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Megaton A

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Everything posted by Megaton A

  1. Wait wait wait- you said you started building the table after you completed the EE, right? Meaning the table is NOT part of Tower of Babble. Correct? Because I've been trying to say for a while that building the table is NOT necessary to complete ToB, and people keep trying to argue with me. If I'm understanding you correctly, and you finished the EE before building the table then that validates my suspicion that the table isn't needed... and I was right all along. As I (of course) thought I was.
  2. You do realize you just bumped down threads that can be useful to make a thread telling people not to do that exact thing, right? Just saying...
  3. Urgh... I have a friend that was always wanting to try barrier glitches and stuff on Ascension. I'm like... "Why?" He isn't the type of person that cares about or even looks at the leaderboards, so I don't even get the point of it. Ok, let's sit here where the zombies can't touch us and play for hours doing... nothing? How is that even fun? I'm cool with some glitches. Hell, I abused the shit out of the duplication glitch in Minecraft before we got Creative Mode, but even though zombies in itself isn't competitive... the leaderboards are VERY competitive, so this stuff needs to be stopped ASAP. And 3arc should be watching the games of those who get to ridiculously high rounds to make sure they're legit.... and reset them if they are not.
  4. Sorry, I'm on Xbox. I don't game on my PS3 much... mostly because most of my friends play Xbox (and I prefer the Xbox controller, even though they're built like shit and I need a new one every 6 months). The PS3 is a fine console, though. Anyways... I didn't get a chance to look into this any more last night, sorry guys. A couple friends got on that don't really play Zombies, so I ended up playing multiplayer most of the night. I will look into this further soon.
  5. The only things I can hear from my character when I'm away from him is getting hit by a zombie, and the sound of grabbing pickups, etc. But I do agree that it could possibly be the bus. I wasn't claiming this to be some new breakthrough, just wanted to document what others were discussing. I still need to go back and examine this further. In my opinion, if this sound only occurs when the bus is in motion, then it is simply the sound of the bus. It's going to be a bit difficult to test, however, since the sound can be really glitchy in theater and when you rewind, sound will occur at different times than they originally did, or just simply not be there when they were before. I think my best bet will be to time when the bus starts and stops moving, then re-start the video and see if the "train" sound match up. Hopefully I'll get the chance to do so tonight.
  6. It's not proof that the door opens, it's just proof that you can interact with it... which we already pretty much knew. The perk machines are gone too... it's just the things you can interact with that have disappeared. If you look closely, there's a pile of dirt and rocks against the inside of that door. If you could actually open the door and go in there I don't think that would be there. As far as the window at the church... zombies spawn from that window. This could be a useful glitch, though... if something else in the map disappears that we didn't know we could interact with.
  7. Off topic but how do you get theater mode with no fog? And on topic: in your opinion, would just one person have to shoot the sign with the way gun? Or a team of 4? Put a dolly cam inside the power room and stay in edit mode and you should be good to go. The way it's always worked for me is... go to the part in the video where you activate power. As soon as the switch is flipped, pause the game. Then place a dolly cam in the power room and switch to "Free Roam". There will still be a thick cloud of fog surrounding each stop on the bus route, but once you pass through that it's pretty clear. Another useful exploration trick in Theater mode is to follow the road between the town and bus station. On the right (coming from town), after the bridge, you'll see a broken down van and a big crack in the side of the road. Go into this crack and you can glitch right under the map and get into areas normally inaccessible. I was kind of surprised neither of these glitches were fixed in the last update.
  8. Farm is going to be my next training area. I've been running the Diner pretty much exclusively so far (occasionally doing town) and the spawns can get a bit tough going into the mid-20's. From what I've heard, Farm and the tunnel seem to have a reputation for being the easiest to run. I do like having access to the Zombie Shield whenever I need it, though... and I also like that I know exactly when the bus is going to go through my training area at the Diner.
  9. Maybe they'll have a fifth DLC... with all the old maps and Nuketown Zombies. Free to those of us that got the Hardened Edition and a bonus to those who bought the season pass. I dunno, I'd just like them to do something like they did for Black Ops, because I was pretty disappointed that I went through the trouble of preordering the Hardened edition six months before release, and spending the extra money just because I wanted Nuketown Zombies... only to find out I could have gotten it a month later with the season pass. They gave Moon free to people that got Hardened the last time, I was really hoping we would get a bonus this time, too.
