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Everything posted by Blitz

  1. Mods is there any way to change the name of my thread? I'm seeing a ton of threads pop up that ask the same question but have little to no supporting evidence for their theories.
  2. Blitz


    Not trying to hijack your thread I swear, but I have a huge theory about who's actually in control. Check it out: http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=149&t=31048
  3. Due to many not completing the Easter Egg, be weary that there are spoilers about exact dates in this post.
  4. I'll help you man, just accept my friends request.
  5. I really hope this expands into something much greater. I really can't wait to hear what you dig up.
  6. The more and more I research and think about things the more I come up with when it comes to this theory. I believe its Mictlantecuhtli speaking to Stulinger, thats why it sounds demonic and evil. If you're unsure who that is here's my thread explaining the situation. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=149&t=31048
  7. I know how to do all the achievements but the one where you let Brutus complete his rounds. Including break the cycle. The only step I have problems with is getting the numbers for it, everything else is relatively simple.
  8. Group 601 exists. No one is sure of who they are or what they are capable of. Only evidence we have are a couple radios stamped 601 and what appears to be some sort of loading screen that may have been scrapped.
  9. Appreciate the post. I would like to say one thing though, this isn't the "true" Easter Egg. This is more of an Achievement Tutorial. What I do find funny is that the simple "Easter Egg" (No One Escapes Alive) is worth 75-points where the difficult one (Pop Goes the Weasel) is only worth 25-points. I recommend immediately opening the cell with the x2 Power-up and saving it until round 3. Pick it up during round 3 as the zombies are at the windows. That way you have a huge boost in points allowing you to purchase more doors. Not trying to discredit you by any means. We always appreciate a good tutorial. Good Work Sir.
  10. It is totally possible for someone to own an old Newspaper to hide their journal of secret escape plans inside. It is also possible for someone to start planning to escape the prison years prior to the event, but one thing is undeniable and that is the Golden Gate Bridge did not begin construction until 1933. As for the exact date there is no way to tell for sure.
  11. Before anything, I just would like to say that I swear that I'm not trying to highjack your post. I'm just linking my own to give you an idea of who I think is currently in charge of MotD. Its much easier if you just read my thread than me trying to explain everything in a few short words. Took me a lot of time, and I don't want to leave anything out in summary.
  12. Absolutely, Sir! Thank you for reminding me of this! Totally forgot to add that to my post. I had so much going through my mind as I was typing this thread that I forgot to add the Aztec details of the prison itself. Totally about to edit that in.
  13. So, I have proven my theory. What do we have? Someone at Treyarc loves M.C. Escher. So much, that we have maps being created out of his line of work. Tower of Babel = Tranzit Relativity = Die Rise Hell = Mob of the Dead At this point what we have is more than a coincidence. I would also like to point out, another Artists version of "The Tower of Babel" can be found in the Warden's Office of MotD.
