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Everything posted by BlindBusDrivr

  1. I'm goin' hands down with MW3. The game looks completely epic, and MW2 was amazing, so a step up will be incredible. check out the Operation Kingfish promo And any game where in the campaign you play as the Delta Force and infiltrate and destroy a Typhoon Class submarine has one word to describe it. WINNING
  2. Yeah I noticed that too. And then when people thought there were 2 Richtofen's cause of the shangri La trailer, :facepalm:
  3. Oh yes, I've seen the yellow before because it can only be seen in certain reload animations, such as the crossbow.
  4. I was watching the new trailer for Kino, getting screenshots for my Project 935 video of it, and wanted to get some of where he used the crossbow. But when I looked at his left arm, it wasn't normal. He had a yellow suit and black rubber gloves, just like Hudson in the Rebirth mission. Anybody else think this is weird? I can't get a pic up yet but you can clearly see it if you pause the vid when he's loading the crossbow.
  5. what he said. And for more proof, Richtofen doesn't have Sam's quote or a Gersch yet. And they just reused the image it's not the Earth before you do the Easter egg. It's just a minor glitch. When you get there Richtofen says ohh this must be the place with the apple pies! which is his idea of America. he says in CotD. And you I don't see how it could be a simulation, just because of a recycled image. You watch Maxis's nukes fly into Earth and go back to see the sky red because of the damage done to the atmosphere, it's on earth. and Moon is on the Moon.
  6. Ugh I know what you mean. Yesterday I did the easter egg with my 1 other friend and cosmonaut took his Jug so he kept dying and for the last step where you throw the QEDs at the artifact. And I was out so I needed to get Gersches, then QEDs again since I was out, Then I got Gersches and the zero gravity pulled it to far and one of them was a few feet from it so it didn;t suck it in :x Then I ahd to get QEDs to trade and Gersches back and finally completed it. And during this every time a threw a QED ( 3 times) instead of giving a gun or turret or anything good, it spawned like 100 more zombies :evil:
  7. Nice did the easter egg after several hours and got to 30, we downed ourselves cause he had to go, but we coulda kept going with all perks forever and my PaP Wave gun, PaP Ray Gun, And PaP MP5k.
  8. Yeah what he said, and we have already proved that it's on the moon from the radios, it's called Griffin Station. I doubt a simulation would contain Samantha and rockets and such and 4 of the largest machines ever built, that's gonna be hard to hide.
  9. Ok thanks guys I found it by the barrels outside the labs after like an hour. Me and friend completed it in a complex way, I had to get Gersch's then QEDs to teleport the artifact, then get Gersches again but missed all 3 and then had to do it all over again. But we did it and got to round 30 before we downed ourselves because his wife was getting pissed lol.
  10. I need to ask some quick questions about the Moon Easter Egg: 1. Where are all the locations of the wire (AKA lead pipe, cable, etc.) 2. Can Richtofen hold both the Vril and the wire? Thanks for the help guys.
  11. If I'm outside, the Spacesuit If I'm inside, the Hacker
  12. They're not going to have it activated by rounds, the people with J tags would just hack it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V50WYj5jcUc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jamurnv6fQg&feature=related It's already been modded.
  13. He just racks up some points at Area 51, gets juggernog, and teleports, and just shows us like his early strategy. Then he's just running in the BioDome with the PaP WaveGun. It's actually kind of easy, except 70 must be a B!tch on your ammo lol. If he's keeping the Biodome from being excavated, he could just hack power ups when needed for the max ammo. Especially if he has Gerschs in his arsenal. Although I don't think zombies drop power ups if you kill them with the Wave Gun (just like the Thundergun), so I can see some problems with that strategy. Oh yeah, I forgot about that. I have the urge to try this now.... idk why but when I first posted that it was in your quote :?
  14. Ok? yea you should fix that, but nice theory Regards Yellow-card8 haha thanks for pointing that out I'm gonna fix it :P
  15. He just racks up some points at Area 51, gets juggernog, and teleports, and just shows us like his early strategy. Then he's just running in the BioDome with the PaP WaveGun. It's actually kind of easy, except 70 must be a B!tch on your ammo lol.
  16. I hope too. I would like to hear what he thinks about this, since he's the one who pointed out Agartha and all this far before anything else pointed to it.
  17. Oh that would explain why sometimes I can get out and then others I can't.
  18. hm, that's interesting. I've seen those drawings but never knew what they meant. The zombie squishier one looks obvious when you point it out though lol. Great work as usual Alpha [brains]
  19. 23. My friends suck to be honest. Killing themselves for 5g achievements sigh. I woulda gotten past 23 to, I just got bored and it didn't save the first time because I was 5 seconds from letting myself die, and my friend left because he wouldn't wait it disconnected because we were the only two left. WTF.
