif Read the trivia. I'm the one who posted that tidbit on the strap Seriously I'm not kidding though. Living Dead.
  23. MASSIVE CUSS DROP INCOMING You're not going to come into MY THREAD, DISRESPECTING MY IDEAS. If so, GET THE FUCK OUT, FUCKER. I obviously have more brains than you, and not to sound like a douche, but that puts me in dominion. You're not gonna march in here and call me a fool and a disrespectful fuck, got it? I pay for all of my own games, dipshit, and my mom died in a house fire when I was 7. Bet you feel like an inconsiderate shit now, don't you? I don't beg to my dad to get me games. SO LEARN SOME SHIT BEFORE YOU COME MARCHING IN MY THREAD, FUCKER. YES, YOU JUST GOT TOLD BY a 14 YEAR OLD WHO KNOWS HOW TO SPELL BETTER THAN YOU, YOU DUMBASS.
  24. Great post, but just so we're all clear here, it's called a Masonic Eye.
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