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Everything posted by DEFCON 1

  1. FYI - I'm skipping Wood's and Bowman's account's because they don't have any messages, even in their directory there were only a few pics, nothing significant.
  2. Take all their kills while their busy using the box, chances are if their still using the box they don't have a good weapon yet. And if they died the previous round and just respawned near the box when there's a decent wall weapon near them I get to the box before them, buy it, and run away. Then they have two choices. 1: Die while waiting for there turn at the box. :twisted: 2:Buy the wall weapon and survive.
  3. It sounds like fun but I can't connect to Xbox live right now (for about 3 weeks actually) but when I get it fixed I'll be sure to check it out.
  4. Cupcakes is a memo, Ryan Jackson's wife made cupcakes and he wanted every one to know that there will be cupcakes available in the coffee room. :)
  5. It's not meant to show actual images. This is what you have to enter to see them on the terminal. I would have showed images but my internet is so slow it would take at least an hour to upload one pic and that's not an exaggeration.
  6. ok I'll try and btw when you type in CAT CROSS.PIC into the terminal and press enter you can see cross's face. If I remember correctly you can't see her face at the beginning of the campaign.
  7. This thread contains all or at least most of the valid terminal concept art codes from every user account. Remember to put CAT before each of the codes or it won't work and you DO NOT have to be on a specific user's account to access them. arctic1.pic barhavana.pic berlin.pic Buoys.pic castrosmansion.pic cage.pic clearing.pic cracked1.pic cracked2.pic cross.pic engineeruntoten.pic doa1.pic doa2.pic doa3.pic derriese.pic eo1.pic eo2.pic eyesonmason.pic filereznov.pic freighter.pic getclarke.pic gkn6found.pic govtafterhours.pic kinoalley.pic kinofoyer.pic kinolobby.pic kinoscreen.pic kc1.pic kc2.pic khesanh1.pic khesanh2.pic khesanh3.pic khesanh4.pic launch1.pic launch2.pic meanbush.pic moonpool.pic morgue.pic mnk.pic mnk2.pic mnk3.pic mnk4.pic mnk5.pic oldwolf.pic river1.pic river2.pic storm.pic tet1.pic tet2.pic thechair.pic thewolf.pic uwb1.pic victory.pic vorkuta1.pic vorkuta2.pic vorkuta3.pic vorkuta4.pic vorkuta5.pic vozrozhdeniya1.pic vozrozhdeniya2.pic vozrozhdeniya3.pic wolfinchains.pic warroom.pic yamantau1.pic yamantau2.pic yamantau3.pic yamantau4.pic yamantau5.pic
  8. hell yes! But I'm doing to the e-mails in alphabeatical order just to keep it organized so once I get through all of the e-mails on the CIA server I'll get to the Dreamland server. My goal is to finish the CIA server by the 10th of December or earlier. I should have Harris' e-mails up later tonight or early tomorrow.
  9. By pictures do you mean the one's where you have to enter in a code first. example: cat vorkuta1.pic If that's what you mean I'm working on a thread that has all of the valid codes that can be found on each of the account's.