  14. What's going on Zombie Conspirators? Blitz here with another in depth, game breaking theory! First off, its been up for debate when it comes to who's in charge of the Zombies during Mob of the Dead (MotD) what if I told you, "I know who's in charge and why."? So first off, lets ask ourselves, who was in charge of the MDP before Samantha took over? Well, no one knows for sure, but its safe to say someone much more ancient has that power. What we have in the world is a huge amount of religions, Christianity, Jewish, Islam and more. Our world is basically just a huge cesspool of religious and moral beliefs. What would you say if I told you that "All Religions are one and all Gods are the same."? Would that blow your mind? Of course not, because there isn't total proof just a lot of coincidences. Lets just assume that all religions are the same just metaphorically different and misunderstood. Now for the most important piece of information about Mictlantecuhtli! In the Colonial Codex Vaticanus 3738, Mictlantecuhtli is labelled in Spanish as "the lord of the underworld, Tzitzimitl, the same as Lucifer". Time for an Aztec History lesson! YAY! Disclaimer: Yes, I understand that this subject has been brought up before, but I have additional facts and theories to support my claims. All credit goes toward those who have mentioned this before me, and if you feel you need to be recognized don't hesitate to PM me. The main thread about this deity will be linked on the bottom, Thank You. The Aztec faith has a huge amount of "Gods" each one ruling individual denominations of the world. Such as, Fire, flint, water, lightening, and so on. There is one specific god that we are about to talk about that has been noted before by fellow members and that Deity is, Mictlantecuhtli, Lord of the Underworld. Time for a bit of back story. Mictlantecuhtli, which translates to "Lord of Mictlan", is the ruler of a section of the underworld know as Mictlan. -This is a statue of Mictlantecuhtli. Kinda Looks like a Zombie, eh? -This image is a representation of Mictlantecuhtli, it was created from ancient descriptions of his characteristics. Here's the actual text from the picture. "For the first time in Mexico presents a historical reconstruction of Mictlantecuhtli god, god of the dead Mexican. It has been prepared by the company Charon Lab with academic support Marco Cervera de Before our era. Never before in the history of our country had tried to reconstruct in this way one Mictlantecuhtli of these features. Much of this is based on the piece found in the fifth season of exploration Temple in which Cervera participated. In the photo, the front Cervera Mictlantecuhtli" -Definitely looks like a Zombie! Mictlan is an interesting place. In order for one to pass through the underworld one would have to undergo a journey of several trials. The journey from the first level to the ninth was difficult and took four years, but the dead were aided by the psychopomp, Xolotl. The dead had to pass many challenges, such as crossing a mountain range where the mountains crashed into each other, a field with wind that blew flesh-scraping knives, and a river of blood with fearsome jaguars. - "...a field with wind that blew flesh-scraping knives..." So, we know about Mictlan, what about the Lord himself? Mictlantecuhtli was a very mischievous and violent deity. He was known as "Lord of the Underworld" As well as the "God of Death." The worship of Mictlantecuhtli sometimes involved ritual cannibalism, with human flesh being consumed in and around the temple. Mictlanteculhtli was the god of the day sign Itzcuintli, one of the 20 such signs recognized in the Aztec calendar, and was regarded as supplying the souls of those who were born on that day. We all know who Lucifer is, at least I hope you do. Lucifer is Satan, aka "The Devil." If you ask me what hell looks like, I'd pretty much describe it like Alcatraz in MotD. Just saying, but back on subject. Mictlantecuhtli was the god of the day sign Itzcuintli, "the Dog." Dogs have occupied a powerful place in Mesoamerican folklore and myth since at least the Classic Period right through to modern times. A common belief across the Mesoamerican region is that a dog carries the newly deceased across a body of water in the afterlife. The dog is sometimes depicted carrying a torch in the surviving Maya codices, which may be a reference to the Maya tradition that the dog brought fire to mankind. -This extraordinary depiction of an attentive dog captures its spirit as companions of humans. The attentive canine's rotund body may suggest its value as food for the posthumous soul.