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Anti Earth

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Everything posted by Anti Earth

  1. Omg The rumbling occurs after you turn on the power in each room you are in, 'fool'. If you are in the theatre, the room will shake and holes appear in the walls. the next time you move to another room, that room will shake and the holes will appear. Don't be so arrogant 'fool'.
  2. No, Nothing 'hit the building' And you know that. And if he even said that, he said "sounds like" He did NOT say it is? Please provide some real evidance guys, rather than "I'm sure"
  3. It IS JUST THE CREEPY CRAWLIES! Why? 1) The rumbling occurs EXACTLY when the walls have holes blown from them. Only creepy crawlies come from those holes. 2) The holes and rumbling starts EXACTLY after the power is activated. The creepy crawlies come once power's activated. 3) The creepy crawlies "ARE BIG ENOUGH TO MAKE THE SHAKING", because the shaking is only from the holes they are making???? 4) The COSMIC SILVERBACK DOES NOT SHAKE THINGS. He shakes nothing in Dead Ops 5) The shaking occurs ONLY ONCE, and it's due to the creepy crawlies as earlier described. 6) The Cosmc Silverback WILL NOT FIT THROUGH THE MAP! THUS, HE IS NOT A BOSS. Can you really imagine him going through the door by Quick Reload? Think again. But for some reason you think.... That a big gorilla or boss is 'jumping around on the roof', at exactly the same time as the crawlies make holes in the walls. And he only jumps once, and then gets tired and never shows up. And that if he ever does show up, you can stand in a doorway and he'll be powerless. CONCLUSION Don't be a complete idiot. There are THE FACTUAL REASONS as to why it's not a boss... Would you actually like to provide some evidance for why he is? or just keep saying "it's possible", which is just stupid...
  4. Ohh, does the quick revive put you in last stand, when on solo?? For how long?? Do you die after it, or get back up?
  5. You have to lose atleast one gun... Because you get given a M1911.... It's not going to give you three guns!! So Ner!!! :x
  6. Actually, Nikola Tesla invented the Ray Gun! Isn't 'Porter' just the name of an employee at Treyarch? And I've never heard a NAzi Zombie quote in reference to the origin of the ray gun! But Nikola Tesla DID factually invent a ray gun! Look into it, it's freaking awesome! (except, if his designs were built, I think it would shoot more like a wonderweapon (Dg2, whatever).
  7. Have you met my friend Magnesium? Just kidding, you guys would have a bad reaction!!! BAHAHAHA :D But welcome to the forum! :)
  8. BAHAHAHAHA, OMFG Could you imagine?? :D "Omfg, Camper! Respawn you son of a b-......... ... wtf?"
  9. Holy Cow, really? That's a brilliant method! Except you need to keep buying quick revive, and you lose your guns anyway so might as well just let him take it. Plus, if he takes the PaPed M1911 then you are reaaaally screwed! :| But I guess it's still an awesome tactic for getting the trophy! KUDOS!
  10. Okay, you can tell something is bull crap when the lines "ten years later" are used. The chronologicality of freemason isn't even known by Freemasons. The history is so scarce and confused, that when somebody claims to make such a specific claim of time such as "ten years later"..... you don't need to ponder over the validity for very long.
  11. The name of the PaPed M1911 is "Mustang and Sally" .... Also, there's an achievement called "Sally wants blood" ... Maybe it is just the gun's nickname?
