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Everything posted by TroubledTurkey

  1. Happens even if you dont do the EE. I dunno why it does it. I thought it was teleporting as the round was changing. Its happened to me once during round change, and once when we had a Crawler and teleported. We tried everything. you can even still hear a zombie, but we bounced on the pads and got a Nuke, and still nothing, and the zombie noises continued.
  2. I prefer blowing up zombies in Zero-G. a lot more funny, because they actually get flung rag doll style.
  3. Recently learned about the Single Window Glitch in the room behind Double Tap on Der Riese, so I decided to try it. By about round 16, they started to breach the Window very quickly, so I started to form a looping strategy on the spot to stay alive after the breach. Circles werent reliable, so I did cutback-style-arch formations. It worked pretty well up until round 25, when I died trying to hold Zombies out the window again, and I got multislapped through the window. Here is a crude map depicting what I was doing. I held the window and pumped buck into them until I started to get hit too much, so I ran over to the corner near, but not right next to Double tap (see map) and waited for full breach. Tey spew in in a single mass mob, so forming a train is a very short process. 2 Waffe Shots, and about 3-6 shots of buck (depending on round) and the horde was gone, leaving you about 3 seconds to reposition yourself at the window before another wave comes.
  4. I've only had trouble with the teleporters failing if I am BACKED UP ALL THE WAY into them. I realized this many many times, and I still think its a big cause. Whenever I stand in the very center of the teleporter pad, it NEVER "malfunctions" like that. Maybe its a coincidence, I tried to test it. All I do know is that the Teleporter DOES NOT work every time I attempt it if I am too far to the back or the side of the pad. NOT sure about if you are in the middle, but it DOES work every time I attempt it from the middle. Again, might be coincidence, but so far its a solid trend.
  5. Maybe they didnt specifically plan "Call of the Dead" as it is now, but they could have easily wanted a "Crashed Ship/Lighthouse" Map from way back at Shi No Numa. In fact its Very likely that they DID plan it that far in advance. Just not the details of it.
  6. I like Black Ops, just because the Zombies arent "sticky". I just hated trying to run past a zombie and you just get stuck to it and you cant move while it smacks you. I guess its what balanced it though, since the zombies hit slower (more noticeable in Nacht Der Untoten, when they WERENT sticky)
  7. No, the radios in Moon show that he got the voices in his head BEFORE Sam was trapped in the Pyramid. I wouldnt be suprised if Sam does hear the voices though. They both seem a little nuts.
  8. I wont be suprised if theres a whole Time travel BS thing that goes on that makes it so it all technically happened, but traveling through time ends with NONE of it happening (even though the characters still went through the events, they do something that ultimately prevents them from happening.) Just a random possibility. Not saying it will happen, but it will definately not suprise me one bit.
  9. Well for me, Shangri La is an alright map, but its in the same category as Moon. I loathe playing it online with randoms, just because of communication issues. sure you can survive well into the late 20s with just Jugg and an MPL, but thats only fun for so long before all you wanna do is just upgrade, but nobody can hear you. I also just dont like the FEEL of the map. Not many people play Shangri La Online, so its hard to find people to play it with. I play it, just in Solo. I love the feel of FIVE though. I dunno why, it just has that "orderly" feeling to it.
  10. Well close to what you described then. All these maps I have are just the "on paper" stuff ( Ireally need to get a video going...). Theres way too much improvising involved with this to have anything completely clear cut. I like to never stick to a solid route. My maps are more of the basic paths (The "beginner" stuff). I like to use the Central Teleporter a lot as well, once rounds start to get high. Makes it more likely that I will be able to use the trap. The central teleporter is by far the safest one.
