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Stop Mocking Me0

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Status Replies posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. Alright, so far the thanksgiving map is going great! (I am using an IPad for this so don't hate me) tune in to check up on everything!

  2. The Ultimate Santa Claus Theory, Jolly Old man? Or CIA Spook?

  3. Beat Ocarina of Time for the first time. What a great game. Never played Majora's Mask so looking forward to the 3DS version.

  4. Watched the Atari ET dig documentary. Brought back some good memories, worth a watch for the gamer.

  5. 6 Days.... 26 Topics....Can smith finish all this in time for December first? Or will Christmas be ruined once again by Ab- err I mean the Grinch

  6. Galactic Zombie Attack! Lasers! Portals! Anti Gravity! TIME TRAVEL!!!!!!!

  7. Nothing quite like seeing your spammy avatar posted all over the forums lol I'm starting to think I jump into too many topics xD

  8. Beat Ocarina of Time for the first time. What a great game. Never played Majora's Mask so looking forward to the 3DS version.

  9. Help me reach 1000 likes and I'll buy AW.

  10. I'm sure I heard a song once, it went like, unlike, liked this, liked that.

  11. Forum Wars The Complete Saga of Internet Drama

  12. "Like" feature is now live - go crazy and "Like" all your favorite posts! No rules like with "Brains", "Like" away!

  13. Just got 3 games for under 25 bucks. Catherine, Tomb raider, and Enslaved.....

  14. I'm sure I heard a song once, it went like, unlike, liked this, liked that.

  15. People are expecting a lot from AW's Zombies mode. Let's see how SHG handles the game mode.

  16. writing late at night on CODZ is pretty fun, actually

  17. The only time the xbox one requires wifi is during the initial set up and to get the latest system and title updates before you start playing some games so does that mean if I can't connect to xbox love I can't play it or just some games... Please help.

  18. The only time the xbox one requires wifi is during the initial set up and to get the latest system and title updates before you start playing some games so does that mean if I can't connect to xbox love I can't play it or just some games... Please help.

  19. 13 days left till the first Christmas countdown post. Lots of work to do. I can't wait.

  20. 13 days left till the first Christmas countdown post. Lots of work to do. I can't wait.

  21. Everyone be sure to wish Slade a Happy Birthday. He turns 30 today...or 12. To be honest I have no clue. Happy Bday Al!

  22. Everyone has a unique way of displaying map concepts. Some people draw, others put in pictures from other sources. However I think I want to start making Models of my Map concepts using Legos.

  23. Currently Working on Songs..... I know what nikolai would do in a Willy wonka style Zombie factory, I know what dempsey would do, and I know what richtofen would do. 3 Songs down but Takeo is the Hardest. He wants Honor so How to get him eliminated from the group....Hmmmm

  24. Holy shit guys: "9:35 the weasel goes into his song and dance routine." 9:35= 935= The moment when zombies come into the hellish prison.

  25. It's HALO time, if ya need me I'll be back in about a week :)

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