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Everything posted by Slade

  1. We dropped the brains requirement in the end because forum software didn't support it. We also never finished the Giants' design.
  2. @Nightmare Voyager @the_clay_bird I'm saying it doesn't make much sense to still use some of these terms. Like Easter Egg for something that's literally thrown in your face the second you start up a map like Undad explained. Some never made sense to begin with (Perma-Perk; we all know there's nothing permanent about it). That doesn't make it inherently wrong to use the terms. It's subjective, after all. I still say EE and Perma-Perk whenever I play Zombies. In the end you can call them whatever you want.
  3. @ They're (side)quests. Calling them easter eggs makes as much sense as calling temporary upgrades "Perma-Perks" The main reason why we still stick to these terms, even though we know we use them incorrectly and the definitions don't add up, like easter eggs for sidequests, perma-perk for persistent upgrades and Leroy is that Treyarch never bothers to release some actual names for these things to the community on let's say their website, because "woah, look at all this stuff you don't know what it's actually called, so cryptic, right guys? :^)" So instead some random youtuber, I mean - the community just makes up a bunch of names and uses whichever sounds best, regardless of definition.
  4. Have we all forgotten Origins that quickly? It's very clear that Treyarch tried to return to its roots with Origins, both in setting and story. Apart from le grande easter egg, we have radios scattered around everywhere, revealing what happend before and elaborating on some very interesting stuff like how PaP and the Mystery Box work. Not only that, but the blueprints from Richtofen and Maxis showed us that the Big Drill device in Nuketown is actually a 115 extractor drill. Not to mention all the cryptic messages that took us weeks to decipher, and that First drawing which has us still scratching our heads. Origins showed us that we can have both, big story-focused easter eggs and smaller more hidden stuff in the background elaborating on the events that are unfolding. @Speedo Cola said it best.
  5. At this point, I stopped calling them easter eggs and just used the term Treyarch has used ever since Ascension: side quests. It's not really an easter egg when the first thing you hear when you jump in a game is some annoyingly loud angry random dude stuck in who know's where giving you his to-do list. Easter eggs are inside jokes and hidden messages; like the notes scattered around origins and the songs. Side Quests are optional additional objectives that give you some sort of reward for completing them. With that said, please add some in-game option to turn them off in future maps.
  6. Flipendo!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. InfestLithium


      Ahhhh, leveo-SAAAAAHHHHH

    3. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      "So I heard JK Rowling is writing a spinoff about the next generation of wizards under harry and co."

      me: WHAT!?!

      *Storms into her office where she's writing the book


      *Pencil goes flying from her hand.

    4. Tasha


      *casts alohomora on Slade's belt*

  7. @BrayJayTheZombSlaya As you type your post, our Forum's text editor automatically saves your post while you write, so that if something happens, you can always restore your post when you reload the page.
  8. Ha, awesome stuff Craigo! Can't wait to see it implemented.
  9. There is, it's quite easy. Download Black Ops ll Sound Studio by master131 here Open Mob's english sound .iwd file with it. Extract the audio you want. If you don't know what they're called by name, sort the audio files by size. The longer the audio, the bigger the file.
  10. I will say this on the matter. Calling one theory "ridiculous, preposterous and not serving much purpose" because you don't like it, disagree with it, see the 'evidence' as invalid, or any other reason really, is going a bit too far. Often a ton of work goes into these theories, and they're mainly speculation anyhow. Personally there are but a few theories I agree with to an extent, but even then I can still applaud and respect the work that went into every one of them posted here that I read through. It's also kind of funny how you ridicule the mars theory because the only proof of that is gamefiles and some hints by the devs on twitter, yet 'Mob and Origins are in hell' is totally confirmed because there was some Dante reference somewhere in some map. Personally, I never liked this "show conclusive proof or throw your theory out the window" attitude some of the people in the Zombies community have. Regarding Zombies, you can discuss pretty much anything here on CoDZ without the fear of people posting disparaging remarks like "lol this sounds ridiculous". And the last thing we need is some person saying what people should and should not talk about. .... tasty bait m8.
  11. @Chopper You know your story is beyond redemption when people argue about what is canon and what's not; and even go as far as to refuse to accept your ending.
  12. You forgot one my friend: The Singleplayer team developed Mob and Origins.
  13. The Blundergat, Elemental Staffs and even the Jetgun pretty much invalidate this rumor. It's more likely Treyarch's attempt at adding some risk / reward to the use of the wunder weapons. Same reason they took away PhD Flopper.
  14. Ha, this sounds awesome. Nicely done and well-thought-out @Pizzaboy5799. It would be pretty neat to have a Wunder Weapon exclusive to this gamemode, which would for instance allow you to mess around with the teleportation / cycles at will. Or some boss wave to spice things up by making the players disorientated.
  15. Regarding the Engine Technically speaking, AW runs on a brand new engine. And we know Treyarch and IW are going to use this engine as well, and of course build upon it and modify it et cetera. So you could say the next CoDs we get are running on a new engine. Sledgehammer said they built new animations, sounds, rendering and physics engines completely from scratch, and you can see it in their product. AW looks a billion times better than Ghosts, it's probably the biggest technological leap forward for the franchise since CoD4. Sure, the new engine still uses some code of the old IW engine (Sledgehammer confirmed this as well), but it's a CoD game at its core so obviously they're not throwing the whole code away. So this "we need a new engine / lol they're still using Radiant" crap is seriously getting old. In the past, yeah you definitely had a point since every new CoD was basically the same shit different color with a few new additions here and slight changes to the engine there. But now they have a new, capable next-gen engine for their franchise. Regarding the Remaster Just leave the old maps alone. If you want to play them, pop in your WaW, BO1 or 2 disc. Looking at their previous "remaster" effort (Classic Zombies for BO1) they'll probably make the remastered maps less enjoyable than their original counterparts again.
  16. Wonder Weapons do make maps easier overall; even when the process of acquiring one isn't easy. Try hitting high rounds on Origins without using any of the staffs or Boomhilda. As for the next game, whatever time it's set in, don't let it be World War 1.
  17. too soon. @Lenne Sorry brother, I'm taken, but I like this a lot. knipoog knipoog
  18. Welcome back sir. now leave us again, I dare you. I double dare you, tranzit playa. Leave us, one more god damn time.
  19. Quick, @ make a thread about gloves so me and @Lenne can like the brainz outta it. unlimited likes. break the system. become queen of codz.
  20. @GRILL Perhaps they're thought bubbles? highres loading screen Note the clear blue sky. If this happend after the earth got blown up, where are all the chunks of earth debris floating around in the atmosphere? (as seen excessively in both Die Rise and Buried). They couldn't just have magically vanished, right?
  21. Tranzit's game over song actually sounds a lot like it's loading music, Lovesong for a Deadman. Both obviously inspired by music like Earth Angel. Die Rise is the only one that foreshadows the setting of the next map. The rest of the map's ending music is in the same theme as the rest of the music in the map. (Buried western, Origins violins guitar)
  22. I would give a really vague tip but it's very useful. Shoot everything. Just shoot everything.

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