  12. Alot of my Mason friends tell me that Symbol means something very different. If you wanted us to believe it wasn't Illuminati, why not say 'The eye of God?' Homeland security is a ridiculous meaning! :P
  13. My strategy is a very easy one, that doesn't require any camping if it's too dificult! *Note* for all locations, keep an 'emergency door' handy. A door that you have not opened, but can easily run to incase of being overrun. - Stay in the starting room using only a pistol (and stabbing) until the round just after the dogs, or until you need to escape (Just stab on round one, no shooting!). - If you are still in the first room for the dogs, you have to options to survive, depending on your awesomeness You can either walk (NOT RUN) up the stairs and down the opposite pair, and keep doing this. The dogs will follow you and try to hit you, but they can't (they are the Shi No Numa type). Occasionally, walk backwards and shoot at them when you are comfortable! OR IF YOU ARE A PRO LIKE MYSELF Simply walk around the teleport pad. I know, it's a TINY circle, but the dogs still can't hit you. Infact, you can actually walk around a dog and they can't hit you. Just remain calm. Now, when you are moving on... - Open the door above the right staircase, leading to the room with the portraits. If you have a second player, get them to watch the window in the back whilst you take on the hallway of zombies (including those that jump from the roof). Your emergency door are the double doors to your right. When you are overrun, run through that door and down the stairs. If you are playing solo, keep your back to the door and shoot both the window zombies and the hallway zombies. You can buy the door open by not facing at it, which is a very good precaution Run down the stairs and you'll be on the big balcony. Run to the bottom of those stairs and stand just infront of the door that is there (made of wood, looks shabby). From here, you have a solid view of all the zombies that come from both windows and stairs. When you are overwhelmed, open the door and run to the next door without opening it. Again, have you back to it and spray the zombies until overwhelmed. OPen that door and you'll be back stage of the theatre. Turn on the power and link the teleporter (there is plenty of room to do this and avoid the zombies, even if you wait until the end of the round to link to the pad). Run around avoiding the zombies on the stage and theatre, until you need to teleport (for free) away. As soon as you reach the projector room, THROW YOUR GRENADES AT THE MOB OF ZOMBIES BELOW! They will group together and stand still ; easy targets. Once you use all your grenades, BUY MORE GRENADES off the wall to your left. Continue this, until all zombies are dead or until you are taken back to the telepad. Once reach the telepad, shoot the zombies whilst slowly making your way back through the entire map, via the method I described earlier. You don't need to worry about the zombies beating you there, they will only start from behind you and follow you through. There won't be any unpleasant surprises on the stairs I get to around round 42 using this tactic. (by the way, at dog rounds, it's best to just walk around the turret on the stage. Go down the stage steps to the audience. Walk across to the other stage steps. Walk up them. repeat. The zombie dogs can not hit you... they're terrible )
  14. It's for gaining access to extra zombie features. Type in 'DOA' and press enter You will unlock 'Dead OPs arcade (which is uber cool, is multiplayer, can be coop online, and splitscreen online coop!) Also, you can use the computer to access the Zombie Pentagon map 'FIVE' Simply type in '3ARC UNLOCK' and you will unlock it, without having to complete the campaign... BUT THAT'S COMPLETELY OFF TOPIC! AND YOU ARE A BUTT HEAD!
  15. Did you notice that today is 9/11/10? That (in the american calender) is the 11th of September.... And Treyarch reference to ALOT of the conspiracy theories revolving around 911 O_o (specifically just the illuminati anyway) Oooooh, spooky ;)
