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Everything posted by anonymous

  1. I wasnt a zombie player in the WaW/BO1 age. Its sad to hear it was once more fun, but at the other hand, Im glad I didnt experienced it. I dont miss anything, because Im used to the new maps. However, with the newest maps I think our actions are always too preconditioned. Take SoE for example, you always have to do the beast things first, and after that the rituals. In DE, almost everybody first do the dragon heads, then making the bow and DG-4, and after that some other things. We do always the same, not like the BO2 days (and probably BO1 and WaW too) when we tried every match an other stragedy.
  2. Multiplayer and zombies have many connections and multiplayer has many zombie refering easter eggs in it. However, if these are here just for fun or if it means more, I dont know.
  3. Good one, thought this was about the Wolf King. Didnt even thought it could be about the O4.
  4. Just like in Kino. There were also paper bags there which (probably) didnt do anything. Maybe Treyarch saw us trying to do anything with those things to find an EE, and learned from it: "If they did it then, then will do it now too, with a result this time."
  5. I like it. Good to see the N4 back and No moon --> floods, havent thought about that. Could be something Treyarch actually takes account of. One question, are the buildings old/Japanese/wood or modern?
  6. Yeah, I dont think Samantha is dead. Nightmare Voyager made a theory of Samantha being in Shangri La and Maxis on moon in this universe. If thats true, Richthofen killed Maxis instead of Samantha (remember this is an other Maxis then the one from Origins for who is set up a beacon in The Giant). But was it Richthofens plan to kill Samantha?
  7. Haha, thanks, Tranzit is my favourite map, so it had to do something with that
  8. Thanks guys. I will nominate @NaBrZHunter and @Tac for helping many nembies (including myself) with the story. Beside you guys say welcome to everybody, you explain the most complicated things and made great theories lately (however, I also read amazing theories from some others, so if you made a good theory, feel attrackted). A guy named @Difintel also helped me with some very complicated things, but sadly, he isn't online last time. Hope to see you soon, mate, if you continue like you did last month, I will nominate you too.
  9. Yeah its weird. Im gonna try it an other day (since I dont have bo3) with some friends. If it happens again, I make a video or picture of it
  10. Thanks friend, I really appreciate this. I never thought of a profile picture, but now you remind me, I'll get one. And if I want to nominate someone fot UotM, should I only look to this month, or to the whole year?
  11. I played this map split screen with some friends and something strange happened. I was doing the ritual at the docks (it was the 3th or 2th ritual), together with someone else, the two others were outside. The one with which I did the ritual was down, and I was running trains to get away of the keepers. Suddenly, a symbol came on my screen, for a very short time (0,5-1 second). It was the symbol with the 3 arrows aiming right. Did this happened to someone else once?
  12. Same for me, I just made an account to post a topic about the derailed train in Tranzit, and well.... Now I am checking this site almost every day.
  13. If all your songs are like this one, you really should.
  14. Awesome, didnt know you made songs like this yourself. Great lyrics
  15. Could the Prime world, the world with the house with children, be Agartha, the central world?
  16. Yeah, I refered to your theory, good one. When I saw the background of Samantha on the new moon loading screen, I immediately thought of Shangri La too.
  17. Just found out what Dempsey in the der Eisendrache trailer truly means with: "suicide mission", he is gonna kill himself, from an other dimension. Anyway, great explaination. It fills up some dark spots which I never understood from the zombie story for me.
  18. yeah I meant that one about the parralel worlds. I thought it was found in the Giant, but it could be also in SoE
  19. I also dont think Samantha is dead. However this is an other universe then the Nacht.....Burried one, it seems the same thing happened: Richthofen traps Samantha and Maxis in the teleporter and teleports them away. It would be logical if Sam is in the MPD and Maxis in Shangri La (just like in the other timeline), however, Treyarch loves to play games with us so there could happened anything: The coordinates of the teleporter could be different, or Sam teleported to Shangri La and Maxis to the MPD (there is a theory about that). You also need to know the Origins Universe is an other then the the giant/DE universe. That means that there is beside the Samantha and Maxis who were in the teleporter, also an other Samantha and Maxis somewhere.
  20. Welcome to the site, nice to see new people. Hope you enjoy!
  21. Thanks, I know very little about the story behind der Eisendrache, I even didnt knew Maxis was there.
  22. On that note from the Giant you see 4 coordinates. One leads to Volgograd (former Stalingrad) and the other to that island in the Pacific Ocean, but where do the other 2 leading to?
  23. Ah, I understand, didn't know it was a portal. But I still dont understand why her room is in an 115-investigating base in a castle.
  24. Welcome to the site! And? Do you like zombies? I dont have bo3 so I cant help you with the Easter Egg, but I hope you have much fun and find some others who can help you to do it. O, and if you still have bo1, you really should play Kino. No huge easter egg, but great admosphere and map.
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