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Electric Jesus

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Everything posted by Electric Jesus

  1. As dun and I have been saying since the start, when we go to HANFORD the original four will likely be there. Story-wise it doesn't make sense that the O4 are on tranzit survival areas, because there are no teleporters to send them down there... But I bet there is a mainframe over in Hanford...
  2. Hat is just insane. ... But I preferred the style of the first makeover though. That's just me. :mrgreen:
  3. BLASPHEMY "The dead have risen. No demons, ghouls, or ghosts have brought about THIS apocalypse though. Can you find the time during the panic and the fury, to ask yourself the most important question: 'where is your god now?'" Short on supplies and in need of escape, our four heroes took refuge in a nearby church. Regardless of how "holy" this ground is, nothing but you and your not-so-holy firearms can keep the bastards out. You spawn in a fenced-in graveyard. The area is large bit cluttered with headstones and debris. From here you can enter the mausoleum or the church. Entering the church grants access to the center aisle and the "stage" at the front of the church. This area is open and wide, with only a few rows of seats in the way (like the kino theater). From here you can buy stairs up or down. Going up leads to a much smaller upper level with an organ. Not much here. Going up even more leads up a massive, tight spiral staircase, which leads up to the top of a bell tower. This area is medium sized and almost perfectly flat. If you chose to go into the mausoleum in the spawn you would open the door only to find that the area ahead is just a system of catacombs filled with all manner of disgusting corpses and such. This entire area is pitch-ass black. At each entrance to the catacombs are lanterns, much like the PES on moon. This grants a mediocre amount of light. traveling from one side of the catacombs to another brings you to a split-off. One way leads deeper while another ascends from darkness. If you go up from here it leads up the "down stairs" in the church. Going deeper leads to (you guessed it) more tunnels. At the end of THESE are another chance to emerge into the light above. The area you rise up to is the street out front of the church. This area is a maze of decimated cars, one of which is blocking the front entrance, making the catacombs the only way to the street. The street contains a breaker switch whose function I'm sure you can guess. The whole front of the church and street are vandalized beyond recognition with graffiti displaying desecrated messages like "where is your god now?" and "Thou hast forsaken us." PACK A PUNCHING there is a hammer which can be found anywhere in the catacombs. Bringing this up to the bell and ringing it makes the PAP machine emerge from a random grave for 45 seconds before descending back into darkness. BOSS ROUND The menacing guitar note of the hellhounds echoes out into the most as the demonic announcer says slowly and angrily "Jesus... Wept..." a flash of lightning strikes the graveyard. And another. And another. One by one, the shadows emerge. As I explained in a previous post, shadows are humanoid dark Shapes that glide around you, whispering eerily. Then suddenly they shriek and fly at full speed through you, taking off with 200 points a pop. Killing (or rather, defeating) them with no points lost gives you a bonus points and ammo. Otherwise you just get ammo. NEW WEAPON Soul reaper This is pretty much a wave gun, minus the ability to dual wield. Firing rings out an angelic chorus as a blast envelops the horde. They are lifted into the air as their souls are sucked out of their eyes and moths and float away, leaving the limp bodies behind. Upgraded it becomes the X1000 A37H3R and gets more Ammo and range and such.
  4. I Plan to submit a map idea every day guys. This is not due to lack of thought put into each; quite the opposite really. I have made it a habit of mine to design wonder waffles and maps in my spare time, so I will begin to post one daily for your viewing pleasure. Here are a few projects I am working on or have just finished. FOUR-ONE-ZERO Location: Baltimore City, Maryland, USA. Description: Through the pollution, grime, and filth of the gritty streets I call home, something more sinister than your average gang-banger is lurking... FIREFIGHT Location: "Beaver-Cleaver-Ville" Boston description: "This... Was a fuckin' bomb droppin' on beaver-cleaver-Ville. For a few seconds... This place was Armageddon! There was a FIREFIGHT!!" (perfect recreation of the setting of my favorite movie scene.) PENNITENTIARY Location: Alcatraz prison Description: "While originally intended to keep the living in, most prisons have proven to be more than effective for keeping the undead out." -Max Brooks NÄCHST WELLE aka COMING HOME Location: The former Auschwitz death camp Description: "...In the long history of the world, only a few generations been granted the rule of defending freedom in its maximum hour of danger." -JFK (don't worry, I worked in a plot twist that ensures that we won't be fighting undead holocaust victims regards--ExpertCoah.) NIGHTMARE Location: many places famous from horror films (Elm street, small town in Maine, Amityville) Description: Imagine everything that had ever had you looking over your shoulder, or checking the closet, or under your bed each night. Now imagine it all around you. Now imagine there are zombies too. MARBLE HORNET Location: Unknown Forest Description: More than just the dead walk through these Trees... But whatever you do, Don't turn around... "NO NO NO NO NO" "Always watches... NO EYES" "Leave me ALONE" "FOLLOWS" "DON'T LOOK OR IT TAKES YOU" "CAN'T RUN" "HELP ME" If any of these seem interesting I will be sure to share that one first upon request.