  10. I couldn't fit all that on one title so it will just say "Woman Reading number revealed"
  11. Sorry for putting off Hudson's file for so long, but it's here now so enjoy. And I didn't include the fragments from Weaver cause their really hard on the eyes and kind of useless if you're not on the terminal. Current Files Alex Mason Dr.Adrienne Smith Bruce Harris D. King Weaver JFK Jason Hudson Username:amason Password:password Message #0 From: Jason Hudson Date: Saturday November 10 1963 Subject: New Tech Mason, Stop complaining and go with it. It's new to all of us. You'll need a better password first off. "Password" doesn't cut it. This is the CIA. You gotta protect your secrets and we're in the business of secrets. Go with something only you would know, something personal but not obvious. Pick someone important to you, like a mentor or something. Then put a date that's important to you at the end. For example, the year you won a big award. Combined those would be pretty hard to guess. Change your password or I'll do it for you. You don't want me sending mails in your name JH Message #1 From: Jake Reach Date: Friday November 17 1963 Subject: WC Mr.Mason Word on the street is you won the WC back in 53'. I came in 2nd in 45'. One former jarhead to another, we should grab some beers and hit the range. What do you say? GySgt Jake Reach (ret) Message #2 From: Gregory Weaver Date: Sunday November 24 1963 Subject: Thanks Mason, Not a big heart-to-heart kind of guy, but you and Frank saved my ass back in Baikonur. Lost an eye sure but gained an ally. I owe you one. Sincerely, G.Weaver Message #3 From: Jason Hudson Date: Friday September 17 1965 Subject: Slow Down Mason, Listen. It been almost 2 years since Baikonur. Your fixation with Dragovich is bordering on obsessive. People are talking and not the secretaries about the water cooler. You're poking in files way above your pay grade and you're doing it real sloppy. Lucky you, you got me watching your back. We all want to put a bullet in his head. And we will. But slow down. It's a team effort and that's the best and only way to get our hands on the psycho. You hear me? And while I'm on the subject, quit mumbling to yourself. You look like you're insane. JH Message #4 From: Gregory Weaver Date: Monday February 1966 Subject: Proposition for you Mason, Told you I owed you one. Got a way to start chipping away at that debt. That smoking blonde down on the first floor? Her name is Sarah. Word is her scum bag fiancee had a penchant for ladies of the night. She found out, called it off, apparently punched him too (unconfirmed). I tried, but she's not interested in a cyclops like me. I mentioned your name though and she was suddenly all ears. She's seen you around, has a soft spot for the dark, ugly and brooding. I'll introduce you. You take her out for drinks. Get a little comfort from the fairer species. You could use it. Weaver Message #5 From: Frank Woods Date: Monday January 2 1967 Subject: None We need to stop wasting our time with this techno garbage and get back to the business of dropping the hammer on the commies. This is war baby. Words don't count for nothin' Frank Message #6 From: Jason Hudson Date: Tuesday January 10 1967 Subject: Frank Mason, In case you hadn't heard, Frank is off to Nam to lead a SOG RT incursions into Laos. Volunteered of course. Old war horse like him needs a fight like he needs oxygen. Nam will be like a day at the beach for him. Feel sorry for the VC, tell you that much. JH Message #7 From: Ryan Jackson Date: Monday August 12 1968 Subject: Cupcakes My lovely wife Bridget, the saint that she is, got up at the crack of dawn and made cupcakes. She coerced me into bringing them into the office to share with all of you. They'll be in the Coffee room while supplies last. WARNING: Only 1 cupcake per person. The room is being monitored. Don't make me sic the SAD on you. That goes double for you Stanz and Sutton. --Ryan Message# 8 From: Dr. Adrienne Smith Date: Monday December 23 1968 Subject: Recurring Migraines Alex, I'm sorry to hear the medication isn't working as intended. Let's schedule some time tomorrow, say 3pm. We'll give you a once-over and, if need be, discuss dosage. In the mean time, get some rest. You've been through a harrowing ordeal these past few months. Consider perhaps a trip home to Anchorage. See your family. Clear Your mind. At the very least, stay out of the offices. You'll be surprised by how much it can help. Best, Doctor Adrienne Smith, M.D Staff Psychiatrist Message# 9 From: Dr.Adrienne Smith Date: Monday December 23 1968 Subject: RE: Migraines Alex, You cannot and will not threaten suicide to your assigned analyst if you ever intend to regain your field