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Electric Jesus

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Everything posted by Electric Jesus

  1. Well in zombies the zombies just sort of slap the shit out of you and then leave. The reason they attack you is because richtofen wants you dead, NOT because they are hungry. I don't know what he means by "get him angry." maybe if you shoot him he drives really fast or swerves and gets crazy? Also the bracelets could be related to the tower of babble in the Easter egg. It was referenced in one of the achievements in case you didn't know. I don't know how they could be related though. You can see in one shot the woman has a bracelet too. I don't know what that means but I still thought I'd point it out. Edit: I like to pretend I'm a carrot. Potatoes are so mainstream!
  2. True dat. What I meant about the five thing was that it's connections are more subtle. For example, while playing you see a mainframe behind a window and think "the US captured mdts and made new ones eh?" rather than searching for notes and radios. I totally get you on the theories, but sometimes I can't help it . Also I knew about the tower of BABEL, not babble, and that this is a reference to it. However I meant that the zombie's storyline is not centrally religious, and that the "tower of babble" is merely a clever joke or play-on. Not sure what you mean by CoDz storyline. Are you confused by what I meant by it? Call of duty zombies storyline? :roll:
  3. Alright, let's give this a try. 1. Some zombies could do that on ascension and CotD, if they were in the right place. It isn't too unbelievable that they have gotten stronger, because richtofen himself has. As shown in the moon Easter egg, every zombie dead feeds the MPD, which explains why rounds get longer. So, It also explains how zombies get more powerful and agile the further into the story we get. 2. They also have matching collars on some of them. I feel like this has some significance but I don't know right now. Maybe it has to do with surgical spinal cord modification, which could result in increased durability and strength? I.E. super jump? I don't know about the collar though... 3. You say "wouldn't the moon rockets kill a horse?" but if you think about it, if it could kill a horse it could kill a human. Since there are obviously many humans left it makes sense that there are animals left too. Also, I think you may be able to ride it for the achievement/trophy "fuel efficient: use an alternative mode of transportation." 4. I don't know about the watches or bracelets or whatever. Maybe they are for the bus schedule, or some other electronic device. I have made a thread about the professor in the tranzit section so check it out if you want. Lots of details! 5. There is a gun like this: there are four shots in each barrel. You fire all four fully automatic then it rotates and you fire another four, and so on. So basically it's like BOO-BOO-BOO-BOOM!! *Click* BOO-BOO-BOO-BOOM!! Pretty sweet. 6. I like her too... IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN P.S. welcome new guy!
  4. I don't mean that any map lacks significance. I just meant that it would hold more of a der riese feel story wise than say five. As for the theory part, it's just that--a theory. No real facts, just my thoughts. No need to take any of my dementia-venting verbal vischissoise to heart. Also, I don't knus what you mean about the religious thing. I didn't knowingly bring up religion in that last post. The tower of babble is decidedly not religious, as well as the rest of the CoDz storyline in my opinion.
  5. Ok people I typed this on my phone at first but it freaked our on me and deleted all of the text. I am rushing to recover my footing from that minor blow and am a bit pissed off, so forgive me if I seem overly concise. I was just sitting and thinking when my derranged brain arrived on what I believe to be the current most plausible storyline theory related to moon and the two BOII maps, green run and tranzit. One thing you need to know before I get started is the story behind the green run. The green run was a series of experiments in the manhattan project conducted at the Washington Hanford site. I feel 99% sure that this site will be the location of the map titled "green run." The current most common theory for tranzit is that the main Easter egg is giving to revolve around repairing and utilizing a radio tower in order to contact and aid the original four. I believe this full-heartedly. Ok, so, if the four tranzit survivors fully repaired a radio tower, how would they be able to help the original four? There is no way they could have any knowledge of the MPD**, so they couldn't really help with the richtofen situation. It seems the only way they would be able to help them is to get them back into action on earth. The only way to do that would be via MDT, but the only one there leads to no mans land, which is a big no-no. So they must find a way to get back to earth some other way. Here is where the main theory comes into play. I will tell you in advance that my main theory is... The tranzit survivors use the tower of babble to instruct the original four on how to re-wire the MDT To send them to Hanford. There is a specific tranzit survivor referred to as "the professor" or "the engineer." James C. Burns hinted heavily at this man being VERY significant in one way or another. As he is an engineer or professor he certainly has a vast knowledge of how machinery works. Regardless of how vast his industrial knowledge is, there is really no way he could find out how to operate an MDT unless he had inside knowledge. This would mean being directly affiliated with group 935 or the manhattan project. I find the latter more likely, as he is american. The former shouldn't be discounted though. I actually have a thread on that already; check in the tranzit section for yourself. Anyway, If this man (the engineer) was operating at Hanford he would have had massive knowledge on MDTs. It is unlikely that "five" was the only testing ground for american MDTs. So, through completing the additions and repairs to the radio tower he would be able to instruct the original four On how to re-route the Lunar MDT to a mainframe on earth (apart from area 51). Naturally the engineer would instruct them to wire the pad to the only earthbound mainframe he could possibly know the exact coordinates of. the only possible mainframe that fits that description Would be one he worked with IN HANFORD! TL;DR: The tower of babble sends messages from the tranzit survivors, telling the original four how to relink the MDT to Hanford. This is possible because the tranzit survivor dubbed "the professor" worked there and therefore knew its exact coordinates. So naturally green run would be unlocked after the campaign, and features the original four and is located at the Hanford site. I could go on but I will leave any additional speculation To all of you. in other words I'm just too damn lazy. it seems farfetch'd but when you put the puzzle pieces together, YOU GET A BEAUTIFUL PICTURE OF A SCHPLEEN, UND DAS IST WUNDERBAR!! NYAAHAHAAA!!! Edit: HEY GUYS! Reporting back here after 3 months, to bring some new info! As you know it is the eve of due rise's release (already out for Europeans!) and we have lots of info. One is highly relevant. First off, I thought this theory died with green run's release, but only now upon reading the following do I realize that it still applies to DLC, and Die Rise! New achievement: High maintenance: Be the architect of their instruction. This is the achievement for the Easter egg, and to me it screams "build something for people contacting you from afar!" sound familiar? I think I may have been on to something here! We'll know soon. As far as I know no advances towards completing the egg have been made, so for now it remains a mystery.
