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Everything posted by way2g00d

  1. Update: This was supposed to be no-jugg contest but we have ended up playing COTD.. and these guys are continuing the same game from last night(was 4 people me, and gold quit).. 10 hours straight...wow.. http://www.justin.tv/xdraziwx#/w/1474672128/3 -- Okay, so I thought these maps are starting to get boring, so why not do something challenging and set a record,.it would be so much fun I think to play without jugg, you can buy all guns and perks. Interested members send me a message with a subject "no jugg" to my gamertag way2g00 cya there :smiley face:
  2. Sure thing, send an invite to "way2g00" on xbox or psn..
  3. Nice, did u buy the waw game and buy all map packs for it.. how much was the damage.. im thinking of buying..and yea i am up anytime for a game..
  4. I added this topic to show that different people get different perks. I have already posted a different topic showing how to do this and I attached a link to it. Looks like you are the only one confused!
  5. Just did this on co-op and got quick revive, others got stamin up and speed cola. http://www.justin.tv/mwa2012/b/289831942 n0MlXOsm144 If you want to know how to do this follow this thread below and scroll down. viewtopic.php?f=69&t=13578
  6. what do you use to capture?
  7. like i said you don't have to chase them if you know the sequence of perk bottle(takes 2 seconds ..) let the guy closest to PAP kill the monkey. *If you know how to do it its not that hard.
  8. yea solo gets really boring but the fact you can pause your game and do something else and continue your game is an added bonus. Can't blame on connection this time.
  9. wait until you play shangri la, u will see fire zombie and shrieker every 2 rounds screwing with your rape trains.. joyyy
  10. This is the easiest map to beat in zombies IMO after ascension.
  11. Good job dude, ill try and beat it. 1/2 [brains] for you
  12. This is a major bug in the leader boards. It happened to me as well. Activision doesn't have the fix for it yet, they will let go of this one. Sorry mate , create a new ID if you are looking to make it to leader boards.
  13. ^^ Probably the best strategy, I was going to try this out but fkin box never gives me Crossbow. Thanks for sharing and congrats on making it to Top 10 Rank.
  14. Joshs, Check out my post if you need help in getting bottle perks..its not that hard.. viewtopic.php?f=69&t=13578
  15. Using that strategy I was lucky enough to get speed cola and dead shot. Attached Video 3 and 4.
  16. I have always seen a perk bottle each time there was max ammo. However I don't think to get a perk bottle it should start with max ammo spin. I will post some videos today to verify this.
  17. It actually sounds boring.. just like old mw2 co-op. (I have not watched the video yet) No game can replace multiplayer mode from MW2..
  18. Thanks for Brains. So far I have only seen perk bottle being spun by monkeys only when a max ammo is dropped. Which is why I usually convert all other drops to max ammo/2x/insta kill leaving the legit max ammo drop itself for a perk bottle. I'll try with different combinations today after work. I have already tested this with or without buying Quick revive perk, it does not make any diff. It may be dependent on zombie that has dropped the power up..(Example: yellow skinny looking ones - perk bottle spun right before max, regular zombies- perk is spun right after max) and so on.. (just an assumption) *Looking at the 2nd video I posted I think the easiest way to do this is to follow the monkey closely with a bowie knife (or any good insta kill weapon) and watch when is the bottle spun, lets say you saw it after 2x, wait for the next cycle and kill it right after u see 2x... For this to work you must NOT camp or run circles close to spawn so you have enough time to watch the spin. Note: When you are playing co-op you don't have to follow monkeys all the way as long as you know the pattern you could cut through less traffic areas and intersect them at spawn using one of the geysers..This is preferred way because there are more chances of you getting stuck in the spikes in the middle of a game than when you take the geyser leading straight to the spawn. Even better if your friend is nearby spawn just let him know when the perk bottle is spun after and he can throw a monkey and do it for the team. So may options.. just be sure to buy all 4 perks first to take full benefit from it or you might end up getting stuck with deadshot and double tap when you actually wanted quick revive and stamin up as your 3rd and 4th perks....( i always buy jug and flopper first)
  19. Some one in the forum pointed that perk bottle always appears when max ammo is dropped and the first one to randomize is perk bottle. Edit: These videos prove that perk bottle is always random each time. But it remains in the same order for that spin. Just showing that perk bottle is not first in rotation U_y3i7NVUyA Perk bottle shows up after 2x, missed by an inch qU9UD6z-HFM Perk bottle after carpenter sqoeBQYFev0 (Deadshot) Perk bottle shows up after max ammo 4kNvSto1sCI (Speed)
  20. way2g00d


    Welcome to the forum. If you are looking for a teammate of your skill level go to teammate finder. Remember to put mark your console and map you are interested in playing.
  21. I think this is not always true. I think I only saw perk bottle after max ammo only the first time I got max ammo in the game. After that the order is random. I have been trying to do this since 2 days. This is very hard to get it for solo in beginning rounds. I will try to get it once I get better guns like M&S or ray gun since it is one hit kill for monkeys from distance. Here is the video.. U_y3i7NVUyA http://www.justin.tv/mwa2012/b/289654046
  22. watch first 2 minutes of part 4. Just semtex and baby gun. http://www.justin.tv/mwa2012/b/289444109
  23. what do you use to capture? I can join you for domination.GJ on your first commentary. Sadly not a lot of people here to value all your work but i think you can use with Cyberlink power director or sony vegas if you wanna edit your videos.
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