[/u] -"Mmmmm! Posthumous Zombies Taste Good!" Xolotl, God of fire and lighting, sickness and deformities. In art, Xolotl was depicted as a skeleton, a dog-headed man, or a monster animal with reversed feet. Xolotl aided the dead on their journey to Mictlan, the afterlife in some myths. Ceremonial Axe: -Ceremonial Axe -Hell's Retriever Notice the Similarities? Mictlantecuhtli has been thought to have been mentioned before on Call of Duty Zombies, on the Nuketown loading screen. -Mictlantec(uhtli) Bubble Gum? (Credit to MixMasterNut for this Nuketown Analysis) Now, for the Theory. Mictlantecuhtli is currently in charge of the Zombies of Mob of the Dead. We also have his "Hell Hound" that devours the souls of the dead upon their journey to Mictlan. The zombies located throughout the map appear to have been tortured even some depicted with the "Knives" sticking out of their body due to one of the journeys through Michlan. We have an overwhelming Aztec vibe while in MotD. Located in the Portal in the Generator room it appears that there is a sacrificial alter with skulls surrounding the alter on the ground. Piles of skulls represented not only death but life in the Aztec culture, possibly referring to the dead coming back to life. Most importantly, the Easter Egg itself has us collecting "Crystal Skulls" which have great significance to the Aztec/Mayan cultures. We are even rewarded with an Aztec/Indian "Hell's Retriever" upon the completion of feeding Itzcuintli/Xolotl. Now whether the Dog is Itzcuintli or Xolotl is completly up to you to decide, there is no evidence that can solidify one over the other. There is no connect when it comes to why, the eyes are red, but then again does it every explain why Samantha's are yellow and Richtofen's are blue? Now for an even deeper theory, why do Red Eyes continue to appear throughout World at War, Black Ops, and Black Ops: II? Why Red Eyes, not Blue or Yellow? The answer is simple, because even though Samantha has taken over the MDP, the souls of the other still remains, in this case, Mictlantecutli. So, he may no longer have control over the zombies, but he has control over the animals since they are a simpler life form. Then again, this is all just a theory. I have come up with previous theories based off of the spoilers we received prior to the release of Uprising. Here's the post. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=149&t=30689 In case you were wondering about the how the Hopi relates to the Aztec, here you go. The Hopi Nation of the American Southwest and the Aztecs came from the same roots, the Ancestral Puebloans, or Anasazi, who had been centered mostly on the Colorado Plateau in southern Utah, Nevada and Colorado, and northern Arizona and New Mexico, from about 1200 B.C.E., during the Basketmaker II era. They migrated to Mexico in the 12th and 13th centuries and are thought to have become the Aztecs there. Question and Answer Section:
  15. Are you on Easy? If so, play on Original or do a "Ranked" Game.
  16. Source: http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Portal ... ne/Zombies Thoughts? Its a Wiki page, there is absolutely no proof of this as of yet. I need to see some solid evidence to believe it.
  17. Well, what we have here is a classic case of coincidence. We have on the TranZit Bus Stop : "Stop Rus" We have the Map Pack acronym: "Fear Ru??" Now we have a jump scare picture that resembles Russman. Russman may be the "Weasel" of our New Group, Hes causing the cycle.
  18. DueceCostello and Myself built the plane and got the 75 point achievement within an hour of downloading the game at 430 this morning, its definitely not the Easter Egg. You did "Escape" Alcatraz, that's why its 75 points. Although, the "Demonic Announcer" has something else planned for you, that's why you have to kill yourself and the cycle repeats, you have to "Break the Cycle" which is the real Easter Egg. Now, that's what we have to figure out. Technically, Flying away is a huge part of the Easter Egg, that's why its a 75-point achievement. So with the combination of the Easter Egg itself, it will be a 100-points. So start searching. "Crystal" Skulls, are a huge factor, same thing with the posters at the moment. So there's your clues. Now get out there. By the Way, the video that is supposedly the completion of the EE, is a fake. They never received the Achievement for it. Also, there were only 3 players during the beginning, but ended with 4. Watch it again. Later Guys, Blitz Out!
  19. VandalDGAF and myself were searching for the Skulls for the Easter Egg, and he stumbled across this while scoping with a DSR-50 towards one of the skulls on the roof. Sorry, the image quality is a little bright. Thoughts?
  20. Such a Terrible Fake, Did anyone pay close enough attention to see that "Achievement Unlocked : Pop Goes the Weasel" Never Happened? Just a clever Troll.