operational status. I'm sorry to hear about your family. I know what it is to be divisive with one's family, but I also know that if anyone can forgive, it is blood. I understand it's a sensitive subject, but I will not be black mailed for medication. I trust we are clear. That said, I cannot in good conscience allow an idle threat to become a reality. I have a final appointment at 5pm. Please come to my office at 6pm and we can discuss your medication and anything else you require for as long as needed. Best, Doctor Adrienne Smith, M.D Staff Psychiatrist Message #10 From: Jason Hudson Date: Tuesday July 4 1978 Subject: Don't Do It I saw the report and I know what you're thinking. Stay away from Johannesburg, you got that? They're watching you, especially that Kain guy up in SAD. He's just dying for you to blow it. Don't give him the excuse. Stay away from Johannesburg, Mason. Stay away. JH User name:asmith Password:roxy Message #0 From: John McCone Date: Friday October 18, 1963 Subject: Field Status - Mason Dear Dr.Smith, Thank you for your analysis of Agent Alex Mason. Your conclusions and recommendations will be reviewed in due course. As is standard operating procedure, I must remind you that agent Mason's file is classified TOP SECRET as of this moment and is not to be filed in standard systems. Please destroy any and all copies of this report. The original will be held in my possession for the foreseeable future. Thank you for your cooperation. John McCone Message #1 From: Terrance Brooks Date: Monday February 5, 1968 Subject: RE:Help! Hey gorgeous, Sorry, no can do. Got the early word that I'm shipping out in a couple of weeks and I'm going to be hunkered down with prep and training between now and then. What about that crazy old lady that lives next door? She looks like a cat lady and would probably be glad to help. Although, you may run the risk of her kidnapping roxy. As for the keys don't worry about it. Our arrangement works as is and doesn't need to be needlessly complicated. We should probably talk when I get back, too. I think Lauren suspects something. She said I smelled like perfume the other night. I can't have that. I care about you a lot, but I'm not ready to risk my marriage. Let's touch base when I get back. Terry Message #2 From: Ryan Jackson Date: Monday August 12 1968 Subject: Cupcakes My lovely wife Bridget, the saint that she is, got up at the crack of dawn and made cupcakes. She coerced me into bringing them into the office to share with all of you. They'll be in the Coffee room while supplies last. WARNING: Only 1 cupcake per person. The room is being monitored. Don't make me sic the SAD on you. That goes double for you Stanz and Sutton. Message #3 From: Alex Mason Date: Monday December 23, 1968 Subject: RE: Migraines Doc, Appreciate your concern, but I got no family. Not anymore, I messed up. Let's just jump to the upped dosage and be done with it. Otherwise I just might kill myself. You're a good person; you don't want my blood on your hands. Mason Message #4 From: Ryan Jackson Date: Thursday December 19, 1974 Subject: Spare some time? Dr.Smith I was wondering if I could have 5 minutes of your time later today. I have a spare cycle at noon. I'd like to speak to you privately in regards to a personal situation. Doctor-Patient confidentiality would need to apply, but I could assurdly use an unbiased ear right now. Please let me know if you're free around noon today. Thank you. Ryan Jackson. Username:bharris Password:goskins Message #0 From: Greg Weaver Date: Monday February 4, 1968 Subject:Bundle Up Guys, Wanted to give you the heads up -- we're shipping out someplace real cold in the next 2 weeks. Can't get into any details otherwise Mr.Shades will take my other eye, but I figure since your both wed-locked, your better halves deserve some notice their men are going to be out for a time. And Bruce, looks like you're going to have to give up those Skins tickets. Too bad, too. Good match up. You didn't hear this from me. Message #1 From: Jason Hudson Date: Monday February 11, 1968 Subject: Yamantau Gentlemen, As some of you already heard, we're shipping out on 16 Feb for a classified black operation in the heart of the soviet union. There will be a full briefing in ADDO/SAD Richard Kain's office at 2pm sharp. Be there on time or you answer to me. JH Message #2 From: Front Desk Date: Monday February 16, 1968 Subject: Message from Donna Agent Harris, Your wife called but you were out of the office. Here's her message from 16 Feb at 1800 hours: "Hi honey. I know you're leaving today for work, but the kids and I just wanted to say one more time that we love you, we already miss you, and be safe. I know how much you hate heights, so be