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Everything posted by CrazyTrain0917

  1. Then it's a glitch. Pause the video you can clearly see its a tombstone not a book.
  2. I just used the machine gun turret on a glitcher. Was hilarious. I kept taking his shield and he kept getting another one and heading back to tunnel. So I went and built the turret and hid it in the tunnel just inside the fog. Then I went and got a turbine, switched them and placed the turret at the M16 and dropped the turbine down and it smoked him with one shot. I hid my turret again and walked up to him like I was gonna revive him and took his shield and split lol. He turned his mic on and started complaining and the 3 of us couldn't stop laughing at the guy. Jumping into the glitch by church or the one at power for a quick round because you're screwed for perks or ammo is one thing but glitching in the tunnel? If you can't run hordes in the tunnel there's something wrong with you. Also sitting in the glitch at power and letting the team do all the work, open all the doors, and then not being around to revive them if they go down is a dick move. Oh yea I got this other guy with the electric trap. He kept glitching at the power, so I killed the power (round 6 or something) and dropped an electric trap down on the other side of the door by the power switch. I stood at the top of the stairs there and watched as he turned the power on and dropped his turbine to open the metal door running right into the electric trap being powered by his own fan. Was hilarious.
  3. Anyone else notice the lack of any hidden hints or clues or references in any of the loading screens? Yea there's a teddy bear under the postcard for town survival but really has anyone noticed anything in any of these postcard loading screens? We all spend tons of time staring at them while a games loading but I have yet to really find anything hidden within them. Anyone see anything or have a theory on anything on these post cards?
  4. Thats a tombstone man. Someone in your party was dead and tombstoned out.
  5. REALY? I've seen this exact type of idea at least 30 times on this thread... No offense... That doesn't make sense, no offence. In THIS thread it was the OP's idea. In other threads I've seen on these forums lately there are ideas about new perks etc. but I haven't seen a thread suggesting a "perk a punch" machine.
  6. I take shield glitchers shields ALL THE TIME... its so funny and gives me something to do while I'm running hordes in the tunnel. The machine gun turret idea to get the ones in the lava room at power is absolutely priceless though. I love it!
  7. I hear a pack-a-punch-a-buildable suggestion coming in the distance. :roll:
  8. I doubt these perks will be configured into the game.... Except arcade fire... But purhaps you could modify it so you can help your teammates by playing a retro game after going down? and unless the next Easter egg allows a full perk acheivement prise, it's not likely you will be able to get more then 4 perks unless you glitch. Phd has a 50/50 chance of returning however! And I REALY want to jump from the top of a building in this so called "die rise", land on my stomach and live! LOLOLLLOLOLOLOLOL lol those were jokes man. PHD flopper was the perk I requested. A player activated panic nuke would be handy for a one time use though. Boomshakalaka Lager has a certain ring to it lol
  9. Maturity, lets not get carried away there lol. Dare ya to post a thread saying the next step of the EE has been found lol jk, don't do that.. Good ideas get credit where it's due and you have some good ideas and bring them across respectfully. We dig it. 8-)
  10. Greed cola- Like having a permanant x2 points. Arcade fire- when downed and die completely pops up a mini arcade for you to play while you wait. Potty break shake- Gives you the ability to pause the game for 5 minutes. (can only be bought once per player per game) Boomshakalaka Lager- Gives you a one time use nuke. (really though, gimmie Doctor flops and the ability to have more than 4 perks at a time and I'm good)
  11. Prolly the most creative idea I've seen in awhile. And the name has a nice ring to it.
  12. You have to actually scroll down to about the 70-80th spot to get the real number one ranked person because the numbers of those first 80 people are so overly inflated that they must have done something to boost it up. (in the trillions) I am pretty highly ranked at merely 1,000 miles travelled and I never take the bus, I run everywhere and I'm kind of OCD about not standing still, always moving. This came naturally. But have a look at the world leaderboards for miles traveled and you'll see what I mean. Those guys boosted. I know the map inside out so I teleport and run and am actually a little proud of being top spot on my friends list for that stat (among others) but I didn't boost to get it, it's just my play style. I rarely keep a crawler in BO2 cuz I spend a lot of time in the fog in between tasks but keeping a crawler to do anything isn't boosting in my opinion. We used to keep a couple walkers on ascension, jump in the glitch (the only time we used it) and went to bed to continue in the morning lol. I guess that'd be boosting something somehow but I didn't consider it cheating as long as no glitches were used during play time. Sitting in the lava room at power in a spot where the zombies can't get you and shooting zombies for hours on end is definitely boosting. Edit: just tried to boost my post count there, hit quote instead of edit and had to delete a post lol
  13. I've experimented a lot with that room with turbines, the Electric guy, EMP's and the Electric trap. I haven't had 4 of them going there yet so maybe theres still hope in this theory.
  14. This would work great with my badass bus theory. 4 electric traps, 4 machinegun turrets on top of the bus, cattle guard and ladder attached, and the unlimited turbine inside. Let the bus drive around and lay waste to anything it comes across. Sounds like fun to me :)
  15. I have Emp'd multiple times both sets of trains on either side of the power. I have also used the turbine all around both areas. When you get the glitch where you can walk around and not get hurt and there is no fog all of the metal doors including the laundry door are invisible (still clipped but invisible). None of the doors on the trains are open at all to signify they can be opened. I have also run around the perimeter of both sets of trains with the ladder to see if it might have an alternate use there like the hatch. No dice. I'm willing to try any good ideas but I don't think they are interactable.
  16. I don't personally support the "dislodged" theory but what is that in the sky there in this video? If that's the Earth which it appears to be then why can we see it from Area 51 if it's on Earth? If it's on the moon somewhere outside the facility then why is it all damaged after the Nuke hit. I'm not advocating any theories I'm just curious what everyone thinks. I doubt very seriously it was just forgotten about by Treyarch. And it sure as hell isn't a "bug." What does that planet look like before everything is blown to shit? Anyone have a pic?
  17. Yea if you just avoid the straight bolt he shoots he's actually not a bad guy to hang out with.
  18. We've seen lots of those, any of the electric beam these guys are talking about?
  19. Yes the part I cut out was the part I agreed with. The part I disagreed with was them setting the map up all perfect to take the picture for the postcard.
  20. And the award for best thread derail goes to... :lol:
  21. Very nice job! My fav is PaP Galil and the PaP RPD with Knuckles. BANK.
  22. Actually the way the road curves the cornfield is right behind the outhouse dropping down to power. The blue prints at the build table are totally different than the der reise blueprints. They actually look like blueprints for the jetgun if I remember right. Everything Lithium replied is accurate. As far as hearing Richtofens quote.. are you sure someone else in your custom game isn't activating the power? No matter where Samuel is on the map once the power is on he will hear that quote from Richtofen. (and just to reiterate Lithium, the red dot on the navcard is blood from the HUD, notice how it fades with the blood on your HUD?) You are correct though that there is something wonky going on as to who has Navcards and who doesn't and it changes as the game progresses. Nobodies figured out why yet though.
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