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Everything posted by BobbyOfCanada

  1. Really good tips Mr BS. I never thought to hit the Laundry on round one, that will be a must for me from now on, I usually have trouble with it and could probably use the extra points.
  2. I am seriously in love with this gun, it got me out of so many fails. If you get cornered and have the zombie shield, face the corner with the shield on your back, when you feel confident turn and put 1-2 clips into the horde and then turn around. When those suckers blow up, run. The Vitriolic Withering with Double Tap, Speed Cola and Electric Cherry, ( and maybe your gun of choice as backup, personally I like backing it up with and FSIRT), that combo is godly.
  3. I don't see what you mean here, Brutus I lacking a second 'S'.
  4. Me being an achievement whore, (currently sitting at 30963), I naturally went for such an easy achievement as "A Burst of Flavor". So I was wondering how everyone else got it. The way I got it was:I found that when you go down with Electric Cherry, ( or as I like to call it Cherry Popper), it will emit the burst, so when round 5 started I got a train going and jumped into the middle of it, (right I front if Fluffy too). I go down, wait a moment and... *blip* Chievo pop, end game. What was your method?
  5. Very interesting, (speculation) I mean with afterlife mode reviving won't be needed, instead you just return to your body or revive yourself, but what about when you go down when you have no tokens? Will you just bleed out and die instantly, or will you be able to be revived by your friends? Most likely the latter but we'll know in 2-3 days.
  6. So at the start of the map you are in Purgatory/afterlife mode The power switches (from what we know) are these things you activate in afterlife mode, these power perk machines For the traps they are traps like they were in older maps, just upgradable (theorized) with these kits you find in the map Buildables would be like how it is in TranZit and Die Rise As for converting weapons I'm going to assume that means the upgrading weapons with kits Hope this helps
  7. Which raises the question of why they have a newspaper that's 5 years old O: More like 5 years plus. Alongside the date, why does it showcase an article on Black Tuesday? Although an important date in American history, why is that relevant to Alcatraz? Edit: If anyone can piece something from this go ahead Prohibition started 1920 and ended in 1933 (Characters are from this era) Stock market Crash (Black Tuesday) was October 29 1929 Alcatraz became a Federal prison in 1934
  8. Yes. Went down to Treyarch with the group of basketball players and they let everyone play all of the Uprising maps. Please tell me nobody is really believing this guy I was starting to think I was the only one calling bs.
  9. Rissole, by the trend I think they would more likely call it "Black Tuesday". Seeing that is what the whole crash of 1929 is referred to as.
  10. I think the acid grenade thing, as you call it, is a Upgraded BlunderGat. Right before they show it they are saying the BlunderGat is upgradeable (PaP maybe?) and then they show the acid nade launcher. (Yay for Pack a Punchable Wonder weapons) Edit: just going to bookmark this thread for future use. Images.
  11. Well, it was worth a shot, thanks for testing it.
  12. Okay so let me just start this off with this. This is my first post, but I have been following the forum for a while now. I have come to a personal theory I haven't seen here before. So without further delay. Here is my theory: After you have slain numerous amounts of zombies Maxis mentions reincarnation, so my theory is you have your entire team get the "Who's who" perk, then go to the plate/symbols/markings relevant to Maxis. ( I think these would be the lion symbols? Zombie ones were used in Richtofens side), anyways once everyone gets on their plate, they down themselves. Everyone would have to let their old selves die, thus being reincarnated. Although I really believe in my theory I can see reasons to doubt it, but nonetheless it is better than nothing, eh?
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