  21. Uhhh... Green Run takes place in Washington State. Here's the proof. The "Green Run" was a secret U.S. Government release of radioactive fission products on December 2–3, 1949, at the Hanford Site plutonium production facility. The Hanford Site is a mostly decommissioned nuclear production complex on the Columbia River in the U.S. state of Washington, operated by the United States federal government. I'll also like to point out that there is a new texture file for a Zombie in Green Run that has a patch on his arm that states "Hanford Sanitarium." Undeniable proof of exactly where we are at. Now as for the explanation of why NDU is in Green Run. Green Run aka "Handford Site" is a Nuclear Production complex that conducted multiple experiments and was the ultimate development location of Uranium/Plutonium for the Manhattan Project. If you don't know what that was click: So, what we have is an isolated area in the far northwestern corner of the United States. Perfect for performing experiments on "Mental Patients" because it is far out of the eyes of the rest of America, there's a reason why they chose this location as the development site for much of the nuclear materials needed for the Manhattan Project. Its also in a location that is marked with "Radioactive" signs as a deterrent to keep wandering persons away from the area. But, why is NDU there? It was stated in the Audio Files and Dreamland Database that the Germans, Maxis and Richtofen, knew that the Americans were ahead of them in the research of 115. We all know what 115 was capable of, in case you forgot, Reanimating the Dead. This is actually the most common attribute of 115. So, the Americans must have known about zombies before or at the same time as the Germans did. So what do we have at NDU? It looks like a prison, but its really not. People speculate that its an Airfield, yes it may resemble one, but as we all know. The developers of ALL video games recycle textures to cut on development time... What it looks like to me, is a destroyed building with broken radios, boarded windows, and writing on the walls that looks like whoever wrote it was terrified. Nacht der Untoten is an American Testing Facility located in Hanford, "Green Run," Washington. But, Blitz! Where is your proof? Its all over the place. The Introduction: A crashed plane with a passenger/pilot that ultimately gets attacked by a "Runner." This doesn't prove or disprove anything, its a simple intro that shows the confusion of whats happening, there was no evidence of other survivors, nor was there evidence that that victim even survived. I do believe that the intro does tie into NDU. I'll get to that in a moment. Written on the Walls: What we have are words/phrases that were written in terror on the doors and walls. Specifically, the unfinished word of "Help" that leads directly into the "Box Room." This symbolizes that there were either more "Survivors" or there were people there before them. The Mystery Box and Lack of Perks: The Mystery Box, is a Mystery. The one thing that is apparent though, is where ever there are Zombies, there's a Mystery Box. In vanilla NDU we have a lack of perks. Why is that? Because, the Perk-a-Cola's were man-made where the Box is considered to be supernatural. This symbolizes the VERY beginning of Zombies, before any further research was made. Marines: American Marines? Only 4 of them? Plane Crash? Nazi Zombies? It all makes sense. The Truth! (In Theory): America is pretty dirty when it comes to experimentation, the proof of that comes when them made American GIs run into the Fallout of nuclear tests back in the 50's: So, if America would do that, why wouldn't they experiment with GIs vs Zombies? Right? They used the Experimental Facility known as the "Prototype" located in Handford to test the capabilities of American Soldiers vs the Zombies themselves. So these soldiers would not know what was going on they "Possibly" caused a intentional emergency landing in the field near Nacht. The soldiers believed that they were en route to Germany towards the front lines, so upon crashing they immediately took shelter for what was nearby, they definitely were not ready for the supernatural experiences they were about to undergo. The Zombies were either, deceased Americans dressed as Zombies, or possibly even actual German PoWs that had 115 experiments conducted on them. The whole purposes of them being "Nazis" is so the Marines wouldn't hesitate on shooting them, if they appeared as civilians or Allied Militants, the soldiers could have immediately died. Upon entering the destroyed building, they noticed writing on the walls which appeared to be written out of fear and even appeared to be written from the slightly psychotic. This symbolizes that there have been multiple groups tested here. We just may have been the final group... Ultimately, I believe that Nacht was located in America the whole time, and happened to be one of the first official American tests of the Zombie Epidemic.