  10. You heat up the meteorite that is placed on the Nav Card table with the Jet Gun. I'm not sure what sources everyone has been looking up, but considering that the rock is part of building the table and is the only way of heating up the obelisk, I'd say it is included in the Easter Egg. Watch every video that you see attempting Richtofen's side of the EE. The tables will be fully built. As for the Nav Cards...I too will assume that it can be carried over from DLC to DLC. Even when all four players have cards, none of them will work. Note that it's been done in Black Ops (Vril device from CotD + Focusing Stone from Shangri-La when going into Moon in order to complete the final Easter Egg), and it's more than likely to occur again. Wikipedia; "An obelisk (from Greek ὀβελίσκος - obeliskos,[1] diminutive of ὀβελός - obelos, "spit, nail, pointed pillar"[2]) is a tall, four-sided, narrow tapering monument which ends in a pyramid-like shape at the top..." Now what does that sound like to you? The meteor or the tower? Just because everyone on youtube thinks you have to build the table before heating up the tower doesn't make it a fact.
  11. This is what I mean about the zombies team being "trolls". I could totally see this. Rez; "What? I didn't lie.... you do get a reward for finishing the EE *trollface*" But there's really no point in arguing it... those that think there is more will continue to believe no matter what. I'm not going to say that there definitely is not more... but I just highly doubt it at this point.
  12. Interesting. I thought this might be the case, but I moved around to a couple locations and only heard it by the laundromat. But as I said... Theater mode can be really glitchy. Especially regarding sound.
  13. Are we listening to the same video I didnt hear a bus honk at all. Even if it was the bus, the sound would still be affected by the camera moving to different spots No, I hear it too. I think he may be right... it might just be that the sound of the bus is audible throughout the map so you can tell when it's moving or something. I'll go back into the theater after band practice later and check it out. If this sound only occurs when the bus is in motion, then I'm considering this one debunked. The only issue I can see with that is that I was hearing it in intervals, and when nobody is around the bus it never stops. I'll update when I'm able to figure more out.
  14. If you're on PS3 i can help you out sometimes, I have the Obelisk table built already so i'm good to go! The only problem is that i'm only on at Australian time so :/ It is a bit fishy that his name is Samuel. I think each character has a deep meaning behind them, whether it be obvious (Marlton) or something not as obvious (like Samuel). I also find it weird how they put a girl in when the Original 4 was all guys. I have no idea why they would do that, shes just a tad annoying. I would totally be down to play, but I have BOII on Xbox. I own a PS3 also, but it usually gets used for 3D Blu Ray more than games.
  15. The sound is not only heard in the town, though. I just picked the town as the location furthest from where I, the zombies, and the bus were at the time. The first time I heard this was actually when I was glitching under the map and going through barriers, and at the time I was checking out the area where the road veers off after the tunnel and before the diner. At the time I wrote it off as maybe just being the bus or something... until I came here and read people talking about the "train" sound. Also... I've heard the scream, but it is very hard to capture. The weird thing is.... I can hear the scream clearly, then back up the video 5 seconds, play it back.... and it's not there. I'm not sure if the sound is just weird in theater mode or what. One more thing... was anyone aware that a siren goes off in the laundromat when the power is turned on? I can upload a video of that, also if someone wants. It's definitely coming from that building. I believe upstairs, actually.
  16. I know there's already a thread about this, but I also know with the amount of trolls and disinformation regarding zombies, a lot of things are overlooked without proof. Anyways, here's video documentation of this odd "train" sound people have noticed recently; ZmnWUqwDfFI I tried moving the camera around to see if it got any louder/softer as I got further away from the ground or anything, but it seemed to be consistent regardless of where I moved. It definitely does sound like a train. It swells, goes on for about a minute, then passes. I should also point out that I went into a game that was recorded before the latest patch (this game was early Wednesday morning) and the sound was there, also... so it definitely wasn't something added with the latest patch (that is, unless adding the sound to the game also added it to old games saved in theater, which I suppose is a possibility). I'm not sure what it means (if anything), but there you have it. I've heard that a scream can sometimes be heard in the town. If I can capture that I'll add it to this thread.
  17. Hold on- yes, I hear it. And I did hear it earlier when I was glitching around the map. When they said "Train", I was thinking a whistle of some sort. This is more of a rumbling, mechanical... well... yeah, it sounds like a train. It builds, then lasts for quite a while. When I first heard it I found it odd, but I was glitching under the map and thought maybe it was the bus.... then kind of forgot about it. I'll see if I can get it to show up in a rendered video and start a thread of it if I can. Edit- Video rendering now. Incoming. I'm also going to check an old game and make sure it was something added with the patch... though I assume it was if nobody ever noticed it before. I know I spend a lot of time in Zombies theater and never noticed it. But then I'm not usually going off into quieter areas either.
