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Everything posted by MegaAfroMan

  1. Good catch! I have not ever actually recognized those before. I do not think they have much significance towards the actual zombie plot, but I think it is very interesting regardless.
  2. Fair enough. Due to the subject matter seeing as it is not a theory or a strategy you were probably safe in putting it here.
  3. I agree, Five is pretty neglected. I avoided it like the plague when I was a new BO zombie slayer, as it was completely different from everything I knew about zombies thus far, but now that I am used to the many differences I have found Five to be a great map. Still not one of the best but, great nonetheless
  4. No problem, most of it is basic information. But some of it may help you out. If it does then you will be the second new user I will have helped with it! At least 2nd that I know of. I hope it is more.
  5. Maybe, but I do not know. I personally like your name. It is unique, and still related to zombies at the same time. Plus being short makes it stick easier. You could always refer to yourself as just Tank if you like that better. Otherwise go send a PM to Covert Gunman, and ask him if there is anything. He is the most active Admin currently here, and usually pretty helpful. Just saying though, I like the name.
  6. It would be an interesting idea for those users who have nothing but time to kill. By the way, not trying to be rude, but I suggest next time you post a suggestion in the suggestions section. If you need help finding it, read my guide by clicking the red text. Again, just trying to help you out, I think you are doing a really great job here so far. You have made a ridiculous amount of posts and replies the last few days. If you keep this up, you will probably become pretty well known here.
  7. I've got to say Tankeo, you are so far proving to be a great new member. I like seeing new people show up who post frequently and are overall pleasant people. I really do hope you stay a regular, as things will get hectic and busier around here with the next Treyarch game this year. Wow, in about 2 days you have made 87 posts and gotten 20 brains. Not bad. :)
  8. You had to beat me by 1 kill? Seriously??? :x
  9. Hello comrade! I am MegaAfroMan, and I have come from the far reaches of the galaxy, across mordor, through tamriel, and over Oz to come and greet you! Here at CoDz I am sure you will have a great time. In fact you already seem to be assimilating well. If you need any help with the forums click the red text in my signature below. It is a link to the CoDz User's Manual, which is a thread designed to help new users figure out all the little tricks to make their browsing of this site easy, and enjoyable. I look forward to hearing from you and seeing more of your threads. Until then, happy slaying.
  10. Here, I am the top. I think it is clear enough, and if you look closely you can see MixMasterNut right under me.
  11. 271! Ugh, I can go post a picture, unless Mix wants to confirm it for me...?
  12. Well hello there Comrade! Be prepared for the greatest greeting you will ever be graced with in your life! Well, okay not the greatest, but I will still try! Welcome to CoDz good sir! I present to you, your CoDz User's Manual! Just click the red text in my signature and you will find tons of information designed to help you navigate and take advantage of all of the tools and sections this site has to offer! I hope you come to like it here, and please, message any of us with any questions you may have. Until then, happy slaying!
  13. Ahh, alright. I suppose that makes sense. Too bad it does not work in reverse with users having insane post and brain counts giving 100 brains with every click of the green button :lol:
  14. I think Shangri-la may be the most vibrant in color scheme and it definitely adds to the map, however, I think I actually prefer the scenery and atmosphere of Verruckt. It is just perfectly portrayed as what it is meant to be. An Asylum, where secret and brutal testing took place, and now overran by zombies. The visual and audible aspects of it perfectly tell you the secret story of Verruckt.
  15. ah, alright, I also have a brain worth zero rep points... what is that about?
  16. Ahh! After updating my Manual I noticed I had 13 brains, I came over here to see how many the MZG got for comparison purposes, and it has 13.5 :shock: How do you even get a half a brain, and more importantly, why does that half a brain have to keep the MZG higher in brain total than mine? :lol:
  17. I would think if they were going to bring back the "classic maps" they would have to bring all or nothing, due to the varying degrees of favoritism among the maps. The 4 top played are Kino, Der Riese, Ascension, and Moon I believe. However I would be very disappointed if they only included these four, with 11 maps on BO I think it may be more plausible for them to leave them to stay in black ops. Either that or include several with release, and then add one classic and one new with each map pack, or have 3 zombie map packs and 3 seperate multiplayer map packs. Each zombie map pack could have 2 classics and 2 new ones. 4 map packs means that would be 8 classics. If we start with three, or just disperse them among the map packs so that some have 3 classics then it could work.
  18. I am glad you had such a great experience! It is always nice to hear about these things.
  19. You are! One of the many great things about CoDz, you came at a good time too! It's easier to be welcomed and fit in with the community right now, instead of in a few months when everyone is here posting 100 threads about the same topic for the next Treyarch game. I wasn't around during the Black ops/ GKnova6 rush, but I imagine with our reputation growning and zombies reputation growing this next time is going to get a little hectic! So buckle up and I am sure you will enjoy the ride!
  20. Welcome to CoDz comrade! I am MegaAfroMan, and I would like to present you with your CoDz User's Manual! Click the red text in my signature below to access some handy information on how to properly utilize the entirety of this site to fulfill all of your zombie slaying needs. Feel free to PM anyone here with any questions you may have. I recommend checking out the teammate finder section for the two groups we have here, or the general zombies dicussion, or the new strategy threads for tips on how to improve or change up your game. I hope you come to enjoy it here! Until then, happy slaying!
