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  1. On 8-4-2018 at 4:20 AM, RadZakpak said:

    Say hello to Chapter 9 of Book 1, Novus Ordo Seclorum: http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/story/book1ch9


    This chapter is from the perspective of a little seen and little heard from character: Doctor Schuster. I really enjoyed fleshing out his personality some and showing Richtofen's downfall from an outside perspective. On that note, if you are a fan of my work and Richtofen's downfall, check out my thread on that subject here if you haven't already: http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/topic/185493-the-tragical-history-of-the-life-and-death-of-doctor-richtofen/?tab=comments#comment-1766150

    I liked this chapter very well and good that you've linked your Richthofen's Downfall post here as well. I don't think we got a chapter ever before on which that topic can be applied that much. Schuster's memories of the believed to be dead Doctor Richthofen are in contrast with the Richthofen who arrives in Der Riese later that day. I think it is fair to say that the real Richthofen actually did die after being teleported to the Moon.

  2. I had a Sunday morning hangover-->saw a new chapter of the Storybook was released-->cooked an egg, laid back on the sofa and began to read. Once again a nice job. The wall writing part kinda reminds me of a scene in the Crystal Skull. And Richthofen's mind for the first time obey the Apothican voices: the beginning of his downfall into madness. I like the psychologic aspect behind this chapter.


    About Schlaukopf, can't you put that chapter later in the Storybook? To scrap it completely seems a bit bummer to me

  3. Niiiiceee! I really look forward to these! Trouble in Khe Dang is an unexpected one. It is related in some way with the BO mission S.O.G. and the Pentagon outbreak, I guess? Also, is the mining town of Jeb Brown in/near Groom Lake, Nevada (at least, I guess so with the 115 mine). That would be pretty interesting, and I'm also curious how you will describe Jeb's "angels/mysterious forces".


    A question: Have "Night of the Undead", "Extraction at the Asylum" and "Call of the Dead" multiple chapters? Because otherwise they could easily be put in Book 1 & 2. Anyways, if you ever need information of something (e.g. a detailed description of an Easter Egg, a explanation for something you cannot think of any, etc) just ask the community.


    I look forward to it!

  4. Nice work. I am fund on the whole Cold War admosphere that the story gives, the hints to Broken Arrow and even quite some Black Ops campaign references. Also nice done with the conspiracy stuff, about Griffin Station, Groom Lake and the times of the US and SU governments with former Nazi technology.


    Btw, a lovely 2018!

  5. Yeah, its all fixed now. BTW, about Book 2: I know Blundell kinda changed the BO1 story a bit by introducing Richthofen's diary in Der Riese and Ascension, in the timeline, and removing Richthofen's space outfit in ZC Ascension. My personal opinion: Keep your Book 2 the way it currently is. I like your story and reason why Ultimis travels to the Ascension cosmodrome more than Blundells reason. Keep it to Zielinski's story, and keep Richthofen wear the space suit. In short: Dont change anything in your Book 2.


    And would you mind adding the FIVE chapters to the Storybook pages?

  6. w00t w00t! A new chapter! You cant even imagine how happy I always am when a new part of the story is released. I post this comment just on impuls after reading of your update, so I haven't read the update yet, but I'll definately will. @Mods: the teleport button in the book still show the old chapters, while when clicking on "next chapter", you get the new chapters. 


    I also just thought about how huge this project actually is. The story of a very popular game (mode), with countless followers/players, being described in the formaat of a book. Not just an informative book, but a real nice to read story. One with characters with interesting characterisms, one with jokes, one with complete descriptions of the environment and atmosphere, and one in which we get a view in the heads of the characters. And that while all what you write is either canon or described in such way that it could be canon. If you dont mind, I'm going to try to make contact with Treyarch. I'm sure the zombie developers would be very proud on their creation when reading your CoDZ Tales.


    Keep up the good work, and dont make my words hurry you. Work on it when you feel like.

    • Like 1

    Hey everyone, really long time no see. I have good news and bad news. The good news is, despite the hiatus, I am not giving up on this project. Honestly, I think about potential story threads and character encounters all the time. But, with every yin, there is a yang, and the truth is I am overwhelmed with school work more so than previous semesters, and for that reason the hiatus will probably continue. It seems worrying that I have not released a full chapter since July 26th, if you could even count that Monty intro as a full chapter. But there is a multiverse chapter centered around Takeo that I did some work on during a short bout of free time, but I have had very little of it since to finish it.


    I hate to just pop in, empty-handed, to say that I'm busy again. So I will leave you with some behind-the-scenes preliminary stuff I've written that will hopefully spark some interest in the project again. As always, criticisms and suggestions are encouraged. Better to get them out now than after I've already written them I suppose.


    First I present a rough draft of the first chapter of Honor's Suffering. It is meant to tell Takeo's story at Division 9's Island facility right up until the events of Zetsubou No Shima. You will notice it ends very abruptly because I had to go to class and never got around to finishing it. So note this is a first draft and partially incomplete.


