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Status Replies posted by Lenne

  1. Man!  Sorry I've been MIA but my company blocked CoDz!   Just wanted to stop in and say i love you all and LOVE all the content the members and forum channel have been bringing.  Excellent stuff guys.

  2. I honestly still can't quite believe that the UK has left the EU.

    1. Lenne


      @Smok3y Excuse what I wrote.


      I just was a bit overwhelmed by the result, but that doesn't give me the right to write what I did.


      I apologise.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. I honestly still can't quite believe that the UK has left the EU.

    1. Lenne


      I always assumed you are a brit. Now I have to picture a new face of you in my head. D:


      Yeah while the the things that happened these last couple of months are not the end of the world, they kinda feel like it, but at what point in human history didn't something feel like the end of the world, right? :P

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. I honestly still can't quite believe that the UK has left the EU.

    1. Lenne


      Yeah I always assumed the british are smart, but it looks like only 48.1% of you are. :(

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  5. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  6. Eurooovisiooon

  7. 2 weeks in China with family, so no modding for me D: Good thing I released update for Project C just before the trip, so you guys can have fun with that while Im away :3 


  8. Gonna miss you out here @Nightmare Voyager! Sorry you felt you had to choose. Such a shame. 

  9. This download takes forever. ;_;

    Pray for me. :P

  10. Finishing Friday with a bit of Bloodborne.

    Such a good game.

  11. You know your a veteran when everything about this place feels very nostalgic. It's good to see a lot of the same folks I slayed with, worked behind the scenes with and even became friends with are still kicking and even running the show. And speaking of which, a big nod to seeing PDT was dusted off! I miss you guys!

  12. Longest. Month. Ever. I now know the ps struggle.

  13. Happy New Year everyone!

  14. Happy new year, strangers!

  15. UOTM going up in a few days, who you gonna nom?

  16. Yay, graduation next week :3

  17. I need BO III in my life. Right now.

    1. Lenne


      Same here. I am super paranoid that Amazon sent me the xbone juggernog fridge. haha

      20 $ well spent though. :P

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  18. I need BO III in my life. Right now.

    1. Lenne


      Sounds le good. 

      Now just pray for me that the game arrives tomorrow for me. haha

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  19. I need BO III in my life. Right now.

    1. Lenne


      Will add you tomorrow. But we wont play straight away.

      RL buddy comes first. :P

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  20. Happy Halloween everyone! It's also my birthday :) which I know is the REAL reason we celebrate this wondrous day. 

  21. All these name changes are contributing to my OCD.

  22. Quick question for you high round guys. I am currently in a run for round 69 (At the moment at 62) and a thought occured to me.

    Isn't the first insta kill round in the 70s? Or was it 170s?

    @DeathBringerZen @Chopper and anyone else who knows about this stuff.

    I would love to experience such a round but only if it really is in the 70s. haha

    On Der Riese by the way.

    1. Lenne


      Yeah I just quit on 71. Insta kill rounds aint gonna happen for me. haha

      Thanks, Chopper for the reply.

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  23. Quick question for you high round guys. I am currently in a run for round 69 (At the moment at 62) and a thought occured to me.

    Isn't the first insta kill round in the 70s? Or was it 170s?

    @DeathBringerZen @Chopper and anyone else who knows about this stuff.

    I would love to experience such a round but only if it really is in the 70s. haha

    On Der Riese by the way.

    1. Lenne


      Thanks, DBZ.

      That is wuite a bummer though. haha

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

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