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Everything posted by Jeager1999

  1. First. Local and Solo are completely different from one another. SOLO is under the Xbox Live or Playstation Network Menu. SOLO games will save to you Online Profile. Also I've completed the Nav Card Station. Whenever I play Public, I'll end up with Noobs who never heard of Nav Card. I believe that if More that One of the Players in the Lobby have not built the Nav Card Station, it will have to be Built again. That or yeah, you probably have to hit it with the Jet Gun. But is it really part of Richtofens side of the EE?
  2. I just noticed something about the Glowing Orbs that appear at Random while the Mystery Box is cycling through weapons. I noticed this when It happend while the Box was in the Back Alley at The Town. I looked up and noticed that a small thin Blue(Finished Richtofen's Side) shot up than bent and was quiet sure it was heading toward the Tower. Anyone noticed that? The Glowing Orb doesn't appear in Theater Mode.
  3. What about that vehicle in one of the Caimpaigns? I don't remember the name of the Campaign but is was early in the game and you had the option to drive it or control the flying drone. But still the Vehicle would be cool. One Drives, other uses turret and the other two could shoot from the sides. EPIC!!!
  4. Just want to be clear. The Map is Green Run, the Mode is Tranzit. That explains the Bus. That out of the way, It doesn't mean that the Next Map will have a Bus in Tranzit Mode. It be cool if you could ride a horse....an undead one....on fire...with "Ghost Riders" playing in the Background..and can shoot at Zombies on Horses. One can Dream Right?
  5. See what happens when they do something new and never planned it out? Call me a Troll but you got to admit, leaving us out of the loop is just going to cause many speculations and outrage. Hopefully they do something or give us some minor details before the First DLC is released. What's going to happen if the new Map is released, and when we get close to finishing That EE, we can't because we missed something in Green Run that couldn't be done due to a unforeseen Glitch. If you feel I'm right, Tweet to Jimmy.
  6. Not to mention, each time a Part can be used-at a workbench- there is always a "Hold X/Square to blah-blah." Message to appear on your screen.
  7. What exactly does Jimmy do for Treyarch?
  8. Here's my Theory. These quotes are part of the EE but what if there are other EE's that are not unlocked yet. They will be unlocked when DLC's are released. But there is also the possibility that there is a separate EE in Tranzit one that is not part of Tower of Babble to say the least.
  9. That's not the only quote. What about the "Cargo" and "Lovely Place" I think Richtofen has other Quotes that haven't been heard.
  10. To who said that the Shotguns, Skull-Blue Eye's is the Maximum Rank? I find it hard to believe that Each Player has to have the same rank in order to get to the "Next Step". If the Ranking System-As Jimmy Z has hinted on-does have some connection with completing the EE to its fullest. Then why haven't they gave a little more clear Hint? Let's say that's true. You and the other three have to have the Highest Rank in order to get to the Next Step in the EE. But seeing how NOW we are having tech problems with the Ranking System and people have mentioned being dropped in Rank. How Can we all get to the Highest Rank? I'll be the first to say it. They didn't clearly work this EE out. They didn't take into account the Technical Issues that have accourd and considered how the Players would react to features. The Ranking System is Cool, having an Emblem but C'on! A little information would be really helpful.
  11. Has anyone heard Maxis say this Quote? "Yes, the spire is online. Now, if the other sites can only be likewise in power, then perhaps there is still a chance to complete that which was begun so many years ago. Your help has been invaluable. Farewell." I've done the EE but not Maxis side. There are some quotes by Richtofen I've never heard him say. What we should do is separate Maxis Quotes from the ones we heard from the ones we have yet to.
  12. WTF? Can nothing work right? How many got that Demote Rank message AND Started loosing there Upgrades and can't seem to hold on to them? TREYARCHS FAULT. TWEET IT
  13. okay? than what about the Same glowing orb that will appear over the weapons while cycling in the Mystery Box? That happens at random after completing Maxis and Richtofens side.
  14. Are you Sure? He's obviously not doing something right. First there was "I've seen Enough. You have all the Info you need. Just Say it." Then there was those tweets about beer....probably drinks on the Job. And now this one. He never explains just who he might be talking too. He probably laughing right now at us all. One Damn HINT. How hard is that?
  15. Okay. Final Answer? What the hell was the Question? I'm cool with Treyarch using riddles but for god sakes, get someone better at Wordplay. "I'm light, very Bright but you'll never see me the same place Twice. SEE! Thats a Riddle.
  16. I wouldn't call those Hints. But speaking of the Audio Files, how many of Maxis Quotes are heard In-Game? I never did complete Maxis side of the EE but through the Video's I've seen, he has not mentioned the Nav Card as he did in the Files. There is still a little bit of sceptisism in me that there is more in Green Run. It's more possible that when the first DLC Map comes out, it might have a connection with Green Run and continues on after the EE.
  17. Join the Club. I to experienced that same sound. It sounded like a Power Generator loosing power by more "Comical". That's when I noticed my Upgrades were not working. However my Emblem is still the same as it ever was. Skull, Eyes & Dagger. Really Treyarch, Explain Something.
  18. Yeah, I like how Comments are Disabled. He had to of tampered with the game some how.
  19. It's too bad that Treyarch haven't given us a Backstory on the new characters. It could give us some clues as to a Time Line and possibly just how they got to the Station. But No, Jimmy Z is a Jerk.
  20. Speaking of Theater Mode. Have you looked back at the Recent Game to see if the Sound was captured? If so? See if you can get it on youtube. Sure there is someone here who can help with that.
  21. Yeah-I'm not going to go through each post to see if this was brought up. But Marloton says that exact same quote in Tranzit, so it don't really mean anything. I'll admit its a clever theory to add to his Backstory but to say that Marloton was infact part of the Original Four is just plain stupid. I think Dempsey would of Shot him if he was part of the Group.
  22. I'm sure those PC Modders are working on hacking Black Ops 2 to No Clip, but I don't think there is anything behind that door. It's just like in Call of the Dead, people though that the Original Characters were actually behind the door when in fact nothing was behind it.
  23. I'm sure I'm not the only one who thinks longer sprint is one of the Upgrades. You're theory is solid I'll try it myself...probably did & just didn't noticed. As of the Stamin-Up not fading when you removed the Turbine. I can answer that, I discovered it one time by complete accident and it happened a few more times even with Juggernogg. It's a glitch, not sure exactly how to do it but it involves removing the Turnbine just before the Icon appears. Done right and you can keep the perks active while power is off.
  24. Yeah, 250,000 points, thats what I heard. Real Question is. Will the next Map have a Bank too and/or will we be able to use the points we stored in Green Run in that Map?
  25. Stop as in. Stop's the cycling and what weapons there you can take. Or. Stops the Cycling and pretty much robs you of 950 points. Either way, it has to do something to the Glowing Light.
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