    This is the outline for chapters 1-7 of Honor's Suffering, going into detail on the plot of each chapter. I was really looking forward to writing this one and hope to at some point soon.


    Here is the outline for the first 8 chapters of Book 3. I wrote these out when I was really invested in Victis' story, and I really did look forward to expanding on them since they are not characterized in the game very well and I have a lot of freedom to take them where I want.


    Here is the outline for all 45 chapters of Book 1 after chapter 7. Yep, I planned that far ahead. These are fairly basic but that is mostly because I based it around the events of the timeline.


    I also have the last set of chapters for Book 4 planned out in detail. Why am I not showing them here? Well, they're too awesome to be shown as just an outline. I think the experience would be spoiled if I just revealed what I had planned for them as they have me very excited. So maybe a while down the road when I get around to Book 4 and get to the end, I will be able to write out those chapters.


    Anyway, I hope this all made up for the hiatus, just a little bit. I am not giving up on this project. I am already too invested. Let's just hope Treyarch's next game doesn't flip everything I think I know upside down again

    Whoa, those stories are really pretty. The Honor's Suffering storyline is very good: The emphasis lays on horrific experiments, the abuse of nature and questionable ethics. I also like the fact that this story is merely something small that happened in the Grand Scheme of the Zombie Story, yet you have worked it out and created a true story of it. 


    The story of Victis is epic as well: I like it how it starts with "some zombies on the street" which turns out to be a global apocalypse later. Something that you have not mentioned, but you might want to add in a chapter as side information, is the breakdown of Earth's governments, facilities, etc (chaos in the UN HQ, floods in coastral areas, people who fled to islands, megacities (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megacity) that are overrun by the undead, military performance that fails, etc). On the other hand, not talking about it gives the story a pretty neat "Mystery" and "Ignorance" feeling: The survivors have lost all contact with the rest of the world and are really on their own now. 


    I am in the last grade of pre-university education: My activity on the site is decreased as well. The year turns out to be harder then I initially thought, but I also like it because after 6 years, the entire class became a really close group. Anyway, good to hear from you Rad, and good to know the story is still WIP. And remember, there is no obligation: Work on it only when you feel like.


    Alot of luck!

  8. Great! I like it how Monty's story summarizes the events happened prior, in Book 1, 2 and 3. In this way, Book 4 will continue the Anthagony excellently.


    Oh, one small request. In the old chapter of Extraterrestrial, the Apothicans in Richthofen's head say "Coming home". That quote gave me the chills, really. Would you mind putting that quote back into it? Furthermore, awesome work as always, Rad

    • Like 1
  9. I had a very good read. I am really fund on the scientific explanations (elemental composition from radiation of an element holding 115 protons) and that part about their school years. Was fun. Looking forward to a next chapter, does not matter what book. I am curious to any story (Ultimis, Victis, Primus, etc). What book do you feel like working on the most?

  10. 3 hours ago, RadZakpak said:

    I swear I googled the average male weight and that's what it was, since I don't know metric well. I probably read the number backwards or something.


    As for Mississippi, that is definitely a part of it, and also I wanted to illustrate the diversity of Group 935 when it began.


    Yeah well, 84 kg could very good be the average weight for men. For women I think its like 65 kg. What's an average weight in pounds?

  11. 9 hours ago, LadyXombie said:

    He PAP'ed his weapon(Thompson, I think) shortly before throwing the grenade. And as long as you were currently holding the PAP'ed gun, throwing a grenade worked the same as shooting it.

    Did not know that. Thank you

  12. Ah, I admire you for seeing the recent changes in the storyline as a challenge, and continue the good work. In my opinion, even better work. The last word in Chapter 3: Hilda, so well thought! I also love the fact that Vril is mentioned already, and I certainly hope it will be mentioned more in the future. Two points:


    >A test subject having the weight of 48 kg. I know the early 20th century were rough times, but isn't that a little too light? I think an average human weights like 70-80 kg.


    >A scientist from rural Mississippi? Since you are from there too, it cannot be coincidence...a little Easter Egg?



    • Like 1
  13. On ‎9‎-‎4‎-‎2017 at 1:18 AM, RadZakpak said:

    Oh hi I didn't see you there. Hey, while you're here, I've got a new chapter of Attack on the Pentagon. Where? Oh, on the storybook section of the site, right here.


    As the four VIPs enter the laboratories hidden away beneath the Pentagon, they discover dark secrets hidden away from the world for decades, and they continue their efforts to contain the outbreak, and to warn the world of the terror waiting to be unleashed.


    Also I have fixed some grammar issues with chapter 1, and updated a discrepancy regarding the DEFCON level of the Pentagon. Plus I changed the film reel narrator in book 2 chapter 16 voice back to Maxis since that whole debacle was resolved and it turns out I am not crazy. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoys this chapter. I leave you with these words of wisdom:


    "Stay cool, hippies!" - Richard M. Nixon, 1963

    I somehow missed this. Great chapter!