  11. I can say FIVE is the only map thats never gotten boring to me. I remember the first week the BlackOps was out, all of my friends (in person and on XBox) were always constantly "LEts play Kino, Lets play Kino, No Five is Hard, Five is stupid, Bla Bla BLa" And thats how other people ruined Kino for me forever, So I kept playing FIVE instead of it. Then Ascension came out. I was REALLY sick when Ascension came out, so thinking about this map always makes me remember that rotten feeling I had, so I still dont play it much (Weird, I know, but still) So even post-AScension, Five was still my most played map. I had a few superb games on Call of the Dead when it first came out, but my only good zombie friend didnt have it, so Five was still the prominent map of choice (He only had Kino and FIVE, and he knew I hated Kino). Shangri La..... Dont even get me started on Shangri La. Black Ops Der Riese became prominent for a month or so, but FIVE is still the most played and most enjoyed map for me.
  12. Oh, I have seen pleanty of people where the whole window jumping thing just does not sink in one bit. They just DO NOT get it. as for me, I used the jump-Crouch combination a LOT in World at War, so I never had to practice the window jumping. I never stay in rooms very long. I prefer to stay in the hallways most of the time. The Rooms are more of just spaces I cut through to get from hallway to hallway. The hallway "Crossroad" by the M16 is a very good place to cutback and make a tight group, if you insist on hording.. Here are some maps showing 2 Important Cutbacks that can aid in this strategy, and 2 "Quick Loop" Strategies (That require practice) I overlooked these for a long time, but recently they have been becoming a huge part of the strategy, especially the M16 cutback. Suggestion: The "Loops" are best used in Multiplayer, but are very possible in Solo. Sorry again for the crude maps. Hope they are still understandable Cutback1(M16) Cutback2(AK74u) QuickLoop1 QuickLoop2 @AegisKnight: QuickLoop1 is (Close) to your strategy, yes? This looks similar to what you were describing (without going all the way to the M16) Note: Cutback1 is really good for "leading into" Quickloop2. I think I can legitly say I have mastered Basement survival. I made it to 47 down in there, and I have supported a full 4 person team down thereto round 25 on my own. (meaning all 4 people are down in the basement, they keep dying, and I keep surviving and reviving)
  13. I talk in Richtofens voice sometimes. Never "played" with crawlers though. I kill crawlers immediately. I say "Shiza!" a lot when something makes me mad. When I am guarding a window, and I knife a zombie behind it, I sometimes say "Bitch, get out mah house/theater/pentagon/etc." When I run around a corner and see a Zombie/Some Zombies, I go "Oh, Hello!" (hard to explain this one. You just have to hear how I say it to understand) EVERY time I get multiple kills on Insta-Kill, I start saying stuff like "Eat it Mo-Fuggah" or "Out mah way, Bitches!" Basicly I do stupid little "slangy" insults to zombies that cant hear what I'm saying anyway. This isnt really a quirk, but I will do anything I want, unless someone specifically tells me not to. Unless its a stupid idea, like telling me to wait to link a teleporter or something (I'll NEVER wait to link a teleporter This one IS a quirk, but sometimes I WONT listen to people, just because its sometimes funny to hear people whine and complain about stupid stuff. (Usually I have to have something against the person to do this though.)
  14. In my personal opinion, this really elevates the "accomplished" feeling after a round 17+ game of Nacht Der Untoten. Just a suggestion, if you want to do multiple games in a row, I would switch the excersize every game, if you get far. When puhsups become too hard, switch to Mountain Climbers or something. Due to the increasing number of reps each round, I would avoid any sort of power work out. Probobly best to stick to calesthetic workouts. Good choices for progression: Pushups, and Pushup Variations. (Leg Lift Pushups, Elevated Pushups, Etc.) Sit Ups/Crunches. Mountain Climbers (4 Count). High Jumps. Low-Mid Weight Curls. (Maybe start high weight on Round 1, and steadily lower the weight as reps go up.) Keeps things fresh to switch it up every game. Especially when one workout becomes too hard to continue. If you cant seem to do the progression well (It does get hard) You could just do a steady 10 every round. This is more of a steady cooldown though, as the reps stay the same, but become less frequent over time, rather than constantly increasing.