  18. I've been under the map in theater a few times (just now, actually) and there are a lot of invisible barriers everywhere. I don't think it means anything other than blocking off where the playable areas are. The barriers for the playable areas simply go under the map, too. As far as the PaP room... it's there. You can see most of it. The windows are visible, some of the debris, blood smears. It's not like it just doesn't exist in theater or something (I did see the video where Spider was talking about this, BTW. He must be misinformed)... it's just that you can't see the walls from the outside. That's because there are no outside walls. It's underground, so since you're outside of it, it's not rendering the inside walls. I would upload a vid to prove it, but when you glitch out the fog and record in Theater, the fog is there again when you play it back. I'll go back in and check for this "train" sound, though I haven't heard anything like that before. If I can find it I'll post a video.
  19. Are you me? Seriously, though... with the exception on the claymores (which I buy occasionally but not always) this is exactly how I play. I usually take the Turbine at the beginning, get all the bus parts while I go around and turn on the power, get Jugg, and pull out a bunch of points on round 3. Then I'll leave the Turbine at the town door so it will break and I can get a fresh one... get a couple good guns, upgrade, then roll with the shield the rest of the game. I stopped bothering with Revive on solo back when I played Moon a lot. That map was so easy I would get bored well before I was even coming close to dying. And now that Double Tap is more useful than ever... revive ends up being the least useful perk to me. Obviously it's a straight up second chance if you down, but usually in the higher rounds if I go down and lose my perks I'm going to die before making it to get them back anyways. One last thing I find useful in solo.... EMPs. Of course, if you have the Glavaknuckles, the Avogadro (or whatever you choose to call him) goes down quick, and you can use Monkeys to distract the zombies to fight him off, but the ease of just throwing an EMP in his direction when he spawns seriously just makes him a non-issue. And if you're running at the Diner, the worst you will do with them is lose Speed Cola for a minute. Not a huge deal.
  20. Tell me about it. I have three friends that play zombies... 2 of them are almost never online, and the one that occasionally is has awful internet. We got to the EMP part of Richtofen's EE, and I said "On the count of three we'll throw down the EMPs and jump in the portals. One, Two" disconnected. Slightly more on topic... I keep hearing "Treyarch has a reason for everything in Zombies." Well, does anyone find it a bit odd that there's 4 new characters, and one is named "Sam"? I mean, they could have named the guy anything... but they chose "Samuel". What does this mean? I have absolutely no idea... but I think at some point it's going to tie into the story in some way. I dunno how, but it just doesn't feel like coincidence to me.
  21. Why? What voice? During Moon/Nuketown power is transferred to Richtofen. Then TranZit happens... which would mean (obviously) Richtofen is in control. Why would we hear Samantha's voice?
  22. well at this point, we dont need the navcard reader for the easter egg...but mebbe we dont need it because we're still not 100% right about it assuming that the OP regarding the tweet IS true, we DONT have to WAIT FOR DLC to continue working on the easter egg... and if thats the case wouldnt it make sense that the intangible mystery steps somehow revolve around the pieces that nobody has yet found a purpose for ? Yep. IF there is more to the EE, and IF that "more" is available in the map, right now and not coming with DLC... then I would think the table is a part of it at some point. That I will agree on. The table is the only buildable that saves between games, and is the only thing nobody has found a use for yet... so one would think it has some kind of importance. I'm still not convinced that there's more to the EE right now, but the navcard table makes a LOT more sense than most of the outlandish theories I've been reading around here.
  23. From what I have researched you DON'T HAVE TO build the Navcard reader to complete the EE. You are actually heating up the "tower" not what you have built under it. I haven't completed either EE as of yet but, that's what people who have done it say. I've been saying this for a couple weeks. Richtofen never mentions the navcard table/reader when doing his EE. He tells you to build a jet gun, heat up the "obelisk" (the tower), collect 115, and reduce the power. He only mentions the table and navcards if you start collecting pieces of it. The table is NOT part of the EE (at least, not so far as it has been completed so far), and has no use as far as anyone knows at this point. My personal belief is that it will be used when we get DLC.
  24. I don't know how you're getting "Absolutely has something to do with the church" just from "Commitment". In fact, I personally don't think this tweet directly relates to any EE at all. I think he's talking about the ranking system... how do you rank up and keep your rank? By playing every day. "Commitment".
  25. It just makes the zombies heads explode no matter how you kill them. It does not snap to the head when going to ADS like Deadshot Daquiri. However, myself and others think it seems like you get headshots easier when hip-firing with the skill... but it's a tough thing to validate. Some have called it "Overkill", I've been calling it "Zombie Head Popper", which is kind of overly long. Another idea I was throwing around (going along with the "Barric-Aid" train of thought) is "Decapit-Aid"...
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