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Everything posted by Tac

  1. damn it! the search thing never works for me for some reason i usually get off the wall things that have nothing to do with the post. but hey never hurts to take a double look Don't worry dude, I still can't work the search bar. It's confusing as f*ck to me... Never shows the results even though I know they're there.
  2. Tac

    Why Go To Area 51?

    That's possible. But what I'm kinda getting at now is, was it their teleporter or the Americans? Becuase if they had built it I'm sure they would have tried to find it earlier. Not to mention it's linked with the Moon, so I think that it's Richtofen's. OOOOOHHHHHH.... What if the spy that was in America for 935 built it?
  3. I have been gone too long haha. Anyways I'm starting at all the posts after mine so here we go: To strange-bow7: To your DG-3 quotes, I don't believe that he knew he was working on it. I think he picked it up and realized that this IS the DG-3 if that makes sense. Like he wasn't aware Maxis was creating one, but when he saw it he knew what it was immediately. As for Project Thunder, that's an anti-gravitational device like Die Glocke not the thunder gun I believe. Because in the Ascension radios, as you point out, they mention the Canadians. At the time that I believe these radios to take place, the Canadians were building the Avrocar, an anti-gravity device. To All: As for the crawlers, seeing as they are wearing shorts, I'm pretty sure they are children of some sort. I am aware that many of you pointed this out, I just wanted to throw my opinion in there. To strange-bow7: I don't think we can be certain if it was on the British side. I will go a bit more in depth of what you stated. After all the sh*t went down, Berlin was divided into 4 sectors. Russian, American, French, and British. The entire East side was given to Russia, and the west side was split up among the 3 remaining countries. Not while I agree that it was not on the Russian side, I can't be certain it was in the British sector. Sorry to be nit-picky, just thought I'd point it out. :D
  4. You can go with that theory if you want, but I'm 100% sure it's wrong. It wasn't stolen. The weapons in the box DO NOT matter in anything. We have already covered this so many times with many members, the weapons in the box are there for gameplay reasons only. Sure, a weapon was created by this guy or that guy but they didn't go to get it back. It was in Der Riese the whole time...
  5. It's all just a coincidence imo
  6. Not to bad of a post, but please use the search and realize there is post on this already viewtopic.php?f=72&t=17170
  7. No not at all, this looks like the end
  8. Ok first off I will give away no spoilers so you can read this fully through Next, the campaign is amazing... almost. It has incredible gameplay, epic twists, etc., except the mission are kind of repetitive, until the last few. The gameplay is super crisp, it re-tells some old stories, and you just feel amazing playing it. The twists are super heart racing, I won't give them away but you'll be pretty surprised when you've completed it. And the mission all end the same way, up until the last few. The gameplay itself is innovative and really captivating, but they just end with a feeling of de ja vu. Anyways this is my brief summary of my feeling toward the SP, I highly recomment it to anyone. It's #3 to me behind WaW and Black Ops. Thanks for reading :)
  9. Tac

    Why Go To Area 51?

    Well, I think that they overloaded it to the point where it could do something special, not to where it doesn't work anymore. If that makes sense?
  10. The 4 cylinder's on the gun? I agree that they are 115 containers, and we can assume that there first supply of 115 is via Tunguska, in Russia. But I don't think that that qualifies to put the Russian on the gun, but I love the way your thinking keep it up. I think that someone wanted to have it on there, I mean why would a German scientist put Russian on his weapon?
  11. der riese was over run though. which i think caused richtofen to leave and go to shi no numa to work on the DG-2. after he made the DG-2 and with the help of his new pals went back to der riese to overload the teleporter He finished the weapon in Der Riese, then got mad at Maxis for not mass producing it. And he didn't go to Der Riese "to" overload the teleporter, he had no idea it would have that effect. It was a complete surprise to him. I'm almost positive he went back to see what he could salvage.
  12. As stated I could so go for zombie aliens, like not green or anything, like grey maybe with some slanted eyes, etc. It would be more comical. I think it would wear out fast, so have only a few a round, like 10% of all the zombies on the map are aliens :P
  13. JFK could be alive, but I really doubt it. As we all already know, and if not you should, the campaign is connected to Zombies. Personally I think it's all included, like every single detail in the campaign. It might not be relevant to the story, but it's all involved. So we know that JFK died regardless. Whether he was killed in FIVE by Zombies or in Dallas by Mason.
  14. They didn't go to get the DG-2, because IT WAS BUILT IN DER RIESE... They wouldn't leave Der Riese to get something made in Der Riese.
  15. Tac

    Why Go To Area 51?

    I could see that. What does the teleporter look like? Haha it's been so long since I've played, but I mean I would think that if they took the teleporter it wouldn't have Nazi insignia all over it when they put it up
  16. Tac

    Why Go To Area 51?

    True. But remember in the radios, Dr. Richtofen is teleported from Der Riese to the Moon, and so is Samantha during her and Maxis' murders, that's what confuzzles me :?
  17. It's a great map in it's own sense, but I'm not a fan of maps that aren't involved in the story, that's why I never played it :/
  18. Tac

    Why Go To Area 51?

    I have been wondering for a very long time, what was the point of going to Area 51? I mean we know they can teleport straight to the Moon, without Area 51. There are no quotes by any of them, no hints anywhere as to why they would go to Area 51, let alone how they got there. Thoughts?
  19. Close, but not really. Peter is in Verruckt and Dempsey get's captured and sent to Richtofen in Der Riese. And the Wunderwaffe was made in Der Riese, so they weren't going there to get it because they were all in Der Riese being tested on before they went to Shi No Numa.
  20. Solid post, try and add some more pictures if you can! [brains]
  21. xD You can count on that bud
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