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Everything posted by Eddiethehead

  1. "Hey! Player! Drop the chips and give me some ammo!" He's referring to the person playing he game, probably sitting on his chair and eating potato chips. That's the best theory I've thought of so far.
  2. "Hey! Player! Drop the chips and give me some ammo!" He's referring to the person playing he game, probably sitting on his chair and eating potato chips. That's the best theory I've thought of so far.
  3. So I just got done playing on moon, and I noticed something: on round one there are usually 6 zombies, (or 4 on the original versions of the w@w maps) And on moon, I noticed tht there are 8 zombies on round 1. Any explanation?
  4. Whrn I get stuck with stupid none year olds that talk in an annoying voice over the headset , when they go up to knife I zombie on round two or above, I'll stand behind them so they cant escape and get downed. Then, cue half revive and tea bagging...
  5. Ascension, just out of pure fun-ness. However, I could also say kino, for it's sentimental value. I've spent soooo many hours playing kino before I had ever heard of map packs.... Or der rise for "historical value"
  6. Welcome ro the site man, that into made me laugh quite a bit. If you have any questions about metal ask me. :D
  7. (Sounds like beavis) heheheheh you said penis hehehehhe Id like to see the ammo-matic perk put in.
  8. There's already been a topic just like this about making a zombies map after TWD. I'm too lazy to put a link to it... :roll:
  9. Yeah it's just a loading screen. Happens when loading or doing anything in the game.
  10. ^^I concur. It seemslike a good idea, until you take into account that people would be buying cod points and then getting everything on round 1.
  11. Yeah, hear you there. "I'm cool cause I play call of duty". Ever heard of fallout, killzone, or dead island? "No but I bet they suck cod rules!" I hate kids. Hate to say I respectfully disagree with your comment about every cod being the same except for zombies. W@w had an awesome, fast campaign, playing as the russians and fighting japanese, and black ops really changed it up with all the covert stuff. The original 3 cods are pretty good too. The Russian campaign on finest hour is kind of like on w@w but just not as cool. But I do think all of the IW cods are pretty much the same, with the exception of the original.
  12. Yes. The thread is popular. And that store in the mall That all the poseurs and mallgoths shop at can be burned to the ground. :D
  13. :facepalm: d-mmit.... How come I never use the search button?!
  14. You all saw my Thompson vs mp40 battle. Now it's time for an web more epic battle! Stats WW: Ammo(reserve): 15 (Unupgraded) Clip: 3 (Unupgraded) Semi-auto Obtained from: Box Maps; SNN, Der Riese,Cotd Thundergun: Ammo: (reserve) 12 Clip: 2 Semi auto Obtained from: box Maps/ Nacht (blops only), kino, ascension The rundown: We all love the wunderwaffe just because it's plain out classic. It's my favorite. However the thundergun can take out more zombies at a time with relatively the same amount if ammo. So, as far as favorite, my vote goes to the dg-2. As for power, my vote goes to the thundergun. You?
  15. Hmmm. Hot topic. (No, not That hot topic. That hot topic can be burned to the ground. )
  16. I said it once, I will say it again: I'VE NECER PLAYED SHANGRI LA. I was judging from the pictures.
  17. I am NOT A LIAR! Just kidding. That the best theory I've herd yet. :brains:
  18. True, very true. Okay so take out the part where they take a perk, cause you would lose them anyways if you went down. So if you went down they would either take 500 points (Or the rest of your points, if you have less than 500.) And if you kill all of them, if they took your points your points that were stolen would be given back and doubled, possibly a fire sale or free perk. Either way you will get max ammo at the end I the round.
  19. "Modern warfare 3 is the best call of duty ever! World at war sucks!" I am not, in any way, trolling or knocking mw3 and it's fans! (I like it a little actually) but I just get sooooo tired when people tell me this. Half the time id bet it's the only cod they've ever played. "You're just a stupid noob tht can't appreciate mastery like mw3." Once again, my attempt at psychiatry has failed. tur story: We were doing a native American unit in history. We had to create our own tribe. (Not exactly high school level, but it was fun.) Anyways someone actually named their tribe the "mw3lovers". Anyone else have experiences like these?
  20. Hers mah new combo: Cm901 and deagle. Bad@$$ combination.
  21. Actly- except they shoot at you. And I you take x amount if hits, you die. And I suppose they would take sonething of yours. Maybe a gun, perks, points, it would be completely random.
  22. Thanks. I've never played shangri la, I've only saw pics. Maybe like in ascension, that's more open...Or cotd. (Once again, never played)
  23. A new element to zombies: LOOTERS. On the big, wide open maps like shangri-la. This would add a slightly harder element to zombies, and it could be like a boss level like monkeys or hellhounds.
  24. We've been there 7 times. Apollo 11,12,13,14,15,16, and 17. Firš was in 1969 And the last was in '72.
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