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Everything posted by Alter72

  1. Yeah, people should have options, just as lingling said, even though all perks and PaP would tear the map to shreds, but if you like that type of chaos, be my guest. There should be a popup menu for the host just after he hits the "A" button to start match, it would look like this: [] Classic weapons [] Modern weapons [] Pack a Punch Perks: (list of perks that you can check off)
  2. YESS, what we need is a few hundred zombies laying siege to an apartment building.
  3. @tankeo Yeah, the point of the relaxitave is the zombies stay close, but not too close, everyone seems to forget that if you sprint they would move faster, but maintaining their distance. Also you could have cups and paper fly around you for added effect.
  4. Okay, let's make three things clear, bub. THERE ARE NO invisible zombies, the people ARE the zombies. Secondly, if you can't offer ANY advice then you really shouldn't slam everyone else's, much like the perk idea thread. An exception being if you own the thread because people are SUBMITTING their IDEAS to YOU. Thirdly CotD WASN'T a port, it was a FREAKING ISLAND! The boat would be an entirely different style than the port one would be. The CotD one was a tanker, the port would lean towards a cruise or yacht ship, something that was meant for civilians. Like Tankeo said, if you've got nothing good to say then don't say it.
  5. Lol in case of relaxitave the 115 could make you're body ultra dense so it would have a mini gravity field around you just like the earth has gravity so would you! :lol:
  6. Guns affect the feel of the game more than what you would think. If you have a gun with lots of style oozing out of it then the game has a good feel to it. After all it takes up 1/4 of the screen! Let's compare the WA2000 to the RSASS. Wa has a quieter sound making the gun seem more tactical and stealthy. RSASS has a pretty much bottomless clip and makes a loud bang making it seem like any ordinary gun. The sleek look of the WA2000 makes it look smooth and flowing. The rats ass on the other hand looks clunky and hard to carry making it seem disposable, like teammates are on a ctf on Rust. Bottom line mw2 had a strange brand of magic and style that no game has of yet been able to replicate.
  7. Lol I remember playing split screen WaW with 2 other fraggots (minion and commander). I remember shooting commanders arm off with old' trenchy and 3 severed hands came out. I was like WTFLOL?!?! Anyways, did anyone play XCOM? If one of your agents got killed in it his body would collapse and slump on the ground in the most disgusting, horrifying and spine chilling way possible. Even WaW or mortal kombat can't even come close on the disturb-o-meter.
  8. Okay, let's get this straight. When I first played MW2 I was in a wonderland. Nothing to complain about, it was the perfect game. Same with fable 2, I waited 9 years for that one, had some good times with both with my group, the fraggots. Fable 3 came out and it was shitty as hell, seeming like a demo of the previous games, some possible foreshadowing of what was to come. I never really paid much attention to B.O. Because I was caught in the shitstorm that is halo reach. Then comes Codern Shitfare Pee which splits the gaming community in half with a proverbial fire axe. I had nowhere left to turn so I went to a store to pick up a new, hopefully good game. Then I saw it, a hardened edition of black ops sitting on the shelf with a heavenly glow around it. Long story short after that I ended up here. So if you think people just complain with no bases All the time you might be right, actually in 99% of the cases you are. No offense man, it's just this latest game was a heavy blow to CoD. Oh yeah, @lingling I couldn't really think of another diss for it lol. I have seen gameplay of Mw and it looks great, also mw2 WAS the perfect game.
  9. The walking headless zombie isn't a bug, if you just barely decapitate it then it does that, the less overkill you have the longer it can walk without bleeding out. It's like a final stand for zombies! :D
  10. (pulls cattle prod out of pants) Let's do this fallout 1 style...
  11. SHUT UP!!! Ok now that everyone's listening let's all agree on 1 thing: MW3 IS A PIECE OF CRAP THAT WAS PEDALED TO LITTLE KIDS AND RAGERS. THE GUNS SUCK, THE GUNS IN MWII WERE AMAZING. THE PERKS ARE HOPLESSELY OP, IT'S LIKE PLAYING TF2. THE KILLSTREAKS ARE SO SHITTY THAT I CANT EVEN EXPLAIN THEM. Black ops is also way more relaxed, mw3 (and 2) were stressful, competitive, and overly dramatic with everyone in the game trying to get to the next level so they can get closer to their dream weapon. I'm done.
  12. Cod zombies on iPod is more vertical (you cant jump or squat) than mw3
  13. So wait, IW can get away with showing a child get gassed and an airport getting shot up? Well, I think activision is treating one (more profitable) company better than the other. Anyways I think there shouldn't even be a modern warfare, future would be fine but MW just takes what's going on now in the world and turns it into a shooter. Trey arch actually took creativity into factor and added what COULD'VE happened, making you think. On the military recruitment thing, I bet they only recruit Modern Warfare people, if you take a look at the game then it's pretty much a militaristic breeding ground for violent soon-to-be soldiers. Black ops is waaay more laid back and is about strategy, not reaction time. Lol I think the area taken up by china, Russia and the middle east will be a smoking crater the size of North america, but that's what happens when your main export is news. In conclusion I totally agree with you. Ps: often I start to think reality IS fiction, and vice versa. Someone's earned their [brains]
  14. Kar and Stg, eww, now I gotta wash my eyeballs. Thompson is more accurate, mp40 leans more towards rapid fire. Ak-74u has more power. The FG has HORRIBLE accuracy on iPod, but okay on console. I'll have to go with steakout because 1) it's cheap 2) tons of power 3) you can get it before dogs in most cases 4) large clip 5) fast shooting speed
  15. I'll go first. My group (Fraggots) was on Der Riese after a brutal and profitable match we were at the pack a punch machine, I got my L115, our commander got his predator and our runner got his phantom from it. Our gunner puts his ray gun in it, but then suddenly for no reason the next round starts. Fraggot Commander: EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF! GET TO THE BASE! Everyone abandons our gunner who is swarmed from all 3 sides. I then turn around, dive in and save him. When we go back to the machine his ray gun is gone and all he has is an M16. So when we get to the base this is what happened in order. 1. Our runner can't handle the sheer amount of zombies and throws a monkey, the zombies make a ring around him and box him in. He shrieks and can't push through the zombies AND he is standing on the monkey, long story short: he gets blown to hell then mobbed. 2. About every zombie in the world runs through the small door our gunner is standing in, he doesn't even hold him for half a second, it looked like he got trampled. 3. Our commander desperately yells at me to save him, I sit back and laugh while he tries to hold back 50 zombies with a specter and cobra. 4. By now there's so many zombies on the catwalk I shot randomly and got 10 kill, no joke. I laugh uncontrollably as 20 zombies squeeze into the mesh room and maul me. Everyone rages at me for not making a miracle, they freak out and play MW3, I'm say DAMMIT, THIS CALLS FOR GOLDENEYE RELOADED. I laugh at their pathetic attempt to make me play MW2.1.
  16. I think he has severe mood swings caused by his personality, NOT the pyramid.
  17. Alter72

