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ZombieOfTheDead last won the day on January 18 2017

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  1. Man, that Walking Dead episode. They're totally trolling us, because instead of focusing on the current storyline, they're going to be focusing on a different group. Such BS.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cheesegrater28


      I like the break up in the story like they did last year. They gotta stretch the show out for a whole season, and we basically already got all of Season 3 in the first three episodes. Showing an outside storyline is a good way to pace the show instead of having the main group be in constant action, which would water it down.

    3. ZombieOfTheDead


      It's not the breakup, it's the fact that they don't finish one storyline before switching it up that pisses me off. I was okay with them going to Beth's story. I want them to finish that before switching to Abraham's group.

    4. The Clay Bird

      The Clay Bird

      I think i prefer it the way they are doing it. Keeps things more chronologically in perspective. Especially with groups intersecting (ahem: spoilers!! carol last night) i mean if they finish abraham's story and people are missing or present and then they shift, well it doesn't work. they have to keep things chronologically correct

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