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Everything posted by deathb4di2h0nor

  1. Agreed on the lag (didn't even think about that). As far as the George Romero reference, hardly. At least when you killed George, he looked like he died. When you kill the Astronaut, it looks like a balloon popped. It leaves you feeling like you forgot to bring a gift to the party, not like you killed a so called "boss" zombie. It was a gimmick. Honestly, I knew this was a long shot. But I was very unsatisfied by the astronaut, and I guess I was looking for a way to justify it. I gotta say though, I wouldn't mind having a new character.
  2. I know this is a long shot being as the rounds take so long with four people. But do you think Treyarch added the astronaut zombie as a way to hint toward five players in BLOPS II? We don't know anything of the astronaut or why he would even be in the story. It would make since, however, if Moon's moonwalk glitching, perk stealing, player teleporting, piece of :!: .....Astronaut, was all worth while because we gain a character in the story. As I said before, I know four players is core zombies, and in higher rounds, it takes FOREVER with four people. So adding a fifth player would only make it take longer. It would be nice to have a fifth choice on the roster though. One way they could fix the long rounds, is not adding more zombies for the fifth player. Split the total of four player's zombies, five ways. Keep the same number of waves as well. In short they could add the fifth player without changing the number of zombies at all.
  3. This is as close as I could get to the side by side comparison I was talking about earlier. I think it IS in fact the quadrotor in a close-up picture. As for the dots, they are one of three things: 1)Aliens 2)Pieces of earth still caught in the atmosphere and dropping. 3)Possible new uav? Geo-spherical UAV? Similar to Google car? :? IDK
  4. I know he might have just taken them down, but the link posted in the BO2 discussion for the construction of the quadrotor is not working anymore. Does anyone have a copy of the pictures? The update looks a lot like one of them but I can't do a side by side because I can't see the pics....HELP
  5. I could see you starting off with nothing and there being four choices of pistol on the wall. Each of which costs 0. That's the only way I agree. M&S-FTW
  6. Really? No one is gonna say it could be hinting at the return of the reaper drone? I for one liked that killstreak and hope it does return. As for the "ufo", I'm not gonna lie. It DOES look distinct and it doesn't look like just a blotch in the image. If it were just a blotch, why isn't there others? I believe the circular object to in fact be the quadrotor and the reaper is further away causing it to look small.
  7. Richtofen hates pie and dempsey loves it sooooo....
  8. I have this cryptography program on my computer called CAESAR. It simply outputs the next letter or the previous letter that you input. After inputting WZQOH, and flipping through the choices, I found ORIGZ. I am going out on a limb here, but that looks alot like "original zombies" or "originals" or "origins". IDK, it was worth posting.
  9. Does Carbon count as staff? He's almost like the Sam of CODz. He might be playing with our heads. :roll:
  10. I'm not saying he's wrong, but quite a few people made that point (Tacitus St.) before the code even came out. It is far too easy to click an area on that street, get the coordinates, and say you deciphered the code. I'm not putting my bets on some random person on another forum with no proof. We have better standards here and if he cannot provide proof, it didn't happen. No need to bend the rules for people who aren't even on this site.
  11. Just found this on another forum: http://www.findlatitudeandlongitude.com/batch-reverse-geocode/#.T5iZI7PlO1s When you enter the coordinates in this it actually comes out with places. One of which is tibet.
  12. OOOOOHHHH SSHHHH******!!!! Here it is: 34.D4416E,-A98.287886AC1 34.84E56C,-C4E.271B662D1 34.34E76B,-AFC.2FD106541 34.D46660,-CBE.28C7C68D1
  13. Someone already did a side by side comparison of hudson and the mystery guy and it looked a lot like him.
  14. Brains to the OP. This makes so much sense. Also, keep in mind, we have never altered environments through easter eggs until now. Setting people free and blowing up temples with dynamite is child's play compared to the missles hitting earth. After seeing the missles destroy earth, it would be hard to continue walking around in campaign without thinking,"Why isn't everything destroyed?." I know it may only be nova 6 or 115 in the missles, but IMO this would be the best time to introduce zombies into campaign.
  15. I know, I hate leaving people's topics with 200+ views and no replys. He had a right to know why no one was answering.
  16. And I think rictofen should go back and stop them from stopping him. And then they could go back and stop him from stopping them stop him. It's a paradox. It won't happen, unless we are to stay at the same point in time over and over throughout Treyarch's zombies.
  17. They already have a Walking Dead game coming out later on. They wouldn't create a map like this. It has also already been brought up on here.
  18. OH my god! Thats at least two confirmed zombie references in a video Treyarch linked us to.... :shock: AAAAHHH. *pulls himself together* I knew the zombies would be thrown in there. It just took someone with [brains] to find it. Isn't that right BusDriver.
  19. Forgive me for stating this, but I am confused. The first gif showed the quad-rotor. Then FPSRussia puts out a video with cgi, for the first time, about the quad-rotor. In the video he is wearing a shirt that says TACITUS in a very distinct print. The next gif showed the same TACITUS with the same font. Not too long after that someone puts out a picture with the same word/font printed over the quad-rotor. The picture also looks like a website or company owns the rights to it so they put their logo (TACTICUS) over the picture. It seems to me the only person who knows about where the picture came from would be the uploader. Has anyone asked them?
  20. I decided to break away from the monotany of TACITUS. Regardless of what it means. I created this thread to remind everyone of all the questions that may be answered when the game is released. As well as creating an easy way to find said cliffhangers. My list will be small because honestly I find most of my info from you guys/gals anyways. Black Ops Cliffhangers: Is Reznov alive? Did Mason kill JFK? Will Samantha get her body back or will we be forced to play as tranny Richtofen? What exactly happened to the earth? WHAT'S NEXT AFTER MOON? Is Maxis good or evil? What are Richtofen's plans now? Is woods alive? Where are the other broadcasting stations? Who is the woman who repeats the numbers? Why is there a picture of Richtofen in the pentagon? Why is there a grave with Rich's name on it in Shang? Did the CIA Send Captain Price after Mason and Hudson? If so what happened he obviously "made it". Is Reznov Mr. X? Who is the Pentagon Thief and the Astronaut? Are they the same person? Did Mason ever nail the hottie from the typing pool? This topic will be updated as quickly as the posts come in. I want to keep the original post updated with as many cliffhangers as possible so all help would be greatly appreciated.
  21. The first video actually links you to FPS russia's video now. They are definetly working together.
  22. I think this time may be different. I remember an uproar from those who did not read up on Black Ops Hardened Edition and missed out on the old maps. Treyarch then fixed it by putting out the Rezurrection Map Pack. I see the hardened and prestige editions having their own video this time. Treyarch doesn't want the bad feedback about lack of info, and you know they want to tell us more about zombies.
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