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Everything posted by NZheadshot1

  1. These are images I already created, but they aren't very good. If they could be touched up, they would look pretty awesome I know Alpha was saying something like this, and i made this image awhile ago - I think it'd be good. Here's another idea... not very good, but you get the point.
  2. ACTUALLY! If you watch your points when you do that, it gives you +25. HOWEVER, WaW wasn't able to give you just 5 points, so it would round it up. So say you had 1000 points and you do the trick. You then have 1025 points, but it reads as 1030. You do it at another perk machine, get another 25, and your score levels out - you have 1050, as your score reads. They fixed this glitch with the BO maps. Now it will actually read as 1025.
  3. I wasn't saying that Kino is not in the future. I was saying that the "new" radio is most likely how they got to SNN. And Richtofen didn't say "To the future!" in the "new" radio from SNN. The answer you're looking for is simple: you don't teleport to SNN. When you start a match on Kino or Der Riese, there is electricity running down your screen, implying a teleport.
  4. Actually, the Trench gun can hold 6 bullets, and seeing as to that you can actually STOP reloading it at any given time makes it actually EASIER to survive with, especially for dogs, as you don't have to reload. ON THE FLIP SIDE, while it is easier to survive with the trench gun, it is a 1 hit kill on zombies til round 11. One hit kill = no points. A one hit kill weapon is great for late game, but in the early rounds, you want to rack up points, and the best way to do that is to use the thompson.
  5. I think that the most important thing here is that the meteorite is there at the theatre in the first place---> why in the cinema? and for that matter, why in the 1960s??? Based on the new transmission at SSN, they time traveled by ACCIDENT, and based on the dreamland experiments Takeo shouldn't be able to remember SSN... So many unanswered questions.... :?: :?: :?:
  6. Lol well actually.... Yea I've found a way, though it only works for solo, and it is rather unorthodox. Start the round like you normally would, and find out who you are (look at either your hands, the color of your points, or listen for the character to speak) and then simply pause and hit restart level. Rinse and repeat. It may take awhile, but you should eventually be able to get the character you want [brains] ?
  7. I'm gonna hurt the M14 and heal the AUG. Here's the standings so far--If u guys could continue posting standings this would work better M16- 10 Famas- 10 AUG- 11 M14- 9 G11- 10 Galil- 11 FN FAL- 10 Commando- 10 MP5K- 10 AK74u- 10 PM63- 10 MPL- 10 Spectre- 10 Dragunov- 10 L96A1- 10 Stakeout- 9 Olympia- 9 SPAS-12- 10 HS10- 10 HK21- 10 RPK- 10 M1911- 10 Python- 10 CZ75- 10 CZ75 dual wield- 10 M72 LAW- 10 China Lake- 10 Ballistic Knife- 10 Crossbow- 10 MP40- 11
  8. wow well I feel like an idiot... but anyway, I'm not understanding this. I thought the Berlin wall was what seperated East Germany from West Germany. The wiki page makes it look like it only seperated West Berlin from East Berlin. East Germany wasn't THAT small was it?
  9. Did you even look at the picture? the Berlin wall is about 120 miles AWAY from Berlin. The Berlin Wall is officially referred to as the "Anti-Fascist Protection Wall"--Berlin Wall is simply a nickname given to the wall
  10. Kino Der Toten is geographically inacurate. Simply seeing the Fernsehturm actually points to the idea that the theatre is probably IN Berlin, if not right outside of it. however, the Berlin wall IS immediately outside of Kino--Kino is in West Germany The theatre is no more than 3 miles from the TV tower, yet it's no less than 100 yards from the Berlin wall. Maybe Treyarch just wanted to get a point across? Or maybe the whole theatre actually did teleport like someone else said? Because obviously, there is some sort of flaw in the design of the map. Credit for the berlin wall pic goes to killerfinland on youtube. thanx fin!
  11. This really isn't a problem of us missing something, it's the fact that Treyarch slid the patch in right under our noses and we never noticed. We have to be more careful to make sure we don't miss stuff like this anymore...
  12. oops... double post... is there a way to delete this? sorry guys...
  13. I have not yet checked WaW to see if the radios are there or not, but here is a bit of a condolence Pz0ZdyZaKuQ at 4:37 he shows the 115 box - thats where one of the new radios is located (correct me if I'm wrong there...) and in the video, it's not there. So no, we haven't just missed it, it's just been added.
  14. Hey guys, I haven't played on Five a whole lot yet, but when I was experimenting with the teleporters, I couldn't find any sort of order. They all just sent me in random directions--is there some sort of sense to it? We might be able to conduct a great teleporting strategy if they weren't so... random
  15. isn't this like, pretty much everyone's strategy thus far? and stop being so arrogant. its really annoying...
  16. OMIGOSH! ANOTHER LINE FROM THE SONG: Look to the skies, my army of flies Anyone think the "flies" may be zombies, or lurkers? and if thats possible, it makes it sound as though there is something leading them, something of a higher entity. BRAINS!! 8-) [brains]
  17. It sa JD. it's referring to JD_2020. The same image can be seen all over the place in der riese
  18. lol voice of Tatsuki, Ururu, and Yoruichi for the win!!! (Bleach... @.@) but anyway, while you say it is Wendee, i believe it may be Wendel. its cursive, so its very possible that it could be mistaken. Maybe a city? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sankt_Wendel or, even more likely, it could be referring to the German playright Wim Wender (note the R) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wim_Wenders however, he wasnt active until 1967, and I am fairly positive that the events at Kino der Toten take place in 1965. I don't know. Ideas? I was gonna post this, but you beat me to it. So brains for you! [brains]
  19. ok cool, thanks! i was getting a little worried there. [brains] for you!
  20. first, NO FLAMING. This post is NOT meant to start a flame war. If you want to flame me or anyone else, LEAVE THE FORUM. I have never supported HL, but this new info I've found is rather shocking... you need to know a littlbe bit about HL first though - he always ended his transmissions with either "hows the wife" or "hows your wife" - it was his "code" Go to the terminal and type in "decode hows your wife" and "decode hows the wife" for the first, you get a "T" - the person Henry was contacting the second just gives a weird symbol. can someone PLEASE explain this to me? i do NOT want to admit that Henry was real all along. that would SUCK. :evil: :cry: :shock:
  21. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA IS DEAD? NOOOOO!!! lol And Gary I'm gonna punch u in the bladder
  22. ok, Black Ops is OUT! so does this mean that those "leaks" are no longer really leaks? can we post stuff to the site now?
  23. I rage quit modern warfail for the last time yesterday. Feels pretty good knowing that it's not one of those "I'm done... until tomorrow" kinda things
  24. Apparently it was a quote spoken by Dempsey after PaP'ing a gun, saying "We're the f***ing werewolves!" or maybe "Where are the f***ing werewolves?" it was in the unused files of the PC version of the game. I personally have never heard it.... could someone maybe link us to it?
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