  21. Hello there! MegaAfroMan again, here to share with you all some odd little mannerisms that affect the way I play zombies! I also have a saying that I developed since W@W Der Riese and now say it most of the times that I buy a perk. The saying is, "You can't knife with a cola." This was inspired by the numerous times I would down in Der Riese when going from the power room to buy speed cola. I would almost always get pinned in that tiny hall way with the window in it, and even on insta-kill, I could not do a thing because you can not knife while drinking the cola. Due to zombies, and black ops in general, I find myself getting powerful urges to sprint and dive in many everyday locations. Most of which would probably hurt a lot. So I don't end up doing it. Usually. I also have tried to apply the ideas of kiting to other games, usually with no avail. Worms is a game in which kiting does not help. Neither can you kite very effectively in MW3 survival. Or Multiplayer for that matter... You can kite angry civilians in GTA IV though! Usually though one of them will accidentally hit another one and then they just sort of fight themselves or run away, but I think I had 12 or so people chasing me once... Ah well, zombies has inspired me to do plenty of odd things both in game and outside the game, and I would like to hear if any of you have any strange habits or quirks in zombies, or inspired by zombies. Hope you enjoyed reading! Until next time, happy slaying!
  22. Well I'll give it a shot! World At War Maps Nacht Der Untoten Nacht Der untoten taught me the basics of zombies of course! In it I learned to stay moving, until you got the big guns, and then you should camp. I also fell in love with the Trench Gun here, and learned the importance of headshots from the Kar98K Verruckt This map taught me the wonders of betties and perks! I still camped at this point in time, but I learned to be more effective and efficient with my ammo. It also added a need for communication that Nacht really didn't. Shi no Numa To be honest I did not really play this map that much, I did learn the beauty of the WW and how to deal with dogs I suppose, but there were not really any fundamental skills here. Der Riese First map I ever started running on using the teleporter strategy. First map I began to take interest in the easter eggs, and the first map in which I learned that SMG's get a lot more points than shotguns. Betties were a complete necessity to me in this map, I usually would not go grab jug unless I had enough money to buy betties too. I suppose I also learned quite quickly that PaP'ing can wait and is not really necessary until the later rounds. Black Ops Maps Kino Der Toten This map was the end of my camping, as the latest I could camp here was 20 at most, this was the start of map running for me, and also introduced me to my first training spot, the stage. I ran the map more, but occasionally I did run a train. This map was the awakening of my zombie skills. Starting in Kino is where I began to notice how to get those extra few points to come out on top most of the time, I learned plenty of dodging techniques here too. FIVE This map I did not really play too much of, and actually I think I reverted to camping here, nothing new. I can run trains here, but I usually don't as my friends and I love just grabbing the bowie and knifing all the zombies trying to squeeze into the elevator. Dead Ops Arcade To be honest this map has actually taught me something! It has taught me to think quickly on my feet and to anticipate the zombies actions. True their actions are slightly different here, but it did transfer over in a way. No other map throws so many different things at you so quickly without any time to get used to it. You need to think quick to survive. Unless you're Fatal. He probably could play DoA half asleep. Ascension This map, hammered home the importance of communication, teamwork, kiting, and M&S for me. This was the first map I kited in small areas, the monkeys forced me to learn to communicate quite fast, and the abundance of doors and the necessity of which ones to open also required teamwork. I also massively improved my usage of the Thunder Gun here. Call of the Dead I actually do not know what this map taught me other than, practice makes perfect. I am by no means perfect, but for the longest time I hadn't even been to half of the map, so I played solo, and I eventually worked out a system to get myself to explore the whole place, and I found several nice running locations. Shangri-La Well this map taught me nothing really, I still fail here I have much to learn from this place. Moon My kiting techniques were improved here, otherwise to be honest I think by this point I did not learn much from moon, other than Moon specific stuff. Black Ops: Classic Maps Nacht Der Untoten I learned how difficult zombies has gotten since the old Nacht AI and since the introduction of Juggernog. I did not learn too much other than Jug is really important, however I think it has somewhat improved my survival capabilities without Jug. Verruckt I did not learn much from the Black ops version, but I did apply my kiting and looping techniques and found the map is a lot easier now. Shi no Numa More kiting being applied here. Not really anything new to learn from the black ops version. Der Riese Kiting in small areas became easier with this map, first map I used M&S in that didn't have flopper. No Mans Land This game mode has taught me a lot. It started my loving of M&S to a whole new level, it increased my grenade accuracy, taught me how to maximize points yet still keep a game moving quickly, and of course I have become an excellent kite runner from this mode. I am sure I am not the best. Or even close, but I think when you can handle somewhere between 18-24 zombies swarming at you in the PM63 room on Kino you can say you have good enough skills to adapt them to aid your survival. I can kite in a lot of really small areas, and have become quite efficient at the advanced kiting techniques all because of No Mans Land. I think overall Kino, and No mans land have taught me the most out of any of the maps. Coincidentally those are two maps that I really want to go play right now Too bad I can't.
  23. I have to agree, Verruckt may not be my favorite map to play, I think it is by far one of the best designed maps. It has the best atmosphere, with Shi no numa being a mildly close second in my opinion, and I love the unique start. The rooms are the perfect size to allow for decent play ability, but just small enough to bring on claustrophobic feelings at certain times. The only complaint I have is that the map really is just a circle, and that is not a big deal.
  24. What a pleasant surprise! I get to see my own manual being recommended by other users Sweet. Anyhow, hello there! Welcome to CoDz! I would like to re-present you with your users manual! Just click the red text in my signature and you will be wisked away to a magical thread full of top quality information on the forum, and many other things that will help make your time here as enjoyable as possible! Whatever you are looking for we probably have it here at CoDz. Enjoy your stay and feel free to message me with any questions! Until then, happy slaying!
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