  14. Awesome work @RadZakpak! Awesome ending too. Do you have in mind to make a story about the thing going on in-game in SoE too, or is that something our own imagination should work out? Perhaps you can shortly talk about them in your "Origins-Revelations" book.


    And to @InfestLithium, in the end Jack Vincent says: "“Lucky me, I guess. Get rid of him. No investigation". Perhaps they quickly lay the body of the reporter in that shop untill they found a good hiding location, just so he is gone from the street. Although no one in Morg City seems to really care about one dead person

  15. On ‎28‎-‎2‎-‎2017 at 0:05 AM, RadZakpak said:

    Chapters 4 and 5 of Whispers of Morg City are now up on the site. Chapter 4: "Marketplace" is here. Chapter 5: "The Order" is here.


    After weeks of becoming acclimated to Morg City's night life, the young Californian reporter discovers a strange disease corrupting the people of Waterfront District, and sets out to find answers on its origins.


    Thanks for reading everyone! Things have been very busy for me lately and they don't seem to be slowing down. Hopefully Spring Break will give me some more time to write.

    Nice. The atmosphere is really good is these two chapters. Gives me the creeps. And I just realize that those pods/fungus are the first Apothican creatures (excluding zombies) we see in the story, aren't they?

  16. You said the whole reporter/Morg City stuff takes place in 1944, while in fact, it is in 1942.


    In this post, @Tac explains that promotional material for Shadows of Evil has stated that the map is a 1940s world.  Additionally, the only year in the 1940s in which April 10th falls on a Friday (as seen on the Snapchat promotional material) is 1942.

  17. 10 hours ago, RadZakpak said:

    So I took a look back at Book 1 of the anthology, and was shocked to find that in my word processor I only filled out 52 pages. In comparison, I have filled out 92 pages for Book 2, and I'm not even halfway done. This makes me feel I have skimped a lot of good info with Book 1 and would like to go back at some point and further flesh it out.


    I would like to know what everyone here would like to see further expanded in Book 1? Some ideas I thought of were perhaps bringing up Richtofen's involvement with the Illuminati (Which would do wonders filling in that gap between 1939 and 1945 in the first group of chapters). I also ask if you guys feel there should be chapters explaining things like the Vril-Ya, the Aether, the Keepers/Apothicons, etc., or would that be too much for an introduction to the story when these elements won't even show up until future books.


    So yeah, let me know if you have any ideas for chapters or how I should further expand on certain characters. Because Book 1 is before the games I don't have a whole lot to work with outside the radios.



    I have thought about the possible fact that the Illuminati are the Apothicans. You know, with Richthofen's "deal" with the Shadowman. An idea that has to less prove to be proved, but perhaps an idea. The Illuminati for sure is an interesting topic. I love the Apothican voices in Richthofen's head you sometimes mention, really well done those. But the whole Apothican and Keeper stuff was discovered by Richthofen only after Origins. In WaW and BO1 there is actually very little mentioned about them. Perhaps you could briefly mention them when Maxis (or perhaps Richthofen) is investigating them. Or the invention of the VR-11 using Vrill energy (I believe). The research to the "Hollow Earth"/Agartha/Aether. I believe you have already mentioned the three Vimana's. Tunguska. The Nazi expeditions to the Poles in order to find Agartha, and that kind of stuff.


    Maybe you can talk a bit more about the secret research stuff of Maxis which Richthofen finds in the safe in Der Riese in Book 2. Or perhaps you could talk more about the stations Group 935 sets up, like Kino der Toten and Shangri La (or perhaps you would rather keep them secret and introduce them in Book 2, discovered by Richthofen.


    Overal, it is logical that Book 1 is shorter, because the only information you got about that are some theories and the radio's. Book 2 you base on the game features, the map layout, and practically everything Treyarch gave us.

  18. 11 hours ago, RadZakpak said:

    Chapter 14: "Kino der Toten" is now up on the site here. Our crew finds themselves twenty years in the future, fending for their lives in an abandoned theater used by Group 935. What horrors will they uncover in their quest to escape the Theater of the Damned?


    This is my favorite chapter yet and probably the longest one. Hope everyone enjoys, it was a labor of love.

    Love it. You describe this map and the horrors within just as perfect as you did with the previous 2 maps.

  19. 28 minutes ago, InfestLithium said:

    Question about Chapter 12:


    fFor the Fly Trap to activate, didn't it take a PaP'ed weapon to start the event? I could be wrong though since I only remember the BO remastered classic maps...not sure if a grenade worked in WaW.

    I was wondering the same. Dempsey uses a grenade, although I believe his weapon is not PAP'ed, so even if he shoots the trap does not work.

  20. He is working on this for a while now, and its great to see every week or something, the book gets updated with a new chapter. What I think is very well done are the characters. Richthofen is a crazy intelligent psychopath (and the leader of the group), Takeo is the only sane and wise one (I really wonder where @RadZakpak gets all these wise quotes and proverbs from), Nikolai the vodka addicted communist, and Dempsey the brutal hard-language guy. Even the relations between the characters (such as between Richthofen and Nikolai) are done very well.

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