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Status Replies posted by 83457

  1. I'm breaking 900 teeth today! (Talking extinction, not a violent face-smashing spree).



  4. I just watched the Borderlands presequel video. I can't help but think that it looks like the atrocious Borderlands 2 reskinned. BL2 was a total rip off, disappointing garbage. At least slag looks gone. But the menus and everything just scream 'BL2'. Maybe I'll rent it, but i never heard an official apology from them for BL2. Are the characters fleshed out this time? Is there actual loot worth getting? can you actually carry loot this time? Did they fire every protect manager from BL2?

    1. 83457


      Sorry folk. I really disliked that game and i didn't mean to be all cranky about it. Too much to list here about why i hated it, but sorry I was so negative to a game that yous enjoy. My health is crappy and it raises my blood pressure and ire. Ha. Bad Beast, don't hate on the games.

      In short: bl had 4 characters with 3ish builds each. Guns looked cool with cool names. Loot could be carried until you could sort through the chaff.

      Bl2: no reason to play different characters, they were basically the same in game. Guns look lame, stupid names. Continuous pointless battles for loot that was almost identical, couldn't be carried due to no space. Zero replay value for me.

      I could play bl1 for hours, but a few minutes of bl2 and i had to take it out from boredom.

      On apology: the week bl2 released, i was going you rent it. But they claimed it had more guns (the variety had been mathematically proven to be way less variety than bl1) and they claimed that you could carry tins more stuff: a blatant lie. So, i bought instead of rented due to their lies.

      Good guns worth finding almost never happen, buying from machines was always better in bl2.

      The one decent source of finds was Mike Mamaril, and then they nerfed him (r.i.p.).

      So a shoot and loot with boring fighting, annoying characters (the bird is a female now, derp), no reason to loot hundreds of boxes for nothing and you can't vary what you find anyway.

      And the characters from the first game turned into retards.

      That's my issues with it in a nutshell.

      Sorry for bitching, love it if you love it, I certainly don't.

      Happy gaming!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. 2 days to go until Scotland decides it's future. I can't wait to see if we have been successful or as a nation we have bottled it. Apologies for not being about much, but as you can imagine, just a little bit preoccupied with Scotlands future ;)

  6. 2 days to go until Scotland decides it's future. I can't wait to see if we have been successful or as a nation we have bottled it. Apologies for not being about much, but as you can imagine, just a little bit preoccupied with Scotlands future ;)

  7. Hey in about one year we will most likely see the reveal trailer for the next zombies adventure. :3

  8. Hit 72 on Ascension last night. More of a chore than fun at that point.

  9. I was just walking in the local park when i found a girls magic wand: big star, pink fuzzy stuff, silver handle. So I walk around waving this a bit and some woman basically grabs her kid, jumps in her car and takes off. I love being me...

  10. xbox 360 dashboard: watch Winter Solider...what is a solider? One who is solid, i guess?

  11. Finally got my desktop computer set up! Prepare yourself for a more active Flammenwerfer!

  12. Hope everybody had a wonderful weekend!

    1. 83457


      It was delightful. I hope yours was pleasant as well!

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  13. Just went on a horrible feels trip......on to season 2

  14. they didn't playtest the Exodus map at all, did they? wow, what total garbage.

  15. i tire of song lyrics, replace them with my own. then feel awkward when i catch myself singing them in public.

  16. just got my first solo escape (poc). i farmed for a while at start, then said 'what the heck' and turd to get as far as I could. 1016, 2d, 1 relic (pistol only). stoked. got 8 teeth total.

  17. just got my first solo escape (poc). i farmed for a while at start, then said 'what the heck' and turd to get as far as I could. 1016, 2d, 1 relic (pistol only). stoked. got 8 teeth total.

  18. Randoms are Hellspawn.

  19. Randoms are Hellspawn.

  20. Robin Williams truly was a Legend. What an unbelievable loss.

  21. Suffering through randoms while playing Nemesis Safeguard, i land in Showtime on round 2. 2 randies are down, the 3rd drops as i spawn in, of I wasn't there, that was game over. we win the game, I had 21 revives. They were so bad; 1 guy started every round right in the center and went Doreen within the first couple seconds of each round. It made up for the 3 games in a row where the host dashboarded.

  22. Suffering through randoms while playing Nemesis Safeguard, i land in Showtime on round 2. 2 randies are down, the 3rd drops as i spawn in, of I wasn't there, that was game over. we win the game, I had 21 revives. They were so bad; 1 guy started every round right in the center and went Doreen within the first couple seconds of each round. It made up for the 3 games in a row where the host dashboarded.

  23. Got 108 teeth, looking to grind up to 125 today. Pistol ark attachment here I come!

  24. I've been extremely myopic since birth. For 3 years my right eye has been 'blinder' to the point of uselessness from cataracts. Surgery yesterday means that for the first time since 1969, i can see with an eye! (snoopy dance).

    1. 83457


      Amazing stuff!

      Also, I'm old enough that my other lens is yellow. My new crystal lens is clear. So if i look at white with my left eye, it is yellow. But everything us perfect in the right eye. Though a little exhausted from not being used for over 3 years...

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

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