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Everything posted by Superhands

  1. Well said MM, we have to take into account that the reason zombies is so popular is because it's so playable. What does Mr. Normal do when he's been playing the game for a month and it's too hard to get to round 10? He gets frustrated, says f@£& this, and never plays again, so will never buy the next game and never get his friends into it so they won't be buying the game, and their friends won't be buying the game, and their friends won't be buying the game, and their friends won't be buying the game, and their friends won't be buying the game, and their friends won't be buying the game, and their friends won't be buying the game, and their friends won't be buying the game, and their friends won't be buying the game, and their friends won't be buying the game, and their friends won't be buying the game, and their friends won't be buying the game... and so on...
  2. I know exactly what you mean Tom. I got 349 kills yesterday, I'd probably be satisfied if I never beat that score (well, I say that now...). Played some more No Man's Land today, when I played before was just all tension and high adrenaline, getting frustrated when things don't go right etc. But now, I just relax and enjoy it, and I'm getting more consistent as a result. I'm now managing 110+ kills at Jugg pretty consistently when the spawns are decent, using only 4-5 shots, which leads to 230+ at 6/6/30. This used to be a rare occurance until today. I did a half-hour session on NML just now: Among a few slow spawn restarts, there were 2 failed PaP attempts, 2 PaPs and fails at Jugg, 3 PaPs and Jugg with 110+ kills, few slow spawns after so I just restarted. Then another 340+ game just now, 344 even though the spawns weren't that great. I'm guessing, a game with fast spawns throughout may get me a WR breaking score, or close enough. All of this just because I'm not getting stressed. I know it's easy for me to say being in the position I'm in, and will be mega hard to put into practice - but try to not take it too seriously is my advice. A few bad spawns, you get frustrated, all of your composure goes out of the window and you start playing like crap. I just play NML for fun now, if a good game comes out of it then it's a bonus but if it doesn't I'm not fussed, and as a result I'm playing better than ever.
  3. BGlines, my old friend from my 100 run on Moon. Every time I get BGlines when playing co-op on Moon now, he glitches out on me when I throw Gersches... he's mad that I locked him on the other side of the map for 90+ rounds :twisted:
  4. So basically have a few different small maps with a No Man's Land format and varying difficulties? I'm feelin' this idea.
  5. lol you can't predict this half the time, I just try as far away from them when I make a cut back and I'm usually safe...but still not always. Dogs are the most annoying things in NML imo. Yup. You could be in the perfect situation, then all of a sudden out of nowhere a dog does a superman across your screen, blocks you in a corner and leaves you cursing at your screen I actually never double-shoot without Jugg, no matter what distance you are from the blast, if you take 2 hits then that's it - down Something I also should add, is the importance of trial and error. Watch NML videos from a variety of players. All of the top players have different quirks thrown into their game, little things they do in their strategies that help them. I know we've said not to try and copy people, but trying these things out and seeing if they work for you or not is pretty important, you have to pick up tricks of the trade from somewhere. My entire NML strategy is about 75% stuff that I picked up from other players, 25% stuff I improvised on and found that it worked.
  6. I don't think the difficulty needs to be tampered with. If you find it too slow and want it to be both fast and more difficult, do speed runs instead using areas like the alleyway on Kino or Tunnel 11 on Moon. There is almost always a strategy you can use that increases the speed and difficulty. People use the slowest and easiest areas, and they wonder why it gets too boring Also if you want a fast and furious game, play No Man's Land. There may be a lot of restarting involved, but you can never say it's dull with any amount of players, and success could get an awesome game out of 15 minutes of play ;)
  7. Welcome to the site mate, to find teammates you'll find the Teammate Finder section useful. If you wanna talk about zombies, check out strategies and story etc. we have all that covered here ;)
  8. IMO they should start using scenery similar to those used in many zombie movies, for example a hospital or a mall.
  9. All good pal, with Chopper also being one of our biggest NML beasts it's an easy mistake to make ;)
  10. Cheers guys Still certain I can beat this and maybe even get the WR, I can get just as good starts as the best of them recently. I'm in a good place right now, I'm completely happy with 349 so I'm under no pressure what-so-ever playing NML now, I can start being more aggressive which should from personal experience lead to more kills. Also something I just noticed - at 6/6/42 ammo I had 142 kills. If I'd gathered in a full spawn, I should have bumped up to 162 kills after the next hoard had been cleared. But I didn't have a full group like I though I did so only ended up with 155 kills, could possibly have ended up with 356 if I'd realised I hadn't gotten a full spawn and had 7 zombies missing, so I'd have a joined WR, maybe more as I'd have taken a lot more care when knifing my crawlers at the end. Oh well, I can always try again knowing that the pressure is completely off now ;)
  11. Hey guys, so this is one of my best achievements in zombies to date, so I figured I'd give it it's own thread: jUpinwBQuuo Starts from when I buy Jugg as I wasn't recording, but anyone who follows my work knows my PaP & Jugg strategy anyways. Here I get a 56 kill PaP, 102 kill Jugg at around 2:40-2:45. Could have gone to 350+ as I had some crawlers left that I could have knifed, but I failed at the end there XD Round 100 Shangri la solo vid coming soon!
  12. Thanks mate, tbh I've got my starting strategy as good as it can be now so I've just been waiting for a game like this with good spawns. Could have had 354 here if I killed all of my crawlers, but I screwed up at the end :lol:
  13. Jugg first and foremost, always. PhD Flopper 2nd for M&S. 3rd and 4th perks, depends on the map. 4th is always QR in solo.
  14. Yeah like I said it depends, I mean you'll need a good PaP strategy like mine to get up to something like 200 by 6/6/30 anyways. You being at 170 6/6/30 and still being able to get over 300 is the result of some nice fast spawns and well placed shots ;)
  15. Honestly mate, I think it could do with an overhaul. But I think maybe you, myself and Chopper could work on a v2, Chopper and myself have found out a lot that has helped members on here better their scores, some of them even getting to 300 using our tips and advice.
  16. If you notice you have a good run going, puase the game and walk away for a few minutes. Sounds strange, but it helps ;)
  17. We worked out how to run semtex to AK safely in 2 different ways.....videos up soonish. Reached 100 with said strategy today, 0 downs too which proves it's effectiveness as well as being nice and fast. Got a video ready to release, but since Chopper is also going for this and we devised the strategy together with Tom also involved, Chopper and myself have decided to release our vids at the same time ;)
  18. Some really great ideas here. I'm just not into this whole 'natural' vibe map for zombies, e.g. Shangri La. I think something grimy and industrial, e.g. Der Riese, Ascension, Verruckt, just feels right for zombies.
  19. Not safe enough, the aim was to just go far beyond the 127 record at the time, reliability was the best option.
  20. Believe me, I was watching his livestream a lot, pretty much the whole thing was full map ;)
  21. It's not quite a full map loop, Hands. It's an absolutely clutch way of rounding the zombies together, not to say that this isn't. Drac just runs in the spawn using some nice routes and the occasional dodge. I think that Dracs is quicker, 5and5, but this one is safer by far. Drac's requires so much concentration and timing, where as this gets you into the groove quicker. Nah Drac did do a spawn strategy at one point, but for the most part he did a full map loop. HLjO6_GAcn4 He does a little spawn stuff in here messing around as he knows he's ending the game, but the proper stuff is full loops.
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