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Everything posted by Crimson

  1. I was thinking along the lines of shooting things like for traps, making snow and ice fall down on a zombie for example.
  2. Kinda seems pointless to link to a video that's just reading off information that they found right here, on this site, in this exact sub-forum. :roll:
  3. I feel the same way, that's why I like to keep a Pack-a-punched ballistic knife on me when I get the chance. Most people toss them away but you wouldn't believe how many times I saved the group while playing Ascension. Awesome video, gotta love the escape routes on that map.
  4. Thank you, I actually just updated it, what do you think? Also, I've always been quite zombie minded. I sit around reading the Zombie survival guide in my spare time thinking of how/why zombies do what they do. Speculation is bliss. As for the topic at hand, I'd like to think that the zombies act on their own... Though the whole controlling them for an army of the undead is pretty likely given what we now know. I've got to do a bit of research, maybe this Vril theme might have something to do with his exposure to the 115? I mean, the whole Vril generator/golden rod as a source of untapped human energy being a part of the map along with sacrificing someone to gain the generator... Too many questions, I'm sure glad that the guys at Treyarch put this much time and effort into their maps... It goes far beyond just killing crap, they do their research.
  5. Thanks, though I'd like to try to figure this out. >.
  6. Agreed, I love the map. I think most of the haters would change their minds if they played with a team that had half a brain between them. However I like the corny one liners.
  7. Okay, ever since I first fired up Call of the Dead It's been on my mind... What the hell happened to George Romero in this map?.. Folks are acting like it's not part of the plot, that it's some kind of joke map but really it isn't. I don't claim to know the entire story but it's obvious George found some Nazi documents pertaining to Element 115 and or zombies and thought scouting out this location would be perfect for his next film. The cast and crew show up, they start filming and George is abducted by a rather intelligent zombie. I mean, they've been getting smarter for a while but really, they carried him off without attacking him? It's clear that someone actually did figure out how to control them but why they'd run off with George I don't know... He comes back big and angry, he's totally unharmed and other than his glowing eyes and booming voice he seems to be normal. Then when you attack him he instantly shifts to a bloody zombie George and goes insane until you cool him off. I can't help but think of some kind of alternate universe/dimensional thing going on with that. It's just too strange that he shifts like that back and forth. Not to mention he's totally electrified most likely by the Element 115. He's hungry and apparently gets very hot when you piss him off, so the cold must revert him back somehow I guess. Just not sure what to make of all of this, was hoping to get a discussion started. For the record, this map is canon or whatever so don't drop the default responses in here. If you don't care don't clutter up the discussion. I know the concept of the map seems goofy but it's pretty damn cool, they're using some great talent and they're adding it into the existing zombies universe. I didn't see an existing topic on the matter, or at least non that were focused on this aspect so forgive me if this topic has been thoroughly before. (I know I'm over thinking this, it's just for fun.)
  8. Did it need proving? I really find it hard to believe so many folks actually think he's missing/dead/whatever. Nicolai says his name too when he asks to dance with "Takeo you barfing fool!".
  9. Okay, I spoke a bit hastily about World at War. I just had a few bad experiences when I got the game. Having a friend sit in a lame ass glitch ordering me to hold X on a window as I feather a flamethrower at the zombies for hours on end. It just go really boring is all, though I didn't really get to play Shi No Numa or Der Riese very much and those seem to be favorites among the classics. If I had the classics on Black Ops, I'm sure I'd enjoy them.
  10. Right on, I can see what you're saying now.
  11. What, the thing to the left of the players gun that might look like a knife? That thing that looks like a simple reflection to me. I really wasn't sure what I was looking for.
  12. He's the one throwing up the whole time, teleporter sickness you know.
  13. I've seen my friends electrified but I assumed it was simply a glitch seeing as it doesn't happen often.
  14. Call me crazy but I don't like playing the same old thing over and over. I like new themes, new weapons, new perks and new characters. George makes you think, you can't just grab a hand full of rayguns and sit in a corner for three hours until you're finally overrun. I used to play that way but Call of the Dead has forced me out of my comfort zone, I've had to adapt my play style and get on the run and gun bandwagon. It's actually kinda exhilarating playing, you're panicked and you feel a bit more like a zombie attack should in my opinion. I used to hate zombies back in the day on World at war, holding down a window until 4AM and your fingers are bleeding. Anyhow, not to rant but I love this map and I think folks need to give it a chance.
  15. I couldn't disagree with you more. The whole idea of George and the actors is one of the things I love about this map. It's totally based on a classic zombie film vibe and that's pretty damn cool if you ask me. The talent they got together (don't see how you can say Robert Englund is lame...) along with George himself... That's bad ass. If you even consider yourself a zombie film fan that alone should make you drool. The old characters will be back, it's not the end of the world if they're gone for one single map pack. Honestly it's nice to have a break from "BLOOD GUZZLING BONE JUNKIES" and ranting about ex wives if you ask me. As for the whole Ascension Easter egg, as far as I was concerned that was the goal for that map alone. Think of each zombies map as an episode in a TV show, they don't always connect to each other, that was just one story and now we're on the next one. The Wunder Weapons are fine, the V-R11 is specific to this map and if you use it properly George isn't even an issue while playing. The Scavenger is an AMAZING weapon even if you don't use it as a sniper. Shoot a shot in front of you and run past, you'll notice every zombie behind you has been vaporized. As for the song, everyone has different tastes. You can't be pissed that every song in the game isn't tailored to your preferences. The only point I agree with you on is the lack of the AK47 and M60, I really wanted my M60... (Oh and I just joined, I've lurked for months, in fact I joined simply to post this.)
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