careful while you're in Paris and don't climb to the top of the Eiffel tower. Mwa! Bye!" End Message Message #3 From: Ryan Jackson Date: Monday August 12 1968 Subject: Cupcakes My lovely wife Bridget, the saint that she is, got up at the crack of dawn and made cupcakes. She coerced me into bringing them into the office to share with all of you. They'll be in the Coffee room while supplies last. WARNING: Only 1 cupcake per person. The room is being monitored. Don't make me sic the SAD on you. That goes double for you Stanz and Sutton. D. King Didn't have any messages in his inbox but I found some interesting files in his current Directory entitled "HAI", there numbered from 3 to 25 but six is non existent . Naturally I looked at them in numeral order 3 to 25 but then I realized the correct order is from 25 to 3. Itreferences the campaign missions most of the time with an exception where it references stick and stones. You'll know it when you see it. Username:dking Passward:MFK HAI25.txt We rebels have lost Castro's cigar still burns bright And we will be scarred HAI24.txt The Pain the torment We are trapped like animals We are all brothers HAI23.txt That girl is staring Desks are crowded with papers And she is smoking HAI22.txt Drago took his eye We must infiltrate the base No room for failure HAI21.txt VC swarmed the hills We took cover in the trenches Somehow I survived HAI20.txt Rain floods the rooftops A man thrown out the window Gunshots heard nearby HAI19.txt Cold, blistering wind Dragovich wants the German For what, we don't know HAI18.txt Our village is sick The tunnels run thick with blood We've been forced to move HAI17.txt We are on a boat Speeding towards the enemy The river runs deep HAI16.txt Trapped in a small cell Voices Echo in the Cave but I see nothing But I see nothing HAI15.txt Steiner must be killed He is here on this island No one can stop me HAI14.txt Painful memories Bits and pieces from the past It all makes sense now HAI13.txt The number station This is where it will all end He must not succeed HAI12.txt Lancer gave the go Off to Baikonur they went Ally lost an eye HAI11.txt He got too vested In a man he could not trust To a submerged grave HAI10.txt It ends at Rebirth The truth is at hand my friend Come home in one piece HAI9.txt Is it him or not Two souls trapped in one body The other a wolf HAI8.txt Yamantau they go On the trail of Nova Six Where death is at hand HAI7.txt To kowloon they go In search of a mad genius With blood on his hands HAI5.txt The rain will not stop Village raided once again Could it get much worse? HAI4.txt Lost all my CP To a fool in Sticks and stones And now I'm Bankrupt HAI3.txt My mother has died She was killed in Hue City When will this war end Username:gweaver Password:Gedeon Message #0 From: Sarah Leary Date: Friday February 18, 1966 Subject: Alex I can't believe I let you talk me into drinks with that psycho Alex Mason. All night, it was "Dragovich" this and "Reznov" that, step 1, step 2, step 3, like he was completely cuckoo. If I didn't know any better I'd think the guy was a communist sympathizer or a complete shizo. He needs professional help not a date. I appreciate you're trying to help out a friend, but don't do it at my expense. Thanks, Sarah Message #1 From: Alex Mason Date: Friday February 18, 1966 Subject: RE: Proposition Weaver, Thanks for the set up. It went great. No doubt Sarah is at the local precinct filling a restraining order with the cops. Do me a favor -- don't do me any favors. Mason Message #2 From: Jason Hudson Date: Monday June 19, 1967 Greg, Intel confirms it's significant (not the memorial) Jason Message #3 From: Richard Kain Date: Monday February 11, 1968 Subject: AM Mr. Weaver I would appreciate it if you ceased to use this system to communicate with my secretary and according to my availability. Thank. Kain Message #4 From: Jason Hudson Date: Monday February 11, 1968 Subject: Yamantau Gentlemen, As some of you already heard, we're shipping out on 16 Feb for a classified black operation in the heart of the soviet union. There will be a full briefing in ADDO/SAD Richard Kain's office at 2pm sharp. Be there on time or you answer to me. Message #5 From: Jason Hudson Date: Friday February 22, 1968 Subject: Mason Greg, I understand your concerns, but he's one of ours. Whatever happened to him is not his fault and it's your duty to bring him back and use whatever knowledge he has to bring Dragovich down. I don't care if he wears his grandma's underwear, call's himself god and drools on himself, we're going to get info we need and then we're going to see to it he get's some help. You don't like it, too bad. This is how it's going to play JH Message #6 From: Ryan Jackson Date: Monday August 12 1968 Subject: Cupcakes My lovely wife Bridget, the saint that she is, got up at the crack of dawn and made cupcakes. She coerced me into bringing them into the office to share with all of you. They'll be in the Coffee room while supplies last. WARNING: Only 1 cupcake per person. The room is being monitored. Don't make me sic the SAD on you. That goes double for you Stanz and Sutton. Message #7 From: Ryan Jackson Date: Thursday November 24, 1977 Subject: Kristina Dear Mr.Weaver Regarding your inquiry in the wherabouts of Kristina Raskova, Allow me to offer my condolences for your current situation. I wish I could do more to help. Unfortunately, I do not have access to the information you require. I have however, forwarded your request to my direct report in the hopes he can gauge an appropriate mean of action. My apologies for being unable to process your request. Pass on my thanks to Mr. Hudson for the reference. Perhaps at a later date I can be of better service. Sincerely, Ryan Jackson Chief Analyst, APLAA Username:jfkennedy Password:lancer Message #0 From: Dreamland Admin Date: Wednesday July 14, 1954 Subject: Server Access Please note that the dreamland data storage center has been restricted to members of MJ-12 Thank. Message #1 From: Richard Kain Date: Monday April 17, 1961 Subject: Op-40 contact FYI - Our OP 40 team has made contact with our informant in Santa Maria. Operation is officially underway. Kain Message #2 From: John McCone Date: Sunday October 7, 1962 Subject: Soviet Missiles The requested analysis of suspicious soviet missile activity in Cuba has been delivered per your instructions. See Intel doc #F780011-070 dated October 7, 1962. -McCone Message #3 From: Evelyn Cross Date: Wednesday June 26, 1963 He won't ask you again and I know this was his final offer. Please reconsider before we leave Berlin or put your life in danger. Our people are everywhere - this time you cannot win. Give him what he wants before it's too late. Message #4 From: Jason Hudson Date: Friday October 8, 1963 Subject: Mason Briefing Gentemen, I wanted to confirm for you that we are all set-up for our briefing of Alex Mason on November 10th. He will be sent directly to the Pentagon; expected arrival time at 1700 hours. Signed, Jason Hudson Message #5 From: John Trent Date: Thursday November 21, 1963 Subject: You have one day left Victory Cannot be achieved without sacrifice. Next update: Jason Hudson Jason Hudson Username: jhudson Password: Bryant1950 Message #0 From: D. King Date: Thursday October 10, 1963 Subject: Next Assignment Hudson, Your next assignment has come down the pipeline. You’re handling an Agent by the name of Alex Mason. His full record is being compiled and forwarded to you for study. You might have heard of him. The former Op-40 who escaped from Vorkuta, hand-picked by lancer himself. We’ve all heard rumors and I’ll understand any trepidation you might have, but this is coming down from on high and frankly, it’s a career maker and right up your alley. Knock this one out of the park. Message #1 From: Dr. Adrienne Smith Date: Friday October 11, 1963 Subject: Mason’s profile Dear Mr. Hudson, On orders from the DDCIA/SAD, I have forwarded to you my psychological assessment of your operative, Alex Mason. Despite my recommendations, Agent Alex Mason has been cleared for field duty. If you have any direct questions regarding the profile, I am available to meet any time after 5pm. Thank you. Doctor Adrienne Smith, M.D Staff Psychiatrist Message #2 From: Ryan Jackson Date: Friday October 11, 1963 Subject: Op Research Agent Hudson, I sent a runner with research package you requested. Everything you need to know about Dragovich, Kravchenko, Steiner and GK. It should be enough to get your operation underway. Sincerely. Ryan Jackson Chief Analyst, APLAA Message #3 From: John Trent Date: Tuesday November 19, 1963 Subject: Everything you know is wrong You don’t know me, but I know Alex Mason. You will learn to trust me. Everything changes on Friday. Message #4 From: John Trent Date: Thursday November 21, 1963 Subject: Now you understand It was by the hand of Nikita Dragovich. This is just the beginning. They are everywhere. Start at Vorkuta. Two escaped the breakout. You know one of them. The other one just died. Message #5 From: John Trent Date: Monday November 25, 1963 Subject: A single step Echelon 5 21 0 8 18 15 14 7 21 16 23 9 14 23 0 6 18 4 Here name is Evelyn Cross. The photo is for your eyes only. This will be my last letter for quite some time. When the time comes, you will know what to do. Message #6 From: Alex Mason Date: Thursday September 16, 1965 Hudson, I want to know what’s going on. No one’s doing anything. Dragovich is still out