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Everything posted by Kill_All_Monkeys

  1. I already posted a create-a-class simulator.... http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=99&t=24050
  2. Looks like a guy getting punched in the head by two people at the same time to me.
  3. Seriously, great job Treyarch. Don't listen to the haters, they just be jealous of your mad skills ;)
  4. I wouldn't worry about that... Nuke town comes with the care package only, so it's not included in the game, and I'm sure trayarch isn't stupid enough to give us only one map to play on (you may have to unlock It though like five) Nuketown comes with Hardened Edition too.
  5. The "denizens of the forest" are within Tranzit. There are two other achievements/trophies relating directly to the Green Run though. My guess is that it is in fact a completely separate survival map from the ones out of Tranzit. Tower of Babble appears to be the big EE for Tranzit, while Green Run seems to be a EE of it's own. One of the achievements mention getting your tombstone in Green Run, and in one of the screenshots released before the trailer showed something that could be this. And if you looked at the part of the trailer where this Tombstone was in the screenshot, it was no longer there. Meaning this is something outside of Tranzit.
  6. I know I've said this a lot already, but I'm calling it right now. I bet they will return in a Paris map.
  7. Essentially, they kind of already did that with Sam and Richtofen. I don't think they would do that again with rest of the original crew. Not to discourage you though, it's a neat idea, it's just that they've already done.
  8. I'm gonna go ahead and guess this has something to do with Richtofen as he is a zombie god now.
  9. I'm gonna guess this is a special grenade because there was a similar achievement/trophy for the Gersche Device.
  10. I wish I could take a tour of Treyarch's studio, that looks so freakin amazing...
  11. I'm guessing they will be bigger than what the trailer depicted them to be. Let's not forget how big the map in Tranzit is as well.
  12. Personally, I would love to see a sequel to Dead Ops as it would be a nice little break from the regular zombies gameplay. Not to mention that I loved the original Dead Ops. I would also love to see a side-scrolling zombie adventure as well. :mrgreen:
  13. I'm gonna go ahead and guess that if some Black Ops (and possibly WaW) guns are returning, then so are the Wunder Weapons.
  14. Why does it matter what she looks like? I'm going to be far more concerned about the endless waves of zombies coming at me rather than whether or not an intangible video game character is going to give me an STD.
  15. I just re-watched the trailer (for like the 100th time) and I noticed that it looked like some kind of frost effect when they showed it and then it sounded like a freezing effect right after. And I'm imagining things or is this a much improved Winter's Howl?
  16. Well from what I've read, they're not ready to fully show off this Grief game mode just yet.
  17. You could be on to something here. Though I think this would apply to more than just the Grief game mode.
  18. So while I was reading, I noticed that many websites said that these new characters would be exclusive to this map for tranzit and survival. And I know many people are upset that they didn't show or mention our original crew, but I have an idea as to how they may incorporate them yet. What if, as a DLC, they released another gigantic map similar in scale to this new map in Tranzit with different characters. For example, let's say it's located in Paris with the original crew. Remember, Tranzit is a game mode, not the name of the map. As fun as this new map would be, I can't imagine that it would stay entertaining after several months once all the Easter Eggs were found and the story completed. And this would allow them to create new survival maps, too, since they're only certain sections of the bigger map. Let's not rush to judgement just yet!
  19. So does this mean that if they have a DLC with a whole new Tranzit-sized map that there would be new (or old) characters exclusive to that map and it's respective survival maps?
  20. I'm guessing it starts off in the bus station, and after x amount of rounds a bus comes along to pick us up. There are probably perks and weapons galore in this particular zone of Tranzit as well.
  21. How did you see 6? There are only 4 people in the entirety of the trailer; it even ends with a stand off with the 4. EDIT: AND, the Joystiq interview stated that there are only 4. NPCs or random civilian survivors?
  22. Can't we accept that zombies mustn't be tailored to us, as dedicated and loyal as we are, but rather for the whole of the fan base and any newcomers? Plus, so what if a few things are different? Survival mode is still there, I'm sure the original crew will pop up at some point, and the "core" of zombies is still there with perks, mystery box, PaP, basic gameplay, and so much more. The only difference is that they've added some new game modes with different directives (That may be even better than the original game mode). Deep breath people, have some faith in Treyarch. They know what they're doing.
  23. I'm guessing it's something you have to "build"?
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