    Hi there

    Gee thanks, this is probably one of the nicest forums out there. (apart from a few people who criticize everyone). [brains] for all! Ps: was the forum always this helpful or only after all the spoiled kids ran to mw3?
  18. I tried to steer people away from camping on the port due to all the good stuff being there, thanks for the critisizm though the zombies could yield no points and be tougher than the usual ones (maybe 3x?), plus they would come in droves making WAAAAY more strategic about this map.
  19. Sorry, it was a misunderstanding, he sounded a bit forceful with the cowboy thing though
  20. Ok, you do realize youre using steam, one of the most unreliable, unkempt, uncaring corporations EVER, second don't criticize trey arch, they actually put effort into their games unlike the dunces at bungie, sledgehammer or ValvE. (60+ on pc on all maps, wow, I'm actually shocked)
  21. Hmm yeah, I can't really think of what they might sacrifice, it also seems a bit fake when a guy hits a claymore he'd slip and fall like on a banana peel. Anything they might take out would ruin it being a cod game. On the other hand I you could just have the limb explode like in zombies on iPhone and leave no arm rolling around.
  22. Same, most of my group is raging over MW3, when they do it I go SCREW IT IM PLAYING GOTHAM IMPOSTERS and they all join cause they can't stand me playing a game other than a CoD one.
  23. I have a solution, no limbs coming off, but if you kill a guy violently enough his WHOLE body would burst and bones would fly. Quake did it like 10 years ago and we can to.
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