  15. Ok, you know I am the working out type. A friend and I were thinking of challenges for strenuous physical activity during games of zombies. This is what we came up with: Any map will do. But if you pick a map with Boss rounds, that Max ammo will not be as much of a relief as it usually is. Ok, This MIGHT not sound hard at first, but the progression will KICK YOUR ASS! Apon finishing Round 1, you do 1 pushup. Finish round 2, you do 2 pushups. Finish round 3, you do 3 pushups. By this time you should have done 6 pushups. By round 20, if you followed the trend correctly, you will have done 210 Pushups. For a good example of the progression, but round 24, you will have completely EXACTLY 300 pushups. Boss Rounds will be more strenuous due to how short they are. Finishing round 15 will result in 15 pushups, and then the very short round 16 Dog Round will give you 16 more to do right after. Our ONE rule was: IF you cant finish the pushups, your game HAS to end. It keeps the game and the activity tied together better. Seemed cheap if we could just stop doing pushups but keep playing the game. DO NOT TRY THIS IN ONLINE PLAY! IT WILL NOT WORK WELL AT ALL!! (unless you can bust out 20+ pushups VERY fast after already doing 100+ prior.) We did this up to round 25 on FIVE. (325 pushups. And we just couldnt do anymore after that XD. It gets hard. My triceps are-a-burnin)
  16. It started as a somewhat solid running route, until I started getting really used to running around down there, so eventually it became more improvised. The route in the map is pretty safe and clear (Sometimes safer to use the "unused" hallway, rather than the Bowie KNife room). IN Co-Op Especially, running around at will, rather than in a formation, is very possible, as long as you can react quickly when you see zombies rushing down hallways. A good thing to know is how to pull zombies to the sides of hallways before running head on into them. Its something I rarely see anyone do in closed in spaces. (Basicly if you see a zombie or 2 coming down the hallway, you slow down a bit and hug up against the side of the wall until the zombies get closer. This should open up a path that you can run through without getting stuck. As Important as it is to keep moving, you have to know how fast lol.)
  17. I am reposting this here, since there is now a strategy board, and I feel this was almost completely overlooked. Some time ago, A friend and I were playing Five on Split Screen when we realized the windows in the Basement level. After about 3 attempts at trying to utalize these windows we finally found a (nearly) Foolproof lapping strategy in the basement (The strategy was originally created in a SOLO game. After several attempts to form something with my friend, I went in solo to see what Icould come up with, and this was the first strategy developed.) It began as simply our alternative way of playing Five, but soon evolved into our only way of playing Five. The basement Window Jumping Strategy is a lot more intense than the normal strategy, but it leaves you in good distance from the most beneficial wall guns and it has the elevator and Teleporters as decent Safety Nets. The strat has evolved many times since, develpoing new Sub-Routes when blocked in, Specific firing zones for certain weapons (its just prefference though), and a dope Claymore minefield zone for getting quick and Easy Bonfire Sales. The strategy has been tested up to 30+ solo and atleast 29 Co-Op (best if atleast 1 of your 4 people stay out of the basement.) It seems like the Basement labs are very much overlooked on everything besides the power and Box, so I just wanted to share this, see if anyone else has tried it or perhaps wants to learn it. Its fun. Heres a (Crude) Map I made explaining it as best I could. BLAM Purple Circle=usual starting area Orange Circle=Good zone for Gunning Green Circle=Teleporter Pink Circle=Claymore Minefield (wasted on Zombies. good on Thief) Red=Zombie Spawn Blue=Jumping Window Purple Line=Main Path Lavender Line=Sub-Paths (All of them are not included) Note: This map was made for showing the Solo version. The Co-Op version is much easier and a team of 3 split up through the basement will have a much easier time than a solo runner. I am going to get a video for this soon. I dont think it will help any more than the map does. Through experience it seems like this strategy is hard for people to wrap their minds around. UNless you are used to playing Erratically and Randomly, The only way to get good at it is practice. I really didnt practice it at all though. The first time I tried it I got to 30, and it was the funnest thing I had ever done in Zombies. It just suits me. I wish all levels had strategies like this. The strategy is not exactly a "Solid" strategy. It takes a lot of improvising, which eventually just comes naturally. Other Tips: 1) For best results, you must be able to react FAST, move FAST, and not stop for more than a few seconds. 2) Creepy Crawlers make excellent weapons. 3) Use teleporters if you have to. No matter where they take you, there should be a good way to escape (Some rare occasions you will get trapped, but theres no real way to avoid that). 4) Works extremely well if you have partners who insist on Camping in the bottom elevator. 5) Mustang and Sally may not be a good safety net on this map, but if you just jumped through a window, you can fire at the horde you just escaped without injuring yourself.
