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Everything posted by MixMasterNut

  1. I'm still leaning on it being an overlooked graphic anamoly. However, I will say this is the best counter-arguement I have heard yet. And the fact that it ties in with Greek mythology could give this one some legs.
  2. Absolutely. It really clicked :idea: after seeing your vid. Getting much better at that technique now. It works all over the place.
  3. Here's my strategy on getting a fast PAP time - Mix
  4. I hope they make a DeadOps2. I like xFaTaLx RaMpAgE's suggestions. Keep it the same basic game, with a few minor tweaks just to keep it fresh and within the themes of the new zombie campaign. I'll be honest, I don't play too much DOA. But I love the concept of it. That love I had from playing SmashTV as a kid gets revisited every time.
  5. Ballistic Knife in the early rounds. Otherwise the L96A1
  6. The chrome Hyena looks Boss! I want a chrome raygun now
  7. I guess you just answered my question bout if the g_spawn errors happen on PC like they do on console
  8. I gotta go with Richtofen being a bad guy. Maxis is a bad guy too. Bad guy vs bad guy fights are awesome!
  9. Good points Rissole. Personally, I'm excited to research any new: - audio files - writing on the walls - movie posters - films shown on the film projector
  10. Good points Rissole. Personally, I'm excited to research any new: - audio files - writing on the walls - movie posters - films shown on the film projector
  11. We need some easter egg hunters to dig into this new apple version right away, and start taking screenshots
  12. We need some easter egg hunters to dig into this new apple version right away, and start taking screenshots
  13. Superhands - 298 kills Choppernator - 296 kills Ehjookayted - 295 kills MixMasterNut - 261 kills Man, lately I'm feeling like I need to step up my game. I'm falling out of the pack!
  14. Man, I just can't stay away from NML. I've had to put MW3 down quite a few times to get some NML runs in. Too many days away and I start getting that itch. The 232 kill run I had last night was one of the most satisfying moments I've had in gaming recently.
  15. Tetrodotoxin Source: http://callofdutyzombies.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=41&t=1270&start=60 Wade Davis's research on Haitian voodou zombies can be found in this book. Some History on Haitian Voodoo Zombies The closest thing we've known to real-world zombies, is the voodoo zombies from Haiti. In Haiti, zombies are created by witchdoctors called bokors, who delve into the realms of both light and dark magic. During the process of turning a victim into a zombie, the bokor is believed to collect a piece of the zombie's soul. The bokor will first create the "zombie powder" and brew it into a potion. Davis had discovered all zombie powders contain a common ingredient, pufferfish extracts (which are said to contain tetrodotoxin). The bokor will then serve the zombie powder brew to the intended victim. Once the brew takes hold, the victim will by all accounts appear to be dead. In Haiti, because of the hot climate and inability to preserve dead corpses, those who are pronounced dead are buried very quickly. Shortly there-after, the bokor will show up at the grave site, and dig up the body from the grave. If all goes according to plan, the victim will recover from the effects of the tetrodotoxin sometime while in the casket, or shortly after being ungraved. So in a sense, the dead victim then "reanimates". Because of the nature of the neurotoxin, the amount of time the victim would have been technically pronounced "dead", and the shortage of oxygen available within a buried casket, the surviving victim is subject to suffer from severe brain damage. This in addition to hypnotic drugs (Datura) provided by the bokor, ensures that the zombie will do the bokor's bidding. Conspiracy The dismisal of Wade Davis's discoveries of tetrodotoxin's use in zombieism by the "Scientific Community" is controversial at best. One of the first reasons cited for dismissing Davis's claims, is the Scientific Community questioned his ethics for gathering samples from dead corpses. The Scientific Community also dismissed some of Davis's findings when they couldn't reporoduce his results, in thier own laboratories, using low dosages of tetrodotoxin. Davis had already admitted that some of his samples may be damaged/compromised between the time of his field studies, and his reported samples. Davis also claimed that cultural beliefs were part of the process, which can't be duplicated in a test lab. Resource: http://science.howstuffworks.com/science-vs-myth/strange-creatures/zombie1.htm ********************************************************************************************************* We Craven's horror adaptation of Wade Davis's research.
  16. My latest theory is that the crew will travel back in time to 1965 and show up at the Kecksburg incident.
  17. This video is goes into depths about the NASA coverup of the Moon nK-2N4L5rCA
  18. I've assumed this is what the American's gathered from massacre at Der Riese. They are trying to continue where the Nazi's left off with this technology.
  19. There are parts to a raygun, zues cannon, and MDT. There are also Der Riese chalkboards and bulletin boards. http://blackops.onlc.fr/26-Zombie-analyse-pentagone.html
  20. FIVE has left-over stuff from Der Riese too...
  21. I always assumed they were just left-over materials that were salvaged from Der Riese
  22. Thank you Shoreyo. The genre of this story is Nazi Sci-Fi. So you have to look at this story from the perspective of a Nazi during WW2. I think one of the biggest hurdles the majority of current zombie theorists right now are struggling with, is trying to make sense of the zombie storyline while having little to no understanding of Nazi history and Nazi mythology beyond what we were taught in school. Remember folk, history is truely written by the victor. The US and UK institutions are in no way, shape, or form, an exception to this rule. Your history books only tell one side of the story. The one that is favorable to your government and people. I will not excuse the holocaust or the evil that was inflicted upon the world by Hitler and the Nazi regime. But lets be completely honestly here... if you take a serious look at Nazi history and mythology, there is a lot of really cool ideas and beliefs the Nazi's subscribed to that are currently being erased from history. The Nazi's were very open minded to the beliefs and religions of past civilizations, from all over the world. Their acceptance that magic, science, and religion are all part of the same coin, makes for some awesome revelations. The events we call Mythologies, and Legends today. Just remember those things are considered actual History and Religion to someone else. Truth is stranger than fiction. -Mix
  23. exactly what I was thinking xFaTaLx RaMpAgE Another example is Wernher von Braun http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wernher_von_Braun
  24. I totally understand your POV. I did throw up a big "MAYBE???" on the pyramid one, because I'm not totally confident in it myself. I mean, all I did was trace a couple leading lines, connect a couple imaginary points, and viola, I've now drawn one of the most basic shapes in art design. There is some other stuff here though that fits very well into my massive zombie storyline theory I've been working on. I'm not even going to go into depths right now, because its not going to make any sense at all until you put it into context with everything else in my theory. And that's going to take pages of info to digest. So for that, I guess we're all just going to have to wait and see.
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