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Everything posted by BTrabucco

  1. I don't know wtf is going on! It's 5:53 am and the map pack isn't even out for me yet! All the banners are up, the green "new" sign is next to store and when i go to it it says map pack 2, but then when i go to that it says "There are no items available for purchase at this time" I go to the playlists and I see over 1,000 people playing and i'm stuck at the gate! Does anyone else have this problem!
  2. Just gonna say it, i've never gotten a nuke in mw2 :cry: . I thought it sucked anyways
  3. :( oh, i'll check again but I don't know why it wont show up on mine *edit* ok I checked again but it's still not there, I don't see what the problem is :| . I guess the high prestige players were just a coincedence
  4. I would choose Upheavel, Castle, and Bonzai (Whatever the map pack level was with the bridge)
  5. I woke up this morning to do a few things, then I decided to play online for alittle and I joined about 5 different domination matches (all casual) and every single match I was up against high prestigers (10th 11th 12th.. and so on)! Now it's pretty normal every once and while to run into a match with high prestigers but almost every one of them has them!!! I then looked at the playlist and saw that the prestige playlists weren't there anymore, I don't know about everyone else but i'm only 2nd prestige and i'm not the greatest player in the world and my ratio is really dropping from this. Just thought I should speak my mind :)
  6. Can someone remind me what the fire trap is in Ascension?
  7. Oh wow that makes it so much easier, how did we not notice that? And I have a question, how do you give brains?
  8. Ya I kinda agree with you, things were funner back when there was no crave for custimizable stuff. It's pretty weird that i'm saying "Back in the old times, the simpler times" eventhough it's only been like 4 years! :lol:
  9. It's hard to really choose but Nuketown and WMD are my favoirte maps from black ops
  10. The newer cod maps from black ops and modern warfare 2 aren't really that good in my eyes, When I think of most maps from these two games I don't really think "Wow I have so many memories.". Besides a few maps like firing range and maybe nuketown (Modern warfare 2 was just horrible) theres nothing really as good as maps from WaW and back
  11. So I was playing the older Call of Duty games like I usually do when bored of zombies and black ops multiplayer and I remembered how much fun I had playing online back then when these games were new. So I want to know which map was your favorite and why ! Personally my favorite is Carentan. I loved the close quaters urban setting of it and how you had no idea what was gonna happen around the next corner. It became better for me when it was re-released in Call of Duty 2, now I could play it on my newly bought Xbox also. When Call of Duty 4 came out with the Variety map pack (or whatever it was called), I saw that Chinatown was included which was a modern day version of Carentan and i bought it right away. For some reason it didn't feel the same way as before. So comment on what your favorite map of all time is! I'm dying to hear !
  12. wow, so many advancements! Can someone show us this cutscene?
  13. Ik, this map probably has twice the amount of information that Der Riese had. So far, on Ascension, we have found plenty of information to process through our heads and we have only just found the REALLY easy stuff! Hopefully when pc and ps3 owners get the map our effort will triple!
  14. Some or most of us by now have heard the first radio about this Yuri guy and the Gerch Device. Now i'm not a hardcore analyst but this Yuri guy wouldn't be mentioned if he didn't have anything important to add to the story. The Gerch Device puzzle could also be involved with the connection. When you throw one of the Gerch devices at the sparking generator it is sucked in and the russian tells you that more power is still needed and that she (Samantha :geek: ) is getting closer. Now that puzzle could be connected because: * Yuri worked with the Gerch device * You send parts to the russian with the Gerch device This is all I can think of for now and sorry if this is already posted somewhere! Please comment on your opinions . EXTRA: I believe I could have found another part for the Gerch device puzzle!!!! Over at the landing zone (where quick reload is) if you look out of the map near the corner to the left of the the rocket launch. There is an object with a red glow. My details are bad but if I can I will post a picture
  15. ] I actually tried the same thing in a different area. My thought is that if you throw it into an area that has no interactive features, it will just dissapear with that noise. Nothing special. :)
  16. Yep it was solo. Is it a new feature though? I've never gotten quick revive so much b4 on solo so I would never notice
  17. I'm on round 15 right now and because of the damn monkeys, i keep having to buy Quick revive over and over. I just bought it probably for my third or fourth time and as i was walking away I heard the sound of the mystery box appearing in a new area. But i looked and saw that quick revive was gone! I have a picture off my iphone as evidence, I don't know how to post it though
  18. thanks for posting your story! i believe it. And i'm sure you don't, but do you have any pictures or vids of actual gameplay of the map?
  19. Nice theory. You have a lot of information for it. But there is just as much doubt too. At this point NO ONE can claim to be right. There just isn't enough proof, we need to wait till at least the first map pack comes out. [brains]
  20. Thanks for the comments! I'll do some research on this but we won't know for sure till new maps come out. They would't put the theif (or "Five") in the game for no reason
  21. Really? I'm pretty sure i saw yellow eyes but i'll check again.
  22. I've read around and read some other theories about the pentagon thief. One i've read, and i apologize because i forgot who posted it, the author of the post thinks that Richtofen was the crazy doctor for whatever reason. After thinking of this for awhile I thought that this could actually be Dr. Maxis. Here are my reasons. 1. Under his glasses his eyes are yellow like the zombies. So we know he's already dead. 2. Just by his actions we can infer that he has some sort of intelligence. 3. He has equations written on his body and clothes. 4. And finally, one probably insignificant relation. Dr. Maxis was the father of Samantha who has the dog Fluffy. Who would end up being the first Hellhound. Dr. Maxis, and Samantha, were killed by Fluffy (in hellhound form). Samantha is supposedly the voice you hear when you get powerups and during the hellhound rounds. So why wouldn't Dr. Maxis have some power? What I believe is that he takes the place of the hellhounds (which he created) and comes down to take the guns of the players and get his revenge. Sorry for all the information in the fourth one! [brains] Have fun on the zombie battlefields!
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