  5. How about this kind of church Jesus? Sedlec Ossuary, I visit this place once and boy did I get creep the %$&% out during the night. It is almost as If it was meant to be!!! HOLY LESBIAN MARIO BROTHERS BATMAN!!
  6. Why does everyone think amusement parks would be cool? I'm not saying it wouldn't be, but literally everyone's first thought for a zombie apocalypse is an amusement park. Hmm.
  7. @MMX DAMN THAT WAS LONG!! But it was worth it! That is a really cool idea. I really like the idea of old and new weapons as we'll as that new wonderweaponizer thingy. My only problem was the three boxes thing. I don't think I would like that. But apart from that, it is really creative! @Mr. Touchstuff That is a really great idea as well. Maybe the volcanic eruption could come every few rounds and be like a boss? (hehe, like a boss.) that would be sweet. As per usual, here's another of my ideas. DESCENT "can you fight your way back to the earth, or will you become trapped in the tower of terror until your demise?" STORY Four new players were just minding their own business in their workplace, when BAM! Zombie apocalypse. Now a serious doctor (the new takeo) a silly business man (new richtofen) a gritty engineer (tank) and a random man who had been indulging in a cafe (Nikolai) must work together to DESCEND to freedom. Notice how descent is the opposite of ascension? Hmm. LAYOUT PACK-A-PUNCHING in order to pack-a-punch, you must ride every elevator. This causes a switch to become available in the basement. This switch de-activates roof security and enables you to access a staircase to the roof from the spawn. The roof is simply a flat, concrete area with the PaP machine there. However, in return for being available permanently, your space here is absolutely miniscule, so it is dangerous to stay here. BOSS ROUND This map has a boss I like to call Shadows. They glide around and have humanoid shapes but ate consisted of pure darkness. They float in a circle around you before suddenly charging. They steal 200 points every time they pass through you. About 20 cone each round, but they have little health. They can be a real pain when you are on your own though. Also the elevators are inactive during shadow rounds. Defeating them with all if your points intact gives you a max ammo and a bonus point power up. Otherwise you just get ammo. NEW WEAPON There is a new wonder weapon on this map, and that is my beloved beam cannon!
  8. Yeah, lenne's right. Sorry; couldn't help it! You just remind me of Tankeo in the way tou deliver your ideas. And trust me when I say that that is not an insult at all on my mind. As Tankeo said, he refuses to cast over his words a beguiling cloak of words. Beautiful or not--that's for us to decide. Nuthinn' wrong with that! But still, sorry. It's just all in good fun. And touch, I for one Am interested in hearing more about this idea about a volcano. I'm sure other people would as well. Go for it!
  9. ^^^ Beautiful, beautiful! Keep 'em coming! I have actually been waiting to make this thread for a bit, do I have a few MORE ideas saved up. I'll give a taste of one. BLASPHEMY this map takes place primarily in a church, but with the street and a cemetary also accessible. The church has two floors, a bell tower, and a basement, cluttered with desecrated religious figures and statues. The cemetary is littered with smashed headstones (or tombstones... Tee hee hee) and it is pitch-black outside. The only light here is from torches. The street is deserted, and has steps leading up to the church. This area is highly vandalized with graffiti that all says stuff like "god has forsaken us" and "nothing can save your soul now", a sort of homage to the chalk writing in the WaW maps and kino. As reddonkeyham might say... CONTROVERSIAL!!