  22. WARNING: This is a rough read due to the massive amount of text. Viewer discretion is advised . What's going on Zombie Conspirators? Blitz Again, with another brand new theory! I'm going to give you clues that Treyarch has given us. Following all the clues, I will give you my theories, but let the evidence guide your own thoughts and ideas, once you see the clues you'll see a pattern. Due to the volume of this thread, I will highlight the key points in red. Disclaimer: If you're Bias, please leave all negative comments in the troll cave where you have spawned. All positive/supporting criticism is welcomed. Trolls will be deported towards the nearest bridge. Like I said, I will not give my theories until the end, but I have dug up a lot of information that may be interesting towards you. Upon the completion of the overwhelming amount of information I'm about to expose to you hopefully I won't even have to break it down into my theories. Here we GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! First Subject Matter: Alcatraz...? Indians? There are a few smart ones out there who have mentioned it may have something to do with Indians. POLTERGEIST!? Not quite, what we actually have here has nothing to do with an Indian burial ground but is actually considered a "Cursed" site and some other site considered it as a sacred site that will unite the lands. Here you go: Thousands of years before Spanish and Portuguese explorers discovered Northern California, 10,000 indigenous people inhabited the coastal area between Point Sur and the San Francisco Bay. According to Indian oral history, Alcatraz was first used as a place of isolation or ostracism for tribal members. It was also used for camping and gathering foods such as bird eggs and sea life. Indian people later used the island to escape from the California Mission system. Darryl "Babe" Wilson, a member of the Achoma 'Wi / Atsuge 'Wi tribe, recalls this history passed down from his ancestors. To protect San Francisco from foreign invaders, the U.S. Army turned Alcatraz Island into a powerful fortress in 1850. In 1907, the fort was turned into a prison for military personnel and also held Confederate soldiers during the Civil War, conscientious objectors during World War I and a number of Indians beginning in 1873. After a series of battles in Tule Lake, California between the Modoc tribe and the U.S. Army, six Modoc leaders were singled out to face charges for the killing of a general and a lieutenant in 1873. Even before their trial, gallows were constructed for Captain Jack, Schonchin Jack, Black Jim, Boston Charley, Barncho, and Sloluck. In early July, all six were convicted of murder and assault with intent to kill, and sentenced to hang. A few weeks later, President Grant commuted the death sentence for Barncho and Sloluck to life in prison on Alcatraz. The four others were hung in October. Barncho died of tuberculosis in prison, but Sloluck was released and sent to back to his tribe in Oklahoma in 1878. :idea: Nineteen Hopis were incarcerated from January 3 to August 7, 1895, the largest group of Native Americans ever imprisoned there. Jailed for their resistance to farm on individual plots away from the mesas and for refusing to send their children to government boarding schools, these Hopis were part of a widespread Indian resistance to the government's attempts to erase Hopi culture. Indian people continued to be held as prisoners on Alcatraz through the early 1900s. :idea: ^^^ This Paragraph is Very Important for the Thread ^^^ In 1934, Alcatraz became a maximum security penitentiary, housing 1,545 prisoners over 28 years, including infamous mobster Al Capone; bank robber George "Machine Gun" Kelly; Robert Franklin Stroud, better known as the "Birdman of Alcatraz"; and political prisoner Morton Sobell. When the facility became too expensive to operate, the prison officially closed on March 21, 1963. The island was declared federal surplus land in 1964. _______________________________________________________________ Achomawi Tribe: So, here's a "Little" Insight of some of the back story of the Indians that have set foot on Alcatraz and why they were there. Now its time to dive into this a little bit deeper. At Second Glance: Alcatraz is More than a Prison As you read before, the Indian tribes in the area used Alcatraz before it was occupied by the "White Man". Alcatraz was considered to be a sacred/cursed location. This is one of the more important pieces you will see on the thread so pay attention. Here we Go: Diamond Island: Alcatraz Excerpt from the book "Voices From the Earth" Grandfather lived at Atwam, 100 miles east of Redding, California, in a little shack out on the flat land. His house was old and crooked just like in a fairy tale. His belongings were few and they, too, were old and worn. I always wanted to know his age and often asked some oft the older of our people if they could recall when Grandfather was born. After silences that sometimes seemed more that a year, they always shook their silver-gray heads and answered: “I dunno. He was old and wrinkled with white hair for as long as I can remember. Since I was just a child.” He must have been born between 1850 and 1870. Thanksgiving weekend, 1989. It