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Everything posted by blackfire561

  1. blackfire561

    Moon song?

    No this isnt it because it doesnt sound ANYTHING like the Shangri La game over music No just NO.
  2. See xbox BLOGS the only blog that gives confirmed info about xbox and other stuff is major nelson. Also their is nothing in their that says its been confirmed by treyarch :facepalm:
  3. God Dammit kid this is the 3rd post you're done with no confirmation. I know what your talking about because their was a post and a video the thing is this was on an xbox blog. Not THE XBOX BLOG A FAN XBOX BLOG. The stuff treyarch confirms is always going to be posted on black ops's website. Click intel and boom their you go. Many people have already confirmed THAT ITS NOT TRUE so please stop posting threads without information to back yourself up. Its not just me getting mad and you know that half of your threads are people hating on you so please stop thanks :facepalm:
  4. No just no its not them 2 of them are zombies so sorry to burst your bubble.
  5. Well idk because treyarch had said when black ops came out that it was a cancelled out perk that wont be returning like a bunch of these other perks http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Amm-O-Matic http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Tufbrew http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Pronaide http://callofduty.wikia.com/wiki/Candolier so i doubt it will be in there sorry to bring your post down just telling you what most likely is true :|
  6. Ok but also before you post look around just some advice their are like 12 posts about this.
  7. I know for a fact zombies is not going to end treyarch loves making they love the money they get from it and activision LOVES money. So they will want to continue it like Gunns4Hire said. He thinks this map pack is a test if it sells really really good they will see how big the zombie community is. Their for might MIGHT make a zombie stand alone game but who knows this map pack will show them.
  8. LOL i know right lol they would do something like what they did with der riese when the game ends you hear 115 soo???????????
  9. Well then most likely it wont but if its completely new it will.
  10. Well as many of you may know when you die in a zombie game it plays a song. Which means that song they play when the game is over is going to be the song for the next map. So if their is a song when the game ends on Moon that means zombies will return.
  11. Not really the thing is if you click his link it says dead ops arcade so idk :(
  12. You do know you posted two of these?
  13. OMG if he is in Moon i will scream my lungs out.
  14. Yes it is true the only thing thats still in the box is the wunderwaffle and all the wall weapons are the same like in W@W.
  15. That would be sick i want them to do that in the trailer they show mason and then he just slowly shifts into a zombie.
  16. Hey guys i had a question about the soundtrack nobody seems to be talking about it i want to know how will there be a soundtrack on the Xbox PS3 and PC. Also they said there will be 3 songs never available for purchase. Im starting to think those 3 songs are Ascension, Shangri La, and Moon. The reason i think this is because 115 the song you can already buy. Call of The Dead song you can buy. You just cant buy Ascension or Shangri La And of course Moon so thats just what i think let me know what you think. Also where did they say there would be 3 new songs. I think people are automatically thinking that but who knows well have to wait and see.
  17. Just saying i doubt 3arc would put a burst as water as an easter egg so idk
  18. Yeah fix your link and how would they know 3arc doesnt reveal stuff like that. I think that they are just hoping.
  19. Im not a troll or anything i just dont know how you guys can say that thing looks like the cosmic silverback. If it was he 100% be bigger then that and they would make him stand out more. Im hoping and wishing that he is in the map and is the new boss but only time will tell.
  20. Thank you just because you don't like it doesn't mean you have to ruin it for the rest of us.
  21. If you have nothing good to say dont post at all
  22. Well if you post enough you would understand thats against the rules on these forums. So i get my posts stolen all the time and these people are just trying to be copy cats so that they can get brains.
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