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Everything posted by killallzombies

  1. Victor Reznov was born in 1913,according to Black Ops Intel but the quadrocoptor hasn't been made yet...in 2012 so,is there going to be time-travel? what's your thoughts?
  2. I thought his name was Faust or something,maybe way2go,can't remember . What is your favorite vodka (or other alcoholic beverage if you don't drink vodka)
  3. I totally agree or maybe a double barreled type wonder weapon that shoots little bolts of lightning
  4. I had an idea GKnova6 sounds a lot like the company G&K (who make air freshiners and soap despensers and just about every thing else) and Tacitus sounds a lot like the company Tacitus,who make weapons and such maybe Treyarch is using these companies as scapegoats to lead the general pubulic away from the real anwser
  5. shit didn't just get real,it's alive or in our case..........undead luckily I'm not a comedic
  6. COTD is in 2011 I'm pretty sure we were given proof of this in the solo loading cutscene. Moon could always be after COTD who is to say that we actually time traveled. because if we did there could be the circular paradox idea, but Trey would use the multiverse as their cop out this time which will make me harbor a small amount of hate for the new game. regardless fingers crossed that chronologically moon occurs afterward. also mudermachine you can go to an alternate universe by changing imagine you travel 5 years into the future you see you are dead so you learn how you died and go back and change it. well that future you saw will still exist but you are travelling down a different path to a different future therefore an alternate universe. see back to the future 2 back to the future is really a good reference to some of this stuff :lol:
  7. This is what I say to that: Also, Call of the Dead can't be in the '60's, because the actors aren't alive at that time. seems to be pretty accurate,but then we have to jump into the possibility that CotD is in an alternate universe,and moon is in reality,or vise-verse to explain why one would have a post apocalyptic earth and one wouldn't.
  8. The Earth isn't completely destroyed,just partially
  9. I do something like this in five If I have enough when I turn on the power I'll buy the bowie knife and run around knifing in the labs till round 10. After that you run for your life. I learned that training in the pig/claymore room in the labs is actually more efficient
  10. why does it has to be a girl , little kid you mean? yeah..uh...that's totally what I meant god forgives us all
  11. I do something like this in five If I have enough when I turn on the power I'll buy the bowie knife and run around knifing in the labs till round 10. After that you run for your life. straight to juggs screaming like a little girl
  12. I do something like this in five If I have enough when I turn on the power I'll buy the bowie knife and run around knifing in the labs
  13. Co-Op: Juggernaug (unless five) Quick Revive Mule Kick/Speed Cola (depends) Flopper Double Tap Deadshot (I don't really play maps with "new perks" in them) Solo: Quick Revive Juggs Speed Cola Flopper Mule Kick Double Tap Deadshot
  14. I think there should be challenges for different maps (for those of us who don't have moon maybe a challenge for five,kino and DOA (the three maps almost every one has)
  15. just so you know the SNN out of map glitch still exists it happened yesterday someone glitched out of the map at the stg44 i just quit i can't even see why they would do that i thought this game was for fun the only reason i wan't to ger to high rounds is because it gets really intense and it is really fun to play with your friends on round 30 on moon ascension or der riese I generally glitch in solo only,were it hurts no one and and can be enjoyable I like to see the outside of the map and just look at all the things treyarch put in the map...only for show and as said above,it's impossible to fix every single glitch 1) some glitches you just can't fix 2) it would take a lot of patches,because it seems that every day there's a new glitch,and treyarch would spend more time fixing black ops than working on its new game
  16. shi no numa is Japanese for dead swamp plus the sound files that matuzz found have _swamp in them
  17. I think the '75 note is a back to the future refrence where the doctor leaves himself a note Only problem with that is it says 'Beware the doctor' in the message. maybe Maxis is telling his past self to watch out for richtofen
  18. I think the '75 note is a back to the future refrence where the doctor leaves himself a note Only problem with that is it says 'Beware the doctor' in the message. maybe Maxis is telling his past self to watch out for richtofen
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=endscreen&NR=1&v=q_MTt4Z7LFQ found these deep in the bowels of youtube they sound legit but I figured the community would have better judgment than I
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