is this time of the year when I think about Grandfather and his ordeal. I keep promising myself that I will write his story down because it is time to give the island of Alcatraz a proper identity and a “real” history. It is easy for modern people to think that the history of Alcatraz began when a foreign ship sailed into the bay and a stranger named Don Juan Manuel de Ayala observed the “rock” and recorded “ Alcatraz” in a log book in 1775. That episode, that sailing and that recording was only moments ago. Grandfather said that long ago the Sacramento Valley was a huge freshwater lake, that it was “as long as the land” (from the northern part of California to the southern), and that a great shaking of an angry spirit within the earth caused part of the coastal range to crumble into the outer-ocean. When the huge lake finally drained and the waves from the earthquake finally settled, there was the San Francisco Bay, and there, in isolation and containing a “truth,” was Diamond Island ( Alcatraz). … The old person in the old house under the old moon began to tell the story of his escape from “the rock” long ago. He gathered himself together and reached back into a painful past. The silence was long and I thought that he might be crying silently. Then, with a quiver in his voice, he started telling the story that he wanted me to know. “ Alcatraz Island. Where the Pit River runs into the sea is where I was born, long ago. Alcatraz, that’s the white man’s name for it. To our people, in our legends, we always knew it as Allisti Ti-tanin-miji [Rock Rainbow], Diamond Island. In our legends, that’s where the Mouse Brothers, the twins, were told to go when they searched for a healing treasure for our troubled people long, long ago. They were to go search at the end of It A-juma [ Pit River]. They found it. They brought it back. But it is lost now. It is said, the ‘diamond’ was to bring goodness to all our people, everywhere.” In one of the many raids upon our people of the Pit River country, his pregnant mother was taken captive and forced, with other Indians, to make the long and painful march to Alcatraz in the winter. At that same time, the military was “sweeping” California. Some of our people were “removed” to the Round Valley Reservation at Covelo; others were taken east by train in open cattle cars during the winter to Quapa, Oklahoma. Still others were taken out into the ocean at Eureka and thrown overboard into icy waters. Grandfather said, “I was very small, too small to remember, but my grandmother remembered it all. The guards allowed us to swim around the rock. Every day, my mother swam. Every day, the people swam. We were not just swimming. We were gaining strength. We were learning the currents. We had to get home. “When it was time, we were ready. We left at darkness. Grandmother said that I was a baby and rode my mother’s back, clinging as she swam from Alcatraz to solid ground in night. My Grandmother remembered that I pulled so hard holding on that I broke my mother’s necklace. It is still there in the water…somewhere.” Quivering with emotion, he hesitated. He trembled. “I don not remember if I was scared,” Grandfather said, crooked, thick fingers rubbing a creased and wrinkled chin covered with white stubble. “I must have been.” When those old, cloudy eyes dripped tears down a leathery, crevassed face, and long silences were between his sentences, often I trembled too. He softly spoke of his memory. “There was not real diamonds on the island. At least I don’t think so. I always thought the diamonds were not diamonds but some kind of understanding, some kind of good thought—or something. “When first I heard about the ‘diamond,’ I thought it might be a story of how we escaped. But after I heard that story so many times, I don’t think so. I think there was a truth there that the Mouse Brothers were instructed to get and bring back long ago to help our people. I don’t think that I know where that truth is now. Where can it be? It must be deep inside Axo-Yet [Mount Shasta] or Sa Titt [ Medicine Lake]. It hides from our people. The truth hides from us. It must not like us. It denies us.” It seems incredible that there was such an escape from Alcatraz. Through American propaganda I have been trained to believe that it was impossible to escape from that isolated rock because of the currents and because of the freezing temperature as the powerful ocean and the surging rivers merged in chaos. I was convinced—until I heard Grandfather’s story and until I realized that he dwelled within a different “time,” a different “element.” He dwelled within a spirituality of a natural source. In his world, I was only a foreign infant. It is true today that when I talk with the old people I feel like nilladuwi (a white man). I feel like some domesticated creature addressing original royalty—knowing that the old ones were pure savage, born into the wild, free. In his calm manner, Grandfather proceeded, “We wandered for many nights. We hid during the day. It is said that we had to go south for three nights before we could turn north… There is a small island of mountains in the great valley [sutter Buttes]. When we reached that place one of the young men climbed the highest peak. He was brave. We