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ZombieOfTheDead last won the day on January 18 2017

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About ZombieOfTheDead

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  1. Is it just me, or does this place feel dead? Usually there's so much more activity around a map pack....

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    2. ZombieOfTheDead


      I think we need to get the off topic back on track, too. Part of why I slowly stopped coming here was because there was nothing new zombie-wise, and no one was posting anything in OT. 

    3. shirtlesservice


      I'm hoping that the mod tools will help give some serious longevity to this site, with strategy guides on the maps that come out and such, maybe a category where guys can post their creations and the mods can sort through it

    4. Tac


      I think that's a great idea, and I'm sure that will be in the pipes haha. That sounds awesome. As of now, in the short term, I think it's about trying to utilize some of the same platforms (forums, YouTube, Twitch, and even Reddit) but in a better way. We have the knowledge on the site to make it top tier again, but it just takes some dedication and effort. Oh, and time.

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