  6. Regards--Chloey viewtopic.php?f=100&t=24625 Quoting Forrest Gump... "That's all I have to say... About that..."
  7. With regards to dunbarian, The green run was a series of experiments in the manhattan project, conducted at the Hanford site in Washington. My personal opinion on this is that the Hanford facility will in fact be a new map. If so, it will likely hold more story relevance than tranZit. Edit: for those of you who are BIIIGGG STOOPPID DOO DOO HEADS, the above coincides with the fact that I DO agree With Dun, that green run will be specific to the classic zombie mode, dubbed "survival". I feel that apart from the possible connection with the tower of babble, tranzit will have a more non canonical story relevance like CotD, and green run will be more specific to The storyline. If anything I expect THIS to be unlocked after the campaign. It may even have the original fearsome foursome! Hanford: Der Riese gets 'Murica'd!
  8. Hmm, what are you making a reference to here? :roll: I feel like we will probably get at least one more piece of gameplay before release. Not basing that on anything but I still feel it is true. stay on your toes Punk, and keep up the good work!
  9. My first thoughts on the Un-spun up fire mode would be more like a blast from the dragons breath but with much less range. This way if you run around a corner and are face to face with a dozen zombies you aren't screwed, but it still isn't as effective as possible. As for the idea of it firing like a raygun, we already know they did that with the wave gun but based on this gun's Build and structure it seems like it won't have any secondary function based on an attachment. I still think it is possible that the same weapon can use the same attack but at different intensities though. Another possibility is... Depending on what base fuel you find it could have different effects! For example, Using gasoline makes it shoot fire Liquid nitrogen makes it freeze them Acid melts them down And maybe there is a secret uberfuel that makes it fire lasers? (115?) That would be beastly.
  10. By party modes they mean modes for private matches. Sticks and Stones is FFA but it's still in there. MY REACTION TO THAT POST
  11. The next time we are going to encounter the date "march 5th" is in 2013, which is the most likely time we are going to get a map pack. 2013 is really kind of obvious.
  12. Looking At all of alpha's info, especially where he points out the gas can and whatnot, really makes me think the weapon will be something along the lines of the offspring of an illicit encounter between a flamethrower and a thundergun. An Whosonfirst, I think that the temperature would probably spike sharply at the time the gun fires, and we can't see it because it shuts to black before we could see it. Edit: here is my theory on the gun's function based on my above statements. You hold this bad boy and Press the right trigger to fire a blast of fire. However it has minuscule range and power. So, you hold down the left trigger, spinning up the turbine. Once it is fully spun-up, which I guess will take anywhere from 2-5 seconds, you can shoot a much bigger, totally massive and devastating blast of fire. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=JxR7RYuF2fU OH MY GODDD!!! THE QUARTERBACK IS TOOOOAST!!!
  13. @MMX, I am now willing to relent I suppose. Because I mean, when you put it like THAT^^^...
  14. My favorite hunger games books are the first two, "hunger games" and "catching fire". I love how clever the arenas are, and there isn't one in "mockingjay." But on topic, I REALLY hope something like this is in the game. It would blow my mind. I doubt it though because apparently party modes are for parties (imagine that), and this is for free for all.
