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Everything posted by Tac

  1. It would be really awesome, I'd love to see it. I'm already getting excited enough for zombies on this Next-gen, let alone all the maps I already love! Automatic buy for me as well.
  2. It's great to have you! If you have any questions, be sure to ask :D
  3. First off, no one has said they are the same thing. We've all stated something along the lines of them being altered forms of each other. It's interesting that you say that Vril is akin to something like electricity, because so is Element 115. In the terminal, when detailing the Element, the very last line says it has inherent electrical properties. We know there is a correlation between Element 115 and Vril because there was a large Element 115 meteor and when shrunk, it became a small Vril pebble. You know, I really don't know. These towers that we built up in Black Ops II may have some part, who knows. I mean the MPD was made by the Vril-ya, that much we do know, and they obviously utilized Vril, so I wouldn't be surprised to see it connected somehow.
  4. Vril and Element 115 are separate things. They are certainly related, but they are not identical. Element 115 is able to partially bring back dead people, while Vril can fully bring them back, as we've seen in the V-R11. Vril is essentially condensed and stabilized Element 115, as we see in Shangri-La where an Element 115 meteor falls on the temple and he shrinks it down, condensing it, into a stable lump of Vril, known as the Focusing Stone.
  5. When you say replicating, are you referring to the zombies or only the hellhounds? If you're also referring to zombies, where do you think the first one came from?
  6. Hey guys, Tac here with a theory I just recently thought up. I created a similar threads over three years ago but never really made the connection until now, so I hope you guys enjoy it. It may be a bit of rambling so that's where I'll need you all! First and foremost, I'll begin this with some background on HAARP and how they relate. In the Doctor's Quarters of Shi No Numa, you'll find the following note: It reads: The earth’s atmosphere is divided into three major sections, the troposphere (sea level), the stratosphere, and the ionosphere. The purpose of the US-military's HAARP, or the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, is to study the ionosphere. Many believe that HAARP is using the research of Nikola Tesla, and we've all heard his name around here quite often, especially since his name is in the game coding. A lot of his work dealt with the manipulation of invisible universal electromagnetic forces and some say they have the potential of destroying planet Earth. It's said that HAARP is being used as an ionosphere heater system that would allow it to alter the weather, neutralize satellites, and even send out messages to exert mind control over the general public. Physicists, Congressman, Governors, and foreign parliaments have grown concerned with HAARP and its capabilities, citing environmental concerns. In 1934, Tesla announced that he would create a space shield around the United States to protect it from enemy missiles, rockets, and planes. Tesla also claimed that he would zap enemy missiles, rockets, and planes from the sky with a “death beam”. On September 20, 1940, Tesla announced that he was ready to divulge the secret of his “Teleforce” and “Death Ray”, and his invisible “Chinese Wall of Defense” to protect the United States. This is what people are referring to when they say that HAARP is able to neutralize satellites and even be weaponized. Keep in mind that we can also see Death Ray documents in various maps, including Ascension. Here's where it gets interesting. Here's an excerpt from Vril, The Coming Race, which is a book that many of us believe was a large influence on the Treyarch developers: In the Shi No Numa note above, it says that something "might be powering HAARP," and many believe that HAARP is using some power to exrt mind control and weather changes. Then, The Coming Race states that Vril is capable of all these things, so I ask you... Is HAARP using Vril to further its agenda, so it may fundamentally change the world as we see it? To take it one step further, I'll argue that Group 601 is the German equivalent of HAARP, utilizing the powers of Vril to specialize in mind control and weaponry.
  7. I'd like to mention that Faraday is mentioned by name in Vril: The Coming Race, the book that many of us believe the developers have looked at heavily. Here's an excerpt of the book, which includes @'s previous quote: So first and foremost, we can see a clear connection between the book and Faraday, and that what he was describing was Vril. I feel confident in saying that he created the Paralyzer and anything else in Buried that is regarding Vril or ethereal energy, as I'm convinced they're the same thing.
  8. I personally don't think anyone will have an issue going back to normal first person shooter gameplay, but this would be a cool way to play. I'd love to see some Oppenheimer in this game.
  9. Tac


    That's a really good question. Personally I wouldn't call it glitching, but cheeky maybe? It's a smart idea and incredibly useful I'm sure, and you're not exploiting something wrong with the game so I hesitate to use the word glitch, but to me, it's definitely cringe worthy haha.
  10. Got an Xbox One, so add me (with a message that you're from here)! GT: TacticalitySqd

  11. Reformatted my Shang/Mars thread with new images, evidence, and a just a new vibe. Enjoy! http://www.callofdutyzombies.com/forum/index.php/topic/147572-the-shangri-la-and-mars-connection/

    1. GRILL


      Now THAT is awesome. Thanks @Tac

    2. Stop Mocking Me0

      Stop Mocking Me0

      *Slams face into keyboard

    3. Tac


      No problem fellas :)

