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Everything posted by JakeDuck

  1. I find that stealth classes work excellently for league play. What are the classes you all use? MP7 Silencer Rapid Fire Reflex Ghost Cold Blooded Dead Silence Bouncing Betty (Destroys those that like to camp in the same spot every life) Shock Charge Primary Gunfighter
  2. ...WHAT!? I shot him in the leg and nothing happened! He just stayed on the ground while Hudson told me to shoot him in the head! In my version, Woods dies, Mason dies, Harper's face is charred.. Why do those that I love get hurt?
  3. I'm in Gold Division, Rank 9. God, that was suspenseful for me. I had the top score in all 5 games, even when my team lost! I am TOTALLY keeping the class i used for regular multiplayer.
  4. JakeDuck


    My friend just got this sound glitch while playing Tranzit. He only heard this really weird sound (Sounded like a distorted zombie) and nothing else could be heard. Weird.
  5. JakeDuck


    What is the sound glitch? The only things I've gotten are the occasional freeze and "Waiting for more players to balance teams".
  6. JakeDuck


    Don't even try to start a console war. Those only cause flaming and hate. As long as you are on CoDz, try to consider all platforms equal to each other. Each have their own advantages and disadvantages.
  7. JakeDuck

    Favorite map?

    I have almost exclusively played 2025, it is too much fun. I like Hijacked best of the very few regular maps I've played.
  8. Here's Teh_Shrew's, he asked me to upload his.
  9. Here's mine, I was going to remake my Deadshot Daiquiri emblem, but then had this idea.
  10. It is undoubtedly Nacht, it is exactly like it. You can't go up the stairs though.
  11. It's somewhere in the cornfield. I can't give directions, but it's somewhere in there.
  12. I've heard that Green Run is the name of the entire map we play Tranzit on. Tranzit is a mode, not a map. I bet we will get a new Green Run for some DLCs, then it will be split into survival maps like in Green Run. I see no problem with a Black Ops Tranzit mode, remember why the original four were there? They were trapped behind a door with a teleporter in it. Treyarch opens the door, bam, it's ready to play. Teleporters can link every map, and they can be redesigned for the destroyed Earth.
  13. I too am a bit disappointed with the overall look. Orange everywhere. Nuketown Zombies looks amazing, I love it, but the rest.. Really I think the next maps should go a little to the future when some of the fog has cleared (Literally). I miss the blue sky.
  14. We get it on release. Season Pass owners get it next month. Ok, thanks for that. I was about to get REALLY pissed at Activision for making me wait. I can't afford the season pass at the moment, I'm going to wait until the DLC is announced.
  15. I am very confused right now. Do people with the Hardened Edition get Nuketown Zombies on release of the game, or do we have to wait?
  16. Will it be for Xbox or PS3? We may need two separate clans, clans are separated by console.
  17. Just to let you know, I probably won't play much multiplayer on release for a while, I'm going to be playing Tranzit forever. I'll send you a message if I start playing multiplayer. I will play multiplayer on the first day, but not until later in the night.
  18. I loved FFA in MW2, but it wasn't as good to me in Black Ops and MW3. Hopefully I'll get back into it in Black Ops 2. Domination and Kill Confirmed are my next two favorites. I'm kinda sad that Team Defender is gone, I liked that mode with friends.
  19. By party modes they mean modes for private matches. Sticks and Stones is FFA but it's still in there.
  20. Unless the parts are scattered every game. It's been done before with trap parts and easter egg steps.
  21. Maybe there is Scavenger, but not like we think. Instead of refilling ammo, the parts you can use to make something are highlighted. Like in the campaign when you need to use a certain gun. If you have to get an M60, it is highlighted gold so you know what to get.
  22. That applies to every gun. Pretty much anything fictional in zombies is powered by 115. Pack-a-Punch, perks, zombies, anything.
  23. My thoughts exactly. I love DOA, I may not be the greatest, but I like to relax and play a simple game now and then. I don't see why someone wouldn't want it because they don't like it, it's your choice to play it or not.
  24. Of course not, as long as you be respectful. I thought he said it in a rude way using sarcasm, like he was trying to prove him wrong.
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