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Everything posted by Ourobos

  1. DLC4 Antarctica into Argatha?
  2. Yep, tried it last night. They put a barrier on top of it so you can jump up and land on it.
  3. I'm the real PhD Flopper's biggest fan. I too find this persistent perk useless. Everytime I get get it, it's only a matter of minutes before I'm jumping out a window in a hurry just to lose it. I'll have to reprogram my muscle memory to dolphin dive everytime I exit a building hastily? Please. My only hope is they do PhD like they did Mule Kick on BO1, a month after all the maps are out, put it on every map.
  4. I'm leaning towards this, as I normally only buy 3 perks (mainly play multiplayer), so I can grab double tap as I go through the house.
  5. I was on a solo match, so I assume that's offline? Just did it 30 minutes ago. GT : ourobos420 I had bought the same perks you had, QR, Jug, Speed, and MK
  6. I think it will be similar to Moon. To do it's easter egg, someone HAD to have done Shangri-La and someone had to have done CotD. Otherwise you wouldn't spawn with the Vrill device (golden rod). In Buried, you must ALL have the same one done to end the egg and chose sides. So I think on the final DLC to possibly even do it, maybe the button has to have been pushed?
  7. You SHOULD have been able to do the opposite side. If any player has one side done on any map, you can't do that one again. SO if you and your bud had Richtofen done, you should have been able to do Maxis with the others. Why you couldn't, I have no idea.
  8. Just bought 4 perks on round 1 (same four you have), 5 perks total after the ghost on round 4, no green poof, no persistent upgrade on solo. Was hoping to carry it over to MP and try it.
  9. No. You can do the Buried egg which ever way you want. To push the big button, all 4 players must all have the same egg done, all either Maxis, or all either Richtofen
  10. So it does nothing in multiplayer?
  11. As are claymores as long as the ghosts are present.
  12. Sure, the possibilities are many. The resonance could come from the type / frequency of the waves, which is cause by the barrel, yes. I would think though that the device was used for mining. That's just how it strikes me, could be wrong.
  13. I like the thundergun tie in, perhaps it was the inspiration for it time line wise. As for what it would have been used for, I think that the mines and the town were two separate places at one time, then were merged either via plate tectonics or time movement, but either way, I think the resonator was in the mines. By definition, to resonate, there must be two objects. I think the first object, the resonator would resonate with the earth around it, thus breaking chunks of the mine off, for further mining. Similar to high pressure water mining used in many countries today.
  14. Sent some cash yesterday, how do I go about adding the "DONOR" to my avatar?
  15. First one no, guess it's best not to dolphin dive into it.. Second one yes.. It killed you and took your quick revive. I think I found that fountain a few hours after the game was out, broke it and dove into it KNOWING it had to be something.. I didn't know at the time the fountain outside needed to be broken LOL.
  16. Ourobos

    8th Perk?

    Yes in and out. I had always thought that ability came from having seven perks and getting the 8th bottle.. Like the bottle did it for you. If people have it with less than seven perks, there goes that theory.
  17. Ourobos

    8th Perk?

    I've went through many times and not gotten touched, and never got the ability.
  18. Since you dropped a decent distance, probably Flopper.
  19. Ourobos

    8th Perk?

    I think it is a persistent perk, but you get it by getting the 8th bottle.. You can only have 7 perks, so it give you a persistent perk of only losing one when you go down. How you lose the upgrade, I don't know. Gaycandybacon - You said you get it by going down in the mansion without getting hit.. How can you go down in the mansion without getting hit? You go down when you have zero points and the hits cause damage. No other WAY to go down.
  20. God, I hated this step with a passion. I was the worst of the four, a tip is to put the worst person in the Saloon. Only 19 targets, stand in the hole in the wall above the Bowie knife. And on the wisps.. We just spread out on the board, punched the signs, and as the wisp showed up ran and touched it. We literally had it at the guillotine in 20 seconds.
  21. You can do the Buried egg regardless of any previous ones done, either side. BUT you can not open the box to push the button and CHOOSE a final side unless all four players have all three eggs done on the same side, and all three nav cards are inserted.
  22. Very useful if you like to hold down the upstairs court house like I do. We hit it probably 100 times, never moved. Reminds me of an updated Moon box trick, hit the three OTHER boxes to keep it in it's location for 3 rounds.
  23. Another tip I learned today (seems I'm behind the times), if you play solo, then end the game without dying, doesn't go on the leaderboards. Also it seems your solo / multiplayer cash are SEPARATE accounts..
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