there and he needs to be stopped. You’ve got the DDCI’s ear. Find out what’s going on and why we haven’t been let loose to find this physco. He’s a mad dog and he needs to be put down. If the big-wigs won’t get this going, I swear, I’m going out there to find him myself. I don’t care about the consequences, it’s going to get done. And I’m going to do it. Mason Message #7 From: John Trent Date: Tuesday February 27, 1968 Subject: You have done well. Please tell Mason one last thing. This time it’s freedom for both of us. Message #8 From: Greg Weaver Date: Monday July 1, 1968 Subject: Masons health Hudson, Caught Mason puking in the john earlier today and that wasn’t the first time. He’s jittery; still mumbling to himself. Say’s he’s got headaches, the doc gave him some aspirin, and it’s no big thing. My father Gedeon, god rest his soul, suffered from extreme migraines too. And Mason’s got all the signs. I told him to get himself ghost, but he refuses. Something about unfinished business. I hear the shrink is forcing him to take a leave of absence. Probably a good thing. Maybe you can talk to him. Tell him to take it easy. Retire. He’ll listen to you. I’d do it, but it’s hard to take a guy seriously when he looks like a pirate, am I right? That bastard Kravchenko did a number on my eye, but I’ll take that any day over what Mason’s been through. FYI. GW Message #9 From: Ryan Jackson Date: Monday August 12 1968 Subject: Cupcakes My lovely wife Bridget, the saint that she is, got up at the crack of dawn and made cupcakes. She coerced me into bringing them into the office to share with all of you. They'll be in the Coffee room while supplies last. WARNING: Only 1 cupcake per person. The room is being monitored. Don't make me sic the SAD on you. That goes double for you Stanz and Sutton. --Ryan Message #10 From: Richard Kain Date: Wednesday January 3, 1968 Hudson, I sent that file over regarding hyptonic techniques vis-à-vis covert operations. This is way above your clearance level. I trust you to not allow it to disseminate outside of your possession. You owe me. Kain Message #11 From: D. King Date: Thursday January 18, 1968 Subject: Pack your bags Hudson, You and Mason are going to Khe Sanh. I know you haven’t seen a real battlefield since ’55, but hopefully you haven’t forgotten how to hold a rifle. Your primary contact is Frank Woods. He’s a SOG RT team leader and He’ll be your guide to the crash site. This is what Mason’s been waiting for. But your job is to keep him on a short leash, you hear? He’s slating on thin ice and the blue bloods upstairs are looking for the smallest excuse to cut him loose. Woods and Mason go way back too; maybe this guy can help you keep Mason in line. It’s ugly out there. Try to keep those shades on your head. All the luck, King Message #12 From: Terrance Brooks Date: Monday February 10, 1968 Subject: Ship out Hudson, Word is we’re shipping out soon. If you could give me the heads up regarding time frame, it’ll do a lot to keep my wife Lauren from ripping me a new one. Thanks, Terry Message #13 From: Ryan Jackson Date: Wednesday February 20, 1968 Subject: MKSEARCH Agent Hudson, I’m forwarding to you today at the behest of ADDO/SA Richard Kain all pertinent information surrounding the MKSEARCH project and it’s research in narcosynthesis. This research extends beyond traditional interrogation methods including ethanol, scopamine, 3-quinuclidyl bezilate, temazpam, sodium thiopental and sodium Amytal. This should help you with Mason’s problem. Let me know if you have any questions. Ryan Jackson Message #14 From: Greg Weaver Date: Friday February 22, 1968 Subject: Mason Hudson, I’m done with this guy. He can’t be trusted. I don’t care what happened at Baikonur. It was more Woods’ doing then his. All that time in Vorkuta, I’m telling you, they got to him. There’s no way the KGB or Dragovich didn’t sink their claws into his skull. My professional opinion? Once we get the info we need – two in the chest, one in the head. Weaver Here is the message from "X" that can be found in Hudson's directory. June 19,1978 Mr. Hudson -- Do not trust D. King. He reports directly to Richard Kain. Kain has his eye on you. Be wary. -- X --
