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Everything posted by Dreamland_Grue

  1. Z34RTO2BKM4 1. Check at 0:10 in the above video. 2. That is a Gigantopithecus skull. 3. Compare to the largest skull here: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/121/sasquatchstandaloneprod.jpg/sr=1 4 Gigantopithecus was a giant ape that went extinct, but theories suggest it is the creature behind the Yeti. 5. Both Yeti and Giganto live(d) in the Himalayan mountains. 6. Skull in video looks fresh, not fossilized. 7. Yeti in new map? 8. ???? 9. PROFIT!
  2. MrRoflWaffles will flip when he sees this. It's not exactly curb stomping, but it will do. Now to try it on a monkey....
  3. It's the AK-74u again, look at the iron sights and compare. Treyarch knows how to tease us.
  4. It will be most interesting to see what the Zombie Monkeys will do with the Monkey Bomb. I'm putting my money on creepy primate dance party...
  5. This is pretty much how I see it. Let's hope this is true.
  6. That skull at 0:10 looks like Gigantopithecus skull, but it looks fresh... and they died out several thousand years ago. But they are one of the candidates for the legendary Yeti, which lives in the Himalayan valleys... hehehe.....
  7. It came from the Achievements leak. There are two threads on this forum.
  8. I searched for "31-79 JGb215" Link: http://www.google.com/#sclient=psy&hl=en&biw=1280&bih=797&source=hp&q=31-79+JGb215&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=905e9081899b75b1 I don't think it means much, just a quick thing I found.... everything else is about Black Ops.
  9. Google search the new name of the Wonder Wep, and the seventh link down you get some sort of NASA Starbase thing... Try it. Link: http://starbase.jpl.nasa.gov/archive/mgs-m-moc-na_wa-2-sdp-l0-v1.0/dmgsc_1015/mgsc_1223/e14007/e1400763.imq~
  10. Basically, if this pattern continues, there should be two Wonder Weps that we have yet to see coming in the next few map packs. Exactly. Yes. Yes, but we still lack information.... it may have more to it than what we've seen, only time will tell. They were just names, but because it seems to confuse people, I made them simpler just now.
  11. Kino: Ray Gun, Thundergun, Monkey Bomb Five: Ray Gun, Winter's Howl, Monkey Bomb Ascension: Ray Gun, Thundergun, Gersch Device, Matryoshka Doll CotD: Ray Gun, Scavenger, V-R11, Matryoshka Doll, Wunderwaffe DG-2 That's basically all of the Wonder Weps for each of the last 4 maps, including the DG-2 Powerup.
  12. It's not necessarily with a new game or map, and not even a theory, but a pattern. The trio names are just given by me, and don't really have much significance. In order of the wonder weapons revealed: Ray Gun : Wunderwaffe DG-2 : Monkey Bomb :: Thundergun : Winter's Howl : Gersch Device :: Matryoshka Doll : V-R11 : Scavenger :: "Chibi-Gun" : ??? : ???
  13. I have noticed a pattern that I have wanted to post a for a while, and I decided to do it now, for no particular reason. I do not know if anyone has already posted this, but I didn't see any so please don't flame me if someone already has. The new shrink ray weapon is our tenth... does this mean two more wonder weapons? Every time we get new Wonder Weapons, there are usually more that come soon after forming a trio, like so: A "primary" weapon - These are much sought after and can destroy A LOT of zombies with a single pull of the trigger. A "secondary" weapon - Less powerful than a "primary", but better than most normal weapons. Usually a pistol. A special grenade - Special grenades that are, well, really useful/powerful grenades. Original Trio: Wunderwaffe DG-2 Ray Gun Monkey Bomb Second Trio: Thundergun Winter's Howl Gersch Device Third Trio: Scavenger V-R11 Matryoshka Doll Next Trio? "Chibi-Gun/Shrink Ray/???" ??? ???
  14. I'm pretty sure this was already posted a while ago....
  15. Nope, it seems like a golden/greenish Naga statue thing on it. It makes zombies really small with big heads.
  16. The boss isn't confirmed yet, the fire/ice zombies are just variants, for now anyways... fix'd
  17. Yep, I think that the Area 51 zombies map is coming nearer, I can smell it. Aliens and zombies in my rifle sights? Yes please.
  18. OMG it's a Chibi-Gun! That's freakin' amazing. A shrink ray. Never saw it coming.
  19. Even if that is so, what if you get a nuke? Does the round end? Do they attack you? Doesn't sound all that fun nor rewarding.
  20. Then what would a Nuke or Insta-kill be good for? Double Points? I'm pretty sure that they show up during normal rounds, and then steal powerups.
  21. Ditto. It says they said it on the Wiki as well, but no link is provided there either.
  22. I think that would be cool, but I think chupacabras would be unlikely as they come from Puerto Rico and surrounding countries. Updated the first post with a link I found that actually shows that the Nazis were aware of Yetis... and may have searched for them in their expeditions to the Himalayas.
  23. You just love to post that link on every thread, don't you? :lol:
  24. I was thinking of how there might be a new wonder weapon on this map, that the new wonder weapon might be called something like 7H-U13 (Thule), as opposed V-R11 (Vril). What do you guys think?
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