  10. Thanks for playing! I am in the process of doing another Full-detail map, which will be a perfect zombified model of my school. I might post it alongside the others if you guys can motivate me enough, :mrgreen:
  11. You guys are meanies! I don't want to play with you any more! :cry: ...just kidding. But still... Usually the ratio of views to replies on a thread is like 20:1; this had 6:2! Psst, lenne, *wink* http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=FONN-0uoTHI
  12. Hey guys! Your friendly neighborhood electromagnetic deity here bringing you a thread for the fun of the forum. As many of you may have noticed, I have 12+ full-detail wonder weapon ideas posted in the wunder-ful thread. As you may have gathered from that knowledge, I am a HUGE fan of highly creative ideas. Furthermore, it really gets me pumped to see the whole community throwing down awesome ideas for others to see. Apart from that, I have seen some AMAZING Map ideas here! However, they have been scattered across a variety of diverse threads. It would be cool to have them all in one place (like the wunderweapon thread). So, I took it upon myself to post this thread, for my benefit and yours! Ok, down to business. Here is what I expect to see: MAP IDEAS!! I say this so broadly because I want nothing more or less. You can post a full-scale room by room description of your map, or a simple statement like "it would be cool to have a map set in a blah blah blah." just do whatever you want!! I have a few ideas for myself which I have shared in the past. I will post a more vague description of them now, and if this thread sparks enough interest I will post the full descriptions I already have written. I even have hand-drawn maps of two of these three ideas. Well, here I go. SUPERMARKET "Come check out our killer prices! We have deals do good they'll knock you dead! If you want quality products at prices to DIE for, Check out a Wunder-Mart near you today!" This map takes place inside an abandoned supermarket. The entire store is accessible, as well as customer service, the deli, storage rooms, the entire parking lot, and an empty 18-wheeler in the lot. It is about the size of ascension but a bit larger (not quite CotD). Its layout is more along the lines of shangri-la, as the parking lot and store are basically a massive labyrinth of wrecked cars and shopping carts. I have a full-detail hand-drawn map of this idea. FARM "You have been forced to take refuge from the storm in an old farm house. However, mother nature isn't the only thing keeping you inside..." Fun fact: I have a map of this one as well. This one took me the least amount of time to draw out and design, because it is based entirely on my own house and property, room for room, stable for stable, barn for barn. This map features a large house, loads of cluttered and burning fields to explore, stables, barns, and the whole sha-bang. This is a pretty self-explanatory map. KATASTROFA "History tells us of the great catastrophe that left this Once-beautiful land inhabitable and deadly. History is full of liars." This map takes place in the abandoned amusement park located in chernobyl during the time of the catastrophe. Contrary to popular belief, the area was not INITIALLY Contaminated with radiation. That was merely an after-effect. The real catastrophe that took place there was the biggest zombie outbreak in recorded history. Fight through themed fun houses, pick them off from the peak of a roller coaster, spin them for a loop on a carousel, lure them through a firing range, and so much more! This one I do not have a map of because I haven't decided where I want everything yet. YOUR TURN CODZ!!! Note: I don't really expect to encounter this problem, but please don't come into this thread saying "stop suggesting ideas; it's too late and treyarch could never put these in the game." WE KNOW. This is an idea thread, not a suggestion thread. We already have one of those.
  13. Hmm... You using the words "apocalypse" and "horse" reminds me of something. Back when I was a lurker I saw a post about a boss idea. The idea is that you fight one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. Maybe we will actually see something like that in the game! I don't remember who posted that before, so speak up if it was you!
  14. Jimmy Z has stated that this is in his opinion the greatest wonderweapon they have ever concieved. Who am I to disagree with him. Honestly, based on what we've seen of it (which isn't much tbh) I don't really like its appearance... But but it's effect will certainly blow us all away! (no pun intended)
  15. What about Nuketown Zombies? Nuketown zombies is most likely going to lack any REALLY significant story relevance (but not be completely devoid of significance.) this is because the majority of players will not have nuketown zombies upon the game's launch. Also, if it WAS available later through DLCs, it wouldn't make sense timeline-wise. UNLESS Its storyline significance was so negligible, it's placement in the timeline doesn't affect the rest of the story too dramatically.
  16. @MMX B$&@# please, I have literally never even posted a thread that got more than 30 replies. 8000 views? HA! I cant even count that high! I can only count to six! WHAT THE HELL COMES AFTER SIX?!?! Naw, I'm just joking. Well, Im joking about the counting, but not that first part... Whatever, I'm new. And not all of us can be like punkrockzombie... A Russian can dream, can't he?
  17. See, the thing is, regardless of whether or not the title ACCURATELY reflects whether or not these are going to be in BOII, the fact that they aren't means that this thread is in the wrong location. Modz, swoop in and work your magic!
  18. I really like what I'm seeing here. My only problem us that it seems we will be able to use letters freely in our emblem. Every immature moron is going to have "your mom" and a variety of swear words. I am decidedly not a fan of those kinds of emblems.
  19. Some people were disappointed that "the survival mode is just parts of tranzit so it's not creative!" I think there will be more than just tranzit survival maps. The only other map we know exists is GREEN RUN, so it makes sense that this would be a survival map. Plus it's not even a matter of logic really. Fans love survival. Obviously treyarch wants to slip us an extra treat. Who are we to think poorly of our masters and assume they won't give it to us? :mrgreen:
  20. Amen to that. http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/view ... 00&t=24695
  21. Well, just look at the achievements. Green run and tranzit are listed as seperate, so I believe that green run will be a seperate, exclusively survival mode map.
  22. Fine, I take it back! KEEP YOUR DAMNED LIGHT SABER!! Just joking. It's actually a cool idea!
  23. A Surprising Number of people have suggested light sabers and other melee wonder weapons. However, If you had a light saber, you would be able to one-hit-kill zombies on like round 30, with infinite ammo. PaPing it would make it even more over-powered. If anything, it needs a limited battery or something so it isn't just a case of "I have a light saber so now I'm immortal; back the F$&@ Off son."
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