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Black Hand Smith

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Status Updates posted by Black Hand Smith

  1. Oh God...today is the Co-op reveal. Some people actually think it's Exombies..... "Face-palm"

  2. Ok I got a New Name. The Hobbit: The Defecation of Smug

    1. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      The hobbit: An unexpected parody

  3. Ok I went fron 42 to 44 Brains and I don't know where those brains came from. The brains can't breed Alan they are all female

    1. BennetsGreen


      life.. uh.. finds a way....

  4. Ok so I just found the best name for my space adventure campy like classic movies....Galactic Zombies....ATTACK! Listen to the lifeseeker song bh the same name

  5. Ok so soon there will be new enemies added into the Alpha and Omega maps that I just got the idea for after playing arcade games at D&B. A new hidden plot has been added into Alpha and Omega which I honestly did not even Plan on.

  6. OK WELL.....that was easy

  7. Ok....So.....In a few days I will finally get my PS4 then by december I am hoping to have enough money to get a PC. Desktop only for now though. A 4k Monitor is more expensive than the PS4. OOF. but hopefully everything will work out

  8. Once I get a good headset I might start my own twitch program on Xbox One. It's so easy to stream that I might as well take this chance and try something new

  9. One year leater only now do I realize....Electric Cherry....Electric Chair-y

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Delta


      Wow I feel stupid for not seeing thisz

    3. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      …. Seriously? I mention this like EVERY time I play origins or MOTD… I always drag out the "chair" noise… Electric chhhhaaaaiiiirrrry… I do this because I play with randoms and it suddenly dons on everyone… This stopped working 4 months ago…

    4. MegaAfroMan


      Wow. I'm so blind/deaf. I never put much thought into that.

  10. Origins revisited is complete....but perhaps I could put in a few more things....Something that seemed pointless is now important

  11. Outbreak, Containment, Wildfire, Apocalypse.......Exo Zombie Concepts....Containment is the second step....

  12. Patiently waiting for December first.....waiting.....waiting

  13. Playing Exodus and waiting for someone to discover the secret intel. Wouldn't it be funny if the Ancestors were actually Humans?

  14. Pushing My map concept for 8/30/2014. Also Sharknado is coming to theatres

  15. Put a Waifu thread up. Doubt it will get responses but as long as it makes people go WTF when they see it on the new contents pafe then the post is a personal Success.

  16. Putting Alpha-omega on Hold. Working on an exciting new collaboration concept with the other architects.

  17. Replaying the walking dead season 1, just got The walking dead season 2 for just 15 bucks

    1. Hells Warrrior

      Hells Warrrior

      It's a great game, so many possible outcomes but end result being the same (i think).

  18. Samantha and Edwardo Go to E3

  19. Samanther Tales: A story of a young girl in rehab after being trapped in a Magic Moon Pyramid. The only cure? Videogames.

  20. Samanther will soon face her deadliest foe yet....E3

  21. Samanther will soon face her deadliest foe yet....E3

    1. Electric Jesus
    2. TheNathanNS


      Best way to spell her name.

  22. Samanther's Thanksgiving Adventure...... Colonization of the Dead.....

  23. SEE......The Fantastic Man!!.......WITNESS!!!.....The Magic of the Beautiful Fantasia!!!......EXPERIENCE!!!.....The Legacy of the Beast Master!!!...........BEHOLD!!....The Amazing Twins!!! ......Carnival of the Dead!! Coming This Halloween to a town near you!!!

  24. Shangri-la May not be on Mars.....but there is something few have noticed.....Blacken the Sky....

    1. Delta



    2. GameChanger


      Shangri-La set in nighttime Mars confirmed!

    3. Slade


      Haha, that made me laugh. Nice one GC.

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