  18. #1: FIVE: Its just the best. Nice and closed in, lots of hard but manageable places to run around in. The basement is my favorite area in ALL of Zombies. Its just the perfect place for my playstyle. #2: Der Riese #3: Ascension #4: Call of the Dead #5: Verruckt #6: Shi No Numa #7: Kino Der Toten #8: Nacht Der Untoten #9: Moon #10: Shangri La
  19. Oh, thats what you meant XD (To both the 3 minutes and camping) I consider camping to be staying in one spot with your teammates and just unloading on the incoming. I am unfamiiliar with small circles as "camping" Sorry. As for taking 3 minutes for mobs to build, I dont really let it happen. If someone does this, I dont even care how big of a jerk they think I am, I'm gonna go take care of them myself if they dont do it quick enough. I mean I dont have all day to spend in a game. Some of us have important things to do and only have a few hours a day for video games. On a really high round its understandable, but before round 30 I dont see a reason to let them all spawn before shooting. I mean even a non-upgraded MPL still kills them decently on round 27. (most wall guns do fine).
  20. I dont understand that. PLease elaborate. The reason I dont like camping is because any group of idiots can stand in one spot holding down the trigger.(not saying everyone who camps is an idiot, just saying that idiots can do it) I liked camping at first, but after a while, thats all it was. Standing in one spot, holding down the trigger. I like the way things are now that I know how to dodge and run around because I can go around the map and do things I need to do (buy guns/ammo, Perks, Upgrade) DURING rounds, instead of having to wait for the flow to stop before I can do anything. It makes the worry for ammo and perks go away completely. And the rounds go by so much faster with people who run around, because they arent always wanting to make crawlers. Anyway, a map doesnt have to be small to be hard. It helps. But its not essential. Agreed, large maps with Open areas are too easy, but it would be simple to make a large map thats not all open areas and loop areas.
  21. 5 times harder than Shangri La still isnt as hard as Nacht, to me atlteast. Anyway, It seems the only way to make a map hard at this point, is to make every room too small to kite in, and remove some perks. Maybe not add a 1 shot kill wonderweapon. I mean, if they make it "overpowerdly" hard, than nobody will even want it, and complain about it. (Not saying EVERYONE will hate it, but a majority of people would. I wouldnt.) Have you tried the FIVE Laboratory level, BTW? It is nice and closed in, very nice camping spots, if you like to camp, no actual kiting spots, but possible to get some good trains, if you can make good decisions quickly. If you want a challenging place to run around in, or camp in, the Labs of Five would be my best suggestion. But it wont be a challenge forever. It starts to get really easy once you do it a few times. Its harder than Shangri-La by far, in my opinion.
  22. I am going to be perfectly honest: I hate the idea. Not the idea of a really small map, but the idea that you have to camp. I hate camping. Its just the most boring thing you can do in Zombies.