  12. Updated with what I believe to be the correct First names and Wikipedia links. Note that I couldn't find first name's and wiki's for all of the member's and some of the wiki link's MAY not contain information about the correct member. Taken Straight from the terminal this is a list of every current and former member of MJ-12 since it's inception in 1947. The Principal member is Dr.V. Bush. Roscoe Hillenkoetter..................http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roscoe_H._Hillenkoetter James Forrestal..............http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Forrestal Nathan Twining.............. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nathan_Farragut_Twining Hoyt Vandenberg..............http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoyt_Vandenberg R. Montague............... N/A J. Hunsaker..................N/A Sidney Souers..................http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sidney_Souers G. Gray.......................N/A D. Henzel..................N/A Detlev Bronk.....................http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Detlev_Bronk Lloyd Berkner.................http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lloyd_Berkner Robert Oppenheimer..................http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._Robert_Oppenheimer Albert Einstein.....................http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Einstein Karl Compton................http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Taylor_Compton E. Teller..................N/A John Von Neumann................http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_von_Neumann Wernher Von Braun...............http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wernher_von_Braun
  13. Read Shoreyo's post Down below to find the Woman Reading number's revealed. Date November 19, 1977 Mr.Weaver -- Your sister Olga survived Stalin's purge, but died in childbirth on November 10, 1955. She had a daughter named Kristina who lives today in Moscow. I thought you should know. -- X -- June 19, 1978 Mr. Hudson -- Do not trust D.King. He reports to Richard Kain. Kain has his eye on you. Be wary. -- X -- June 30, 1978 Mr.Mason -- Clarke was intending to hide in Johannesburg (South Africa?). He has a brother there. It's a good place to start. -- X -- July 4, 1978 Mr. Mason -- Woods is alive and remains the sole remaining American guest at the Hanoi Hilton. Thought you should know. -- X -- Notice How all the messages are sent in 1977-1978, and these are only messages from "X" there are plenty more messages in this general time period. I don't think Treyarch would put these character's like D. King or Richard Kain on the terminal without it having some significance. I have a feeling we'll find out more about these character's in Black Ops 2. Discuss
  14. :roll: I don't see why this hasn't been moved to off topic.
  15. wave 30 on underground solo, 25 on Resistance co-op C-4 and Barret 50. cals only. Edit: I didn't know there were solo leaderboards I can't get on XBL right now for an unknown reason and now I'll have to earn the high scores all over again.
  16. I was browsing through Hudson's E-mail ( ) on the terminal today and I found a message from Weaver that he said needed to be decoded. So I typed in Decode, didn't work, Tried it again didn't work so just to be safe I tried encode and it still didn't work. How do I use these correctly?
  17. Not to sound greedy but I still didn't get my brains.
  18. Assuming that there is one and I really hope that there is ,what new features, improvements and environments do you want added to it? Here's what I want. Hidden Radios that tell us more about the origin of the cosmic silverback. Solo Leaderboards.(If Treyarch doesn't add Solo leaderboards to all map's, this is the one thing that should have it.) Leveling up system. As you level up you unlock things like increased running speed, longer duration for weapon pick ups and increases your weapons damage. Choose between First person mode and top down mode. I don't want to seem like one of those people who hates DOA just because it's so much different from the classic zombies mode that we love, but it could get more people to play it and it would add plenty of variety. Feel free to add to the list. :)
  19. Did you still pay full price for the hardened edition?
  20. I love brainz this site is the number one result for "User bar generator" www.userbars.com/design/step1.php Just choose what you want it to say, Select a color and add an animation (optional) then when it's done right click on the user bar and copy it then paste it to your signature. If it's to complicated you can browse ones that are already created. hope it helped.
  21. Maybe but I don't know. I mean the mission "scorched Earth" takes place in Berlin Germany and Kino is German for theater so it's probably just a theater that is in Berlin which makes it "Kino Berlin". But it is possible that it is a referance to kino Der toten.
  22. If you push X (xbox) to activate them they will say something, but I'm pretty sure that's it. and why is a Majestic-12 bot browsing this thread?
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