  15. For the love of god... ............................................________ ....................................,.-‘”...................``~., .............................,.-”...................................“-., .........................,/...............................................”:, .....................,?......................................................\, .................../...........................................................,} ................./......................................................,:`^`..} .............../...................................................,:”........./ ..............?.....__.........................................:`.........../ ............./__.(.....“~-,_..............................,:`........../ .........../(_....”~,_........“~,_....................,:`........_/ ..........{.._$;_......”=,_.......“-,_.......,.-~-,},.~”;/....} ...........((.....*~_.......”=-._......“;,,./`..../”............../ ...,,,___.\`~,......“~.,....................`.....}............../ ............(....`=-,,.......`........................(......;_,,-” ............/.`~,......`-...............................\....../\ .............\`~.*-,.....................................|,./.....\,__ ,,_..........}.>-._\...................................|..............`=~-, .....`=~-,_\_......`\,.................................\ ...................`=~-,,.\,...............................\ ................................`:,,...........................`\..............__ .....................................`=-,...................,%`>--==`` ........................................_\..........._,-%.......`\ ...................................,
  16. On the contrary, hating Syndicate is quite relevant to the thread. While I do agree a line must be drawn, his lack of credibility is directly correlated to the impossibility of there being any meaning to his twitter account. Well I will give you that, but you can't deny that saying "he is a money whore who doesn't care about fans and only cares about his like/sub count" is a bit excessive and off topic. Anyway, let's move on with the actual thread. Obviously the only place we've seen three identical stones in zombies is the music so I think it is just a nod towards that. You know how in ascension, moon, and a few other maps, the three music items were different? This is probably a hint that we need to find ROCKS in the new map. Or meteors or whatever they are.
  17. Ok, you know what? I hate being "that guy", but I have to put my foot down. Whether or not you like Tom syndicate is completely irrelevant and discussing that subject is unacceptable in this topic. Please go elsewhere to discuss that (preferably the off-topic section), if you wish to further the discussion at all. If not, or until then, you should only discuss the tweets In the OP, as I am sure this was the intention of the original poster (bbobs). Seriously, guys, I thought we were past that stuff. I don't mean to hate, but it needs to stop NOW. -peace; EJ.
  18. In his videos, James C. Burns points out one of the characters in specific. He refers to this guy as "the professor" and "the engineer". He may not even be either of those things, but it is implied he has some very brainy profession. I have a feeling he is either acquainted with group 935 and richtofen, or was a member of the group himself. Here's why. One thing we must ask ourselves is "why would richtofen send his army of undead after four random survivors instead of wreaking havoc on the world? Because they AREN'T just random people. The professor guy would be a prime target for richtofen, but only if his existence jeopardized richtofen's power. You may be wondering how he could do that. Well, as many have theorized, the easter-egg will likely revolve around these new four sending radio signals to the original four on the moon. Obviously they would send messages to try and help them get Edward out of the machine, but how would this professor know how? The device is a unique secret alien device known only by group 935. He could only ever have gotten info on it by being in the group, or being closely acquainted with it. As for the possibility of him being a member of the group, maxis directly states that they don't want to reveal that they are receiving funds from the nazis because it might upset the very culturally diverse group's members. We can therefore assume that there were many members of ally nations in the group. Richtofen's quotes in moon suggest that maxis "has had experience with American women," implying that Sophia was in fact American. So it is therefore possible that he could have been in the group. The only other way he could have found information on the MPD is through extensive research (like George), and that would have been impossible since they would have covered their tracks, and eagles nest was still sort of in operation during the events of moon. Well, everyone there was dead, but pretty recently. As I said above, this is the only LIKELY way he could know how to operate and reverse engineer an MPD is through association with group 935. And, as I said, the only reason richtofen would want him dead specifically is because he somehow has the ability to do just that. Yeah, I know, it's crazy, but I guess it's just lucky that I am too or I would have never thought of it! Thoughts, opinions, ideas?
  19. Turbines pull air in on one side, and blow on the other. Maybe this will allow you to switch it around and either use it as a thundergun or a zombie vacuum? That would be hilarious.
  20. There is some debait as to whether or not tranzit is a normal, linear campaign, or just a huge free-roam world. If it is in fact linear, I think we may be seeing bosses in a more conventional manner. What I mean is that in most games you progress through a level, fight a boss at the end, and move on. Maybe we start in the bus depot and must fight a boss there (maybe something fire related, due to the lava) then we progress to the generator (electrical zombie) and onto the farm (some kind if animal). These are just random ideas I came up with. The point is, every area of tranzit holds a boss you must kill before advancing to the next area. If it is a free roam world, I can see how this would still work. Maybe there are specific items, such as blueprints, rare buildables, weapons, etc. that you are rewarded with upon defeating a boss. The bosses could be there from the start but only attack/come out when you either initiate a fight manually or stumble across them or something like that. Still only one per area though. There isn't exactly anything adamant to support this, but I still thought I'd throw it out for discussion.
  21. I bet the horse is how you get the "fuel efficient" achievement. You probably just pick up a horse from the farm. Advantages? You don't have to wait at a bus stop for it. Disadvantage? Only one or two passengers, AND it is a mortal horse.
  22. The original plan was to have kino in WaW, and start with ascension and five unlocked in black ops. But obviously they changed that. So I feel sure we will have a map in the direct story line upon launch. You will have noticed that they always release exactly one canonical map per launch, whether it be a game launching or a DLC. They don't skip because it allows the audience to lose interest and they don't do 2 simultaneously to avoid timeline confusion. So yeah. That.
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