  23. World At War: Nacht Der Untoten: Introduced me to Zombies. I learned the basics. Wall guns, Maximizing points, Camping, Mystery Box, etc. Der Riese: This was the map I played Second. At first, all I did was camp. But after 2-3 games I started to move around more. Never thought to do any sort of circle or anything, just ran around and teleported. I died a lot. After many more games I started to get it down, and over time I became really good at Zombies. I still didnt do circles though. I still dont, usually. Verruckt+ShiNoNuma: I played these maps after Der Riese, so I didnt really like them on WaW. They seemed too easy. Nacht Der Untoten Revisited: This is where I started to learn the whole circle thing. My entire outlook on this map (WaW) changed after that, and I never really played it again. I threw this into the same category I tossed Verruckt and Shi No Numa into. Black Ops: KIno Der Toten: I began with circles on this level. The first time I played it, I saw the stage and IMMEDIATELY started to loop it. By the 10th game or so, I got bored of it and just started to run around, as I had been adapted to on Der Reise. MUCH MUCH MUCH easier to do so with the Black Ops AI. Five: At first I didnt like FIVE, because it appeared to me at first that the only way to stay alive was either to camp (Hate camping) or running around in circles in the War Room (Hate circles...) But then I found out you can jump through the Windows in the Basement. Doing this got me a lot better at split second decisions and analyzing how the zombies will react to my movements in a tight area. Ascension: It was TOO easy. I felt I could basicly run around anywhere with little to no worry at all, Especially after playing FIVE so much. It also made Mustang and Sally a cheap weapon, with the introduction of Flopper. I liked it at first, because it was a great safety net, but after a while it felt like the weapon wasnt balanced at all, until atleast round 40. The open areas were way too overpowered for circles, and the hallways were way too open, making dodging not even a challenge. Call Of the Dead: This level made my incoming dodging a little better. With all the tight places that you have to run through, I was glad I had a lot of experience in this already. This map increased my relience on Wall Guns, as there was no reason I really wanted to hit the Box in this map, since the WonderWeapons were lame, and there were no "Distraction" grenades. The only thing I ever used the box for was the chance of getting a Ray GUn. Shangri La: This level sort of felt like a breath of fresh air from the wide open maps we were being given. This map was almost all close quarters and had very few spots for circles. I liked it. It appealed to my love for fast paced Zombie gameplay. Didnt learn much here, except that no matter how good you are, stupid little gimmicks can kill you every time. No Man's Land: Did not learn anything here. Moon: As hard as I try, I cant think of anything for moon either... I guess if anything, I learned on Moon just how little I actually need Quick Revive in Solo. This was the first map where I could get rid of it, and the first map I ever didnt use it. Classic Maps: REturning to the roots. With some upgrades. I liked it. It put a new spin on the old stuff. I never played Verruckt or Shi No Numa much, so it was nice to have a driving force to play them again. A lot more fun with the Black Ops Engine. Der Riese seemed a lot easier though. I could run around in places that I never thought I could before. Didnt actually "LEARN" anything from them though. Nothing I hadnt learned from previous experience with the BO Engine.
  24. Yeah, this was just something I thought of when I was really bored. Through the Marines are pretty much apart of the Navy, it's possible they might have been escorting him somewhere. but still, yeah, it makes no sense, sorry for wasting everyone's time. You didnt waste anyones time. Its something to think about. Though I am picky, especially with branches of Military The Marines are not part of the Navy. The only relation they have is that they are both branches of Military service. And, to my knowledge, the Marines would not be "Escorts" But I can see where this idea could come from. The Marines are the best the Military has to offer, and in this time period the United States would need all the Marines they could get for the War (Heck, its decades later and we still have Marines posted around and in Japan and Germany) I could see some Army Soldiers, or Air Force Soldiers acting as escorts, but not Marines. IT would be a nice twist though lol. I think they DO need more ways of mixing FIVE in with the storyline. I was really expecting a follow up to that map, but sadly, nothing. Just some red Telephones in Ascension. Hopefully some closure will be given if they continue with zombies. I want to know just what happened at the end of FIVE, and what happened to all that 935 tech that America got its hands on.
  25. There would still be hype, especially if they add new gameplay elements. Hell, I would imagine it would give them a drive to implement something that is actually AWSOME so that it would overshadow any map that could be created with the existing elements. But then again, adding something too big would make people complain, as pretty much everything they have added lately has, so I get your point. But if they added new cool things, I would buy map packs just for something new to make a map with. A lot of new maps disapointed me though. There are just things I wish I could do in zombies that I havent really been able to in any zombie levels due to layout and other factors. Dont get me wrong, the maps are great, but I kinda expected more, just because of the hype. The things they added were cool, but IMO implemented somewhat poorly with how the maps were layed out. All and all, I just wanna make some maps XD. I love map making games.
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