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Black Hand Smith

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Status Updates posted by Black Hand Smith



    1. PINNAZ


      Well. Congratulations. Why are you telling us?

    2. Tac


      That's awesome, but like PINNAZ said, why?

    3. NaBrZHunter


      If it's not Brains....I can't say I put much stock in its value. 

  2. New years Special Reveal


    Black Hand Smith presents


    The Fountain of Worlds [Concept]


    There is a place in the center of the Multiverse. A castle as old as time itself that acts as a gateway to every single reality in existence. The castle is sacred and holds a ancient relic that keeps the Multiverse in Balance. The fountain of worlds. The waters that flow from this fountain cross each and every dimension. They say if you look into the waters you can see glimpses of other worlds. However the Fountain is Corrupted. The castle, in a Siege. For you see an Ancient Demi-God now plans to control all of creation using his army of the Living Dead. Black Eyed shadows of their Former selves and an array of hellish creatures hand crafted by him. Now the Gods, Kings and Queens, Deities and Legends of the Multiverse are left powerless to stop HIM. All seems lost but a Single Woman has a Plan. She is the Oracle of Dreams and using her Magic she calls out across all the Worlds to summon Heroes to her aid. Will her heroes be able to stop the Demi God? Or will the Fountain remain corrupt and the Multiverse conquered? Reunite with old faces from the past and get to know new faces from the future. 



    Coming December 31st 2015

  3. So Apparently the Ending to SOE has been found and Holy Shit. This is turning out just like my Map concept Historia. 


    Read Historia. It's about a Man hidden in shadows that instructs a group of survivors into powering up a glowing Orb known as The Key to Historia. This key is then Taken to the Remnants of Der Riese in order to Power Die Glocke allowing the survivors to Transverse Time and Space

  4. Sorry, I got too busy playing a bunch of new games I haven't had the chance to do Christmas posts and that power outage a week ago set me back alot. So instead of doing 24 christmas Posts I am going to post as much as I can this whole month. Instead of 24 Posts. 

  5. The new update is crap. Any new content I post will most definitely be buried under the amount of comments that have become mingled in the stream. 



    1. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      It includes a lot but it doesn't mean it's crap. It's different yes but change is never received with thanks, usually scepticism.


      Trust me, I've been using it for nearly 6 weeks and it does become easier to use and when you customise it, you will not have content lost.

  6. The POWER!!!!

    THE POWER!!!!!!!!!!!





    But first.....Let us finish this little game....


  7. The second christmas post is up

    The Colour out of Space theory is Today's New Post!

    Come back tomorrow for a New Post!

  8. Who are you?

    We are no one....

    Nothing wills stand in our way

    We will finish what TH3 HURTL0CK3R started

    There were stories about what happened

    It's true.....all of it

    TH3 AR3

    The PlaytheGamers

    They're real.....

    The Future.Proof

    It's are calling to you

    Just let it in


    1. NaBrZHunter


      Really, mate? lol :biggrin:

  9. Wow. Just spent the past week playing a shit ton of videogames and watching star wars. Currently working on a Star Wars Parody which i will post on the forums soon. I have not forgotten about the new years special in fact it's almost done. 


    By almost done I mean, I only have the intro and the idea of how the concept will work and have yet to write down anything else but the basics.


    Soon this beautiful community will be United once more

    and the Zombie Slayers will cover the WEB!

    AAHHH what a glorious day that will be for you!

    You will be the heroes that have saved the entire community!




    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      For some reason I read that in maxis's voice....

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Which makes even LESS sense as that quote is from richtofen.

  11. " what is this? NOOOO! this is much worse than before!! To think that mt endeavors have led me to be trapped in this accursed bear!!! DAMN YOU MAXIS!"

  12. #die glocke

    1. Delta



    2. Naitrax



      Why would you tell Glocke to die?

  13. 1 more hour in the BallPit

  14. 13 days left till the first Christmas countdown post. Lots of work to do. I can't wait.

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      You have a countdown until a count down…. Don't be ABC BHS… DO NOT BE ABC….

    2. Black Hand Smith

      Black Hand Smith

      How about this...I will countdown from 8 days till the 5 day countdown for the 25 day countdown for christmas in whicn the 5 day countdown for new years begins

    3. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      You are way beyond ABC and you need help…

  15. 18 more days give or take, then I can finally release my final linear Zombies map Rebirth.....Then when that's over I can start Extinction Maps and a new story

  16. 2 posts will be up tomorrow. One will be the final chapter of SATZF. and the second will be a christmas themed short story . as for Dec 25 lets just say it's something that I should have released a Long time ago

  17. 4 nostalgic locations ......one final destination....

  18. 6 Days.... 26 Topics....Can smith finish all this in time for December first? Or will Christmas be ruined once again by Ab- err I mean the Grinch

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      Does this mean I'm rudolf? Or Frosty? Personally I'd see myself as more of a frosty sort of person….

  19. 709 posts and 709 profile views....no one else will ever see those stats

  20. A 5 nights at Freddy's animatronic concepts....hmmm I might add that to my calendar for december

  21. A little blast from Ptg's past. Behold my first post ever. Unedited and intact. Posted somewhere between die rise and Motd. Now on Codz. Readers can decide if I should remaster it

  22. About to post Samanther and the zombie factory chapter 3.....suddenly windows begins confirguring and the page closes ......FAAAAA CK

  23. Actually on second thought. I will only make one short Post today. (I'm Busy Cooking Christmas Dinner)

  24. Actually...I'm gonna save that for the 19th

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