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Stop Mocking Me0

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Everything posted by Stop Mocking Me0

  1. Whew... For a second there I'd thought no one would see that...
  2. "The flowers are in bloom, as the birds will tell... It's a beautiful day to be burning in Hell....

  3. Well see the moon's gravitational field is still there. But now it's fragmented and scattered. It would cause obscene tidal issues. Kinda like with Kanye.
  4. Might be something in samantha's room as well.
  5. I don't suppose we can create a system where reputation can be earned by anyone who posts (likes and what not) and brains are awarded to the usefulness of the topic in general. So posts get likes, the topic gets brains. Essentially. Just spit balling here. FOR A SECOND, NBZH posting here made me think brains were back, to which I was thrilled. But now I see it's just an old thread. Ahhhh the memories....
  6. It likely will need a sniper to work, and will might be in a SUPER weird place like looking at the moon durring the wonderfizz. You might have to do the easter egg first. I don't think having skeletons active would change anything, or having a panzer hat. Maybe it has something to do with the secret KN-44s?
  7. I concur. It's somewhat spam posting. Don't worry, we aren't reddit. We're civilized and will answer all the questions you have in one post.
  8. The gravity basement in Der Eisendrache is largely how I would expect water physics to work in the most part. You're slightly slowed, but zombies are majorly slowed, you have much more vertical movement, ect. The difference being there'd be no wall running, you could fixate yourself at fixed heights, and while zombies can reach you at any height, they can't maintain it, and are forced to make somewhat more of an arch then a trail after you. Also, unless you had a scuba suit, or some kind of air-breathing perk/gum oxygen would be an issue. With tides you also have the effects of current which would work largely like the bus, pushing you down a certain way. But only on the surface of water.
  9. I'm GUESSING that A- you're using your phone. B- The dog heads from MOTD are the same as the Dragon's head in Der Eisendrache.... I DON'T think so... I... Really can't explain the dragons. The dogs were part of the inferno lore... They just function the same way...
  10. I seriously doubt this is the first full map designed by Blundel that DOESN'T contain a jump scare. Zombie-Tank anyone? Any thoughts about where it could be?
  11. AH, the digital deluxe edition is the best steal ever. I got it myself. Base game: 60$ Seasons pass: 50$ 2 Camos: Worthless. Yet you're still getting a 110$ value for 80 Bucks.
  12. Question: Can you upgrade the shield on Der Eisendrache?
  13. It's a beautiful day outside... Birds are singing... Flowers are blooming... On days like this... SHTUMPIES LIKE YOU NEED TO GET OFF MINE BOOTS!

  14. Speak for your self. I and many others stated that a moon remake was NOT likely to begin with. Likewise, there is no plan for future remakes for BO3 as stated by lamnia (was it lamnia... I think it was lamnia...) in an interview long ago. I see us going to an island, and russian war-zone personally what with the locations. I'm totally on-board with the island idea, it's original AND it's the prime location to implement water physics. I really want water physics to be a thing in BO3. It just has so much potential with multiplayer getting water physics, zombies could fit it as well. Not to mention the destruction of the moon would play HAVOC on the tides. The warzone however, I'm not too keen on. We kinda been there done that with origins.... I'd like a better more entertaining location, like a desert or underwater base. Actually the number one place I'd like there to be a map would be an airship. Wouldn't make the most sense, but damn it'd be cool.
  15. Well the MPD from moon and the MPD on Der Eisendrache are similar, but not exactly the same either. That being said, there are a lot of parallels that can be drawn from this easter egg to the moon one. Ball gets put in pyramid, ball gets taken out, ball gets used with computers to send off rockets to destroy the moon or earth. I really don't know how they could spell out any more that the Ball from moon is the summoning key unless there's an actual document, or radio, or quote, which I don't think we'll get...
  16. But what about the focusing stone.... Ah? There's a question. Two artifacts must be used to gain access to the interior of the MPD: The Golden Rod, and The Moon Ball Artifact, which in this case, appears to be the summoning key. The golden rod in it's normal form: Does it have the capability to awaken a keeper's ghost? And if so, why? Surely right now it's just a rod made of rare materials with no supernatural influence whats so ever... Or at least not enough to swap souls. Let alone resurrect them. Would this universe also account for the focusing stone being obtained from shangri-la?
  17. So I went ahead and spoiled everything for myself. I won't have access to my xbox for a while on release, so SCREW IT I just watched it all. Here's everything I've noted about the map: -HOLY OHMERGERD GROPH. One of my favorite scientists from all of 935 returns! NOW IF ONLY WE COULD FIND SHUSTER! Also, TOTES going to change my profile pic to a picture of his face. WE SEE GROPH! I'm nerd-ing out. -Ok... We blow up the moon. If there's a map set in the islands, like people keep saying... That's going to cause some major issues with the tides. Which could be cool if water mechanics are finally implemented. -Gobblegums BORED me. No further note. -As predicted, the wonderfizz still seems to be the only way to obtain Electric Cherry. -I love the low-gravity room. Such a cool concept. I'd love more rooms like that in the future. It's similar to how I'd think that water mechanics would work. (Zombies move slower, greater vertical maneuverability.) It's just missing the holding and breathing concepts. -Ok. I'm conflicted, there's a lot of evidence that shows maxis is in the MPD, but, we clearly see a keeper in the MPD.... Curious... -Golden Rod outta NO WHERE. -HA! I KNEW THE SUMMONING KEY WAS SOME KIND OF THE MOON ARTIFACT! -SPOOKY SCARY SKELETONS. Personally, loved this easter egg. This one and the disco ball are WILDLY impressive. - Good to see all-perks reward is back. -Boss fight is OK, but I feel it would be better if there was a way to purchase ammo inside the fight. Even if it was permanently alchemical antithesis, earning no points, but ammo. Bit too hard to conserve ammo as opposed to an epic fight. -Ragnarok is an excellent weapon. Love it. Bows too. -It made me cry honestly, when I saw richtofen pat Tank's back.... He's got my trust now ^_^. Thoughts?
  18. I get that vibe as well. Its either going to be Nikolai and THEN takeo, or both at the same time. I also like that when we killed tank we ALSO killed Groph (HOLY FUCK GROPH RETURNED? WTF WHY DID I SPOIL THIS FOR MYSELF). SO, I'm thinking that we'll likely kill another scientist in the fallowing two maps, then likely maxis and samantha at the end... Given the location, I'm putting money on Nikolai and Gersh going out together. An interesting aspect... Gersh became an important figure in the 1960s-ish era (Five phone). So, I'm wondering if this next map will be set sometime after WW2, to what I consider the golden age of zombies: Cold war era. And if so... What if the test subject has already been activated, and we have a rampaging Nikolai to look out for...
  19. I think that's likely just a barrier glitch being a little bugger. An actual easter egg step wouldn't involve this. Well maybe a full easter egg, but not upgrading the WW....
  20. Well remember: DLCs in the updates now.
  21. Saddly I'm going to be out of town the first few days of release.... FUCK ME RIGHT? I'll likely go veiw this big "mind blowing" easter egg people are discussing and then just post my thought here.
  22. There's a lot more important things they need to be worrying about other then the effectiveness of their alternate ammo types: -The issues with LD caps and cryptokeys. -Numerous glitches that cause issues with games. - Lobby glitches. TREYARCH, STOP WORRYING ABOUT US BEING OVER POWERED AND START FOCUSING ON THE ACTUAL GAME WORKING!
  23. Patience. Don't be so eager to JUMP right into more DLC... Take your time. Enjoy it.
  24. After advanced warfare the word "innovative" is feared by activision....
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