  12. I'm interested to truly see how different the game will be for 360/PS3 compared to One/PS4. I'd like to say I'll see a large difference because of how long they have to work on it, but I'm hesitant. I don't want to get my hopes up too high.
  13. Welcome to the site, it's great to have you! If you have any questions, be sure to ask!
  14. Actually it isn't completely random. It is still a gateway of sorts. Think of the five / gersch teleporters like a hallway. There is a door leading in and a door leading out. The five teleporters are like a hallway full of many doors. There is still one way in and one way out, you just can't be sure which is which. Remember when you use a gersch device and teleport, you do come out of another inert black hole. The problem there is just that the door at the end of the hall isn't built until you're in the hallway itself, and you have no control over which room in the house it leads to. Like Hogwarts. Still. One way in. One way out. They both take place at the sane time. I think they are BOTH incomplete. ("Five" and Gersch devices.) I agree that gersch devices were just pocket teleporters that had not yet been perfected. Why it only attracts zombies is a mystery. Edit: and I think both were inspired by the origins portals, which the soviets and americans would have read about in recovered 935 documents. Yeah I just meant random in the sense that you don't know which portal you'd be coming out of. But yeah it's very odd how the Gersh Device works that way, very intriguing device.
  15. Tac

    Zombie Training Facility

    @ No absolutely, it doesn't have to be now I'm just trying to make everyone aware of some of these things just so we can have a plan for whenever we can make it happen. As always, much appreciated, do what you guys gotta do :)
  16. Tac

    Zombie Training Facility

    Yeah I meant to include that in General Zombies Discussion, but I wasn't very clear my bad. I'm pretty dedicated to getting threads back in the right place. It gets too out-of-hand, gotta do some spring cleaning!
  17. I completely forgot about that, great find. So back to the teleporters, I believe that the Gersh teleporters was intended on just being the pocket version of the Five teleporters. They both have the numbers coming out of them, and if I remember correctly, they both teleport you to random locations (as in there's no set mainframe), but it seem clear to me that they run on the same technology. That raises the question though, why does the Gersh open a black hole? Was that accidental due to it being incomplete or on purpose? I would think accidental, because I'm not sure of the benefit of creating a black hole haha
  18. Tac

    Zombie Training Facility

    That's a good idea. Also, I want to discuss the vision for the General Zombie Discussion, Training Facility, Research Facility, and Asylum. First and foremost, having four story sections is a little too much, in my opinion. I think we should bring it down to two story sections, the Research Facility and Asylum, because those sound the best. So, there are two options. Both are five “actions” so choose whichever is easier: - Move everything from both Asylum’s to the Research Facility, then renaming it Asylum. Both Asylum’s are deleted. Everything from the Training Facility stays and it’s renamed the Research Facility. - Move everything from the Research Facility and one Asylum to the other Asylum, keeping the name. The Research Facility and one of the Asylum’s is deleted. Everything from the Training Facility stays and it’s renamed the Research Facility. Ideally, to me, there would be no story talk in the General Zombies Discussion. Therefore, story-related threads from the General Zombies Discussion would be moved to either the Research Facility, Asylum, or some map-specific thread. Any thoughts?
  19. Tac

    Zombie Training Facility

    Okay sweet. I've already gone through the entire vB GZD and found their CoDz GZD counterparts, so honestly if you want to just delete the entire vB GZD in one fell swoop without going through it, I say do it.
  20. Tac


    Hahaha. Great to have you man, looking forward to seeing you around!
  21. I'm convinced that the next game will be back in time, either World War I or World War II. I can't wait for the Zombies experience, and for that reason I think I'm going to get the Xbox One so I can experience that greatness haha.
  22. Tac

    Zombie Training Facility

    Pinnaz they weren't actually threads just empty pages. Still need to go through the threads and remove the duplicates. I'll tackle that some time this week. I think @PINNAZ is saying he hopes all the threads that weren't transferred were the spam threads. Are you referring to the duplicate General Zombie Discussion threads? If so, I hope you're deleting the ones inside the vB GZD and not the currently-active CoDz GZD threads.
  23. Tac

    Zombie Training Facility

    Much appreciated, thanks!
  24. Hey, it's great to have you! if you have any questions feel free to ask :D
  25. If you go the CoDz homepage, you'll see that we have the recovered vB threads, which is fantastic! If you enter the Training Facility, you'll see it has 10,682 threads covering 357 pages, which is incredible! You'd imagine the whole story could be in there. Curious as to what page 357 could possibly have? Me too, so I checked: Well that doesn't make sense, no threads in the forum? Of course there are, it says there's 10,682 of them. So I checked how many pages had that message, starting at page 357 and working to page 1. When was the first time I ran into a page with a thread? Page 2. That means 355 pages had that message and are empty. It's alright though, that's probably just a mistake, at least we have the 10,682 topics! Wait... at 30 threads a page, and 2 pages, that means there's only 60 total threads in the Training Facility, not 10,682. That begs two questions. I assume the remaining 10,622 threads didn't transfer because of the age cut-off mentioned in the message, so can we not get them? However, I'm really not that concerned if we can get them, it is what it is. Can we at least delete the 355 pages so it accurately shows that there's only 60 topics?
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