  20. Richtofen, despite having Earth partially destroyed and his grand scheme foiled, is not going to give up. He will never accept defeat. An extreme psycho/sociopath never gives up on his goals no matter how insane it drives them. There's still more he can do. He has picked up on a lot of the secrets in Group 935 and many technologies in his 'journey'. And the Illuminati are still in business, as they always will be since they have been trying to control it all from the start. And he has opened they pyramid, so he can use it, just won't now because of the fact that Earth has been almost completely wiped out. This is just crazy but the fact that we just nuked earth with atomic weapons because Richtofen accessed the Vril pyramid that Richtofen discovered and built a base around called Griffin Station, so anything is plausible. Since Richtofen has access to alien technology and interplanetary teleporting and other resources. What if he decided to jump start the human race again by gathering survivors from earth and recreate civilization and use his technology and intelligence to make himself appear as a God to the survivors and an object of worship, as some ancient alien theorists believe happened with ancient civilizations. And what about Agartha? I believe we forgot about it a little. Could the Earth's crust have been damaged enough to expose certain area's of Agartha? And what about the Egyptian pyramids, there's been rumor of a map there, yet no appearance. And Richtofen mentioned hieroglyphic like writing on the alien pyramid, so what if another one of these were hidden inside one of the larger ones such as the ones at Giza? I believe beneath them apparently is another Agartha entrance. ok got the pic and it is And just one more to throw in, you can tell from the horizon at Hangar 18 that a bomb was close enough for it to be seen from there, and one of that size could be seen as far away as eastern states. and from above you can see that Mammoth Cave is one of the entrances, could the explosion have blown away enough of the earth's crust to expose this? Just some theorizing but my main point is Richtofen's not done, and the stories not done. It's not dragging on or anything like some are saying, there is still stuff they have not answered, and many people contributing to ideas allowing for nearly infinite possibilities.
  21. When people say this it always makes me mad. Do YOU want it to drag on? They said they will listen to us. I, personally, DON'T want this to continue. Dragging something on is what they did to Spider Man. That is what they are doing with Final Destination. Do you REALLY want to see this mode bashed and bashed and buried to finally put an end to it. Let's let it go out in style (BTW no rage meant to you I just wanted to address the whole dragging on aspect.) Well, Final Destination started out pretty bad. Zombies still has a whole ton, there's infinite possibilities with many great minds and researchers making it.
  22. So I'm guessing after Richtofen and all that stuff with Maxis and Sam and the pyramid, etc. And he goes back to Der Riese later with the 3 and when they teleport the Wunderwaffe's 115 overloaded it and sent them to Kino Der Toten over 20 years later. So, I'm guessing why there's a teleporter to Area 51, because obviously Richtofen wouldn't want them knowing, so after the Space Race we found it of coarse and they wanted it, so they began adding on to it and stuff. And what we saw at Hangar 18 was when they first discovered it and in the one room with the hexagonal plates, those were for the BioDome. And the bodies must have been the ones collected from the guys that were with Richtofen. And it was the Hangar 18 before they made it into the teleporter station, so they moved the explerimental thing, that big ass reactor-thingy in the one building with the apple in it. So that was completed and began to teleport guys to the moon to get 115 for there sh!t and it was the people from the NERVA project or whatever check out Faust's post about it. So something went wrong and likely Sam wanted to kill them too so eventually everything got effed up and it got back around to Area 51 and they sent some dudes up to see what happened and they got r@ped and zombies start streaking around Area 51 and it's all crazy and then of like always our 4 guys arrive MZA, Mid-Zombie-Apolcalypse. Sorry for how summarized that was, so do you guys think that pretty accurate with what happened because have really seen to many theories yet here so I decided to make a little one.
  23. Oh my god thank you, I never really use wiki and TactInsertion hasn't been on to update his post in Research Facility, so I was just lost since radios show everything. That's incredible how much was just added to the story in 1 map, I'll have to analyze this more later. But again thanks for posting the entire radio section I gave you some [brains] and the guy who posted 2nd I'll brains you once it lets me again. Thanks guys :mrgreen:
  24. Alright this is all coming up really damn f'n fast and this sight was down, at least for me, since wednesday. So what's with Samantha being in that pyramid, I thought she was in Aether? How does all that work? Also, does anyone have the radio transcripts? Because I heard 1 about a walnut being a test subject and whoever it was saying to tell Maxis. And so there's a ENORMOUS base on the moon with teleporters to Area 51 in America, but the daughter of Maxis is in a pyramid on the base and there are a bunch of rockets with Tsar bombs that blow up half the earth. The only part I have been able to comprehend is that Richtofen wanted to take Sam's place to control the zombies and take over the world, and Maxis rigged the rockets to launch to destroy so Richtofen's power would become useless. But other than that this crap has been making no sense to me whatsoever. Are there any answers or what? Plus, does anyone know why they brought back the most annoying mofo's in the game, except now they float and teleporter and give us a spaceman with health like a Napalm that grabs you and teleports you randomly and takes away your perk?
  25. Yeah, I think it's using the same background. After all, they used the damn gas mask animation for the space helmet :roll:
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