were all brave…We waited a long, long time. Then we heard: ‘Axo-Yet! Axo-Yet! To-ho-ja-toki! To-ho-ja-toki Tanjan’ [ Mount Shasta! Mount Shasta! North direction!] Our hearts were happy. We were close to home. My mother squeezed me to her. We cried. I know we cried. I was there. So was my mother and grandmother.” Grandfather has been within the earth for many snows now. The volumes of knowledge that were buried with him are lost to my generation, a generation that needs original knowledge now more than ever, if we are to survive as a distinct and autonomous people. Perhaps a generation approaching will be more aware, more excited with tradition and custom and less satisfied to being off balance somewhere between the world of the “white man” and the world of the “Indian,” and will seek this knowledge… Perhaps the approaching generation will seek and locate Allisti Ti-tanin-miji within the mountains. Possibly that generation will reveal many truths to this world society that is immense and confused in its immensity. An old chief of the Pit River country, “Charlie Buck,” said often: “Truth. It is truth that will set us free.” Along with Grandfather, I think that it was a “truth” that the Mouse Brothers brought to our land from Diamond Island long ago. A truth that needs to be understood, appreciated, and acknowledged. A truth that needs desperately to be found and known for its value. _____________________________________________________ The Third Times the Charm : The Truth Shall Set You Free Based off of what you have read, its safe to assume that you may have made a few connections, well I'm not done. I am now going to talk about the Hopi Tribe. The Hopi play a huge part into this story, much larger than what we actually have seen or expected. The Hopi as you read earlier had the largest population of Indians at one time incarcerated at Alcatraz. With that said, I will continue. The End is Near! : Hopi Prophecies These are the Hopi Prophecies, I will make comments in "Green" followed by the red highlighted material as we go through to make it apparent in the Zombie Story line. So, basically what we have here, is a completely coincidental mess that could have to do with the story. You decide. Time for my theories. Indians knew about a possible MDP located on Earth, it may of had an angry "Spirit" or tribesman located inside reeking havoc on the "White Man" who destroyed so many Native American lives. It may have even been one of the Underworld "Gods" that they have spoke of. The Mayan death god was mentioned before on a bubble gum wrapper on Nuketown. Interesting fact, the Hopi Indians had "Gods" very, very similar to the accounts of the Mayan Gods. Coincidence? Since Alcatraz had a strong Native American influence, it may have been possible for the Indians or specifically a few to reek Havoc in the prison. Full power of the MDP will allow you to manipulate the world how ever you like, so whoever is in there has a strong spiritual connection. Indians had that strong bond between, human and Earth. As for the Hopi Prophecy, it almost clearly explains the world of zombies in a very symbolic and metaphorical way. Richtofen may have visited the Hopi long in the past while experimenting on Teleportation, this is where the Hopi have the Swastika and the Iron Cross. It also explains him saying that he'll return. It says that he will bring two others. Maxis, and his other fell through. Richtofen is the True White Brother from the East that will bring great destruction and purification to the world, but allow the Hopi to survive. That's up to you to decide. I have come up with more theories based off of the current state of the zombies and the prison since the release of Uprising. Here's the post. http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=149&t=31048 In case you were wondering about the how the Hopi relates to the Aztec, here you go. The Hopi Nation of the American Southwest and the Aztecs came from the same roots, the Ancestral Puebloans, or Anasazi, who had been centered mostly on the Colorado Plateau in southern Utah, Nevada and Colorado, and northern Arizona and New Mexico, from about 1200 B.C.E., during the Basketmaker II era. They migrated to Mexico in the 12th and 13th centuries and are thought to have become the Aztecs there.
  23. In Psychology it has been proven that it is impossible for the human mind to create something completely random. All decisions, or even trying to come up with something random has to be influenced by some X-Factor. Judging by this fact. Jimmy's boat metaphor had to be influenced by some external factor for him to use the boat as an example to the rank structure. Now, forgetting anything he said regarding to rank. Why would Jimmy use a Boat as an example....? Did he unintentionally give us hint, or was he actively giving us a subliminal message? It could very well be something completely different that influenced him to use that metaphor. Its up to you to decide... Oh, and before you guys start getting your panties in a wad bashing the underwater theory. You should definitely check out the original thread. I have made many skeptics believe that a water-style map is very, very possible.
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