  16. ... okay, blatant statements like that are pretty unhelpful... Let's now physically compare the inverse, rather then leaving the flipping to our brains, of which some of ours seem to be incapable of... (NOTE - *the phrase Ebola is written in lower case, as it has a far greater simularity to the numbers this way.) EBOLA FLIPPED - NUMBERS NORMAL ɐ loqǝ 47093 : Pretty good. If treyarch intended to encode a word in the numbers through representation, these are the best and most accurate letters they could have used. Here is a standard number - Letter conversion table * "o" => 0 ---------- So if Treyarch WERE to write ebola, they would use.... * "i" => 1 ---------- 3907* - backwards is - *7093 * "z" => 2 ---------- (4 is replaced with a * because it does not appear on the table) * "e" => 3 ---------- Since there is no numerical representation for a, it's safe to assume * "h" => 4 ---------- that 4 is the next best substitution of which it is logical for treyarch to use. * "s" => 5 ---------- WHY? Because a can be written without the top line > so.... 47093 * "g" => 6 ----------*What this means* * "l" => 7 ---------- This does not mean treyarch INTENDED the message. However, it does * "b" => 9 ---------- refute the claim that 47093 is disimiliar to EBOLA, or that there are better ------------------------- numbers to use. So, let's hear no more of this "Wah wah, it's nothing like ------------------------- EBOLA!", because you are wrong. It is everything like EBOLA, and is as much like -------------------------- it as is possible through numerical alphabetical substitution! By the way, when I earlier said without the top line, I refer to the to the line ontop of 'a' that seperates it from an O. So, 'a' can be written as an 'o' with 'a stem' = Like this : 'o\' If you have a poor imagination, look at it here: http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://www.allkidsnetwork.com/alphabet-stencils/images/lowercase-a-stencil.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.allkidsnetwork.com/alphabet-stencils/&h=352&w=378&sz=11&tbnid=jXV-ibjLtTr_DM:&tbnh=114&tbnw=122&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dlowercase%2BA&zoom=1&q=lowercase+A&hl=en&usg=__iUX033p18tIcc0UIPbDfTvjS77U=&sa=X&ei=wLPXTOqzGYmOvQOhnPzNCQ&ved=0CBsQ9QEwAA *AGAIN* If you don't what I am saying.... :oops: - 47093 DOES look like EBOLA upside down. This is supported by the standard numerical - alphabetical conversion system, and so is undeniable. If Treyarch needed to represent 'ebola' as an inverse, 47093 is THE MOST ACCURATE NUMBER to do this. - However, it does not mean that EBOLA is the true message. It could be a simple coincidance. *WHAT THIS PROVES* This doesn't turn the argument in favour of anybody. What IT DOES DO, is rebukes the idiots who say "It looks nothing like ebola", and attempt to use that as evidance. Because as we have discovered, it is EXTREMELY similiar to EBOLA. So.... The 'anti-Ebolas (although they have not been proved right or wrong)', have to find a real piece of evidance against it, rather than physical dissimularity!!! *BUT ON THE OTHER HAND....* Everything of which you have just read (if you bothered) is ONLY APPLICABLE IF the numbers are truly 47093. Because the numbers are quite blurry on gknova6 and some seem mishapen, there is a huge margin of inaccuracy.
  17. Neither do I, because a waist is usually attached to a butt.... ... waste*
  18. It's probably a sign that God is happy with the Arc I am building! (By the way, that line is from the caption of the guys original double rainbow video)
  19. guys havent you noticed? If you turn 47093 it looks like EGOL- and an upside down 4. how is that ebola? i could say it says egg roll with the same logic Ummm.... The upside down 9 looks like a LOWER CASE B.... ( so it does look like EBOL (Upside down 4)... Doesn't change anything, but there's no point in bigotry ;) ;)
  20. I just played the Special Ops that has the 'Nova Gas station' with in (can't remember the name, the one where you have to get a certain amount of kills, and there's two tank thingies driving around outside). I know the Nova gas station was in it, because the guy said "enemies near the Nova gas station" or something... I went and snooped around the entire building while my friend occupied the AIs, and could not find anything related to BO or Nazi Zombies in general, or the BO 'nova gas' at all! O_o
  21. NUB? what's a "NUB" Nub : A small lumb or protuberance... But anyway, I do see the irony in the "Nova Gas station (MW2)" and "Nova Gas (BO)"! But I guess we can only ever speculate over if there is any real connection *bearing in mind that a connection won't advance or help anything at all, but it'd still be cool* unless there does turn out to be some awesome symbolism or numbers down at the Nova Gas station But I'm thinking not :p
  22. Why do you all jump at the use of a word with multiple meanings? That's like a game having an endorsing website named "cats"... Would you gasp and say "a connection!" every time you watched a VET ad, or saw your pets? .... NO Did you know that the word Nova has been used ALOT of times for BO-unrelated projects/things?? Nova = Process of material deposition from a star Nova = Star surface Nuclear explosion (Super Nova, etc) Nova = A proposed particle physics experiment Nova = casual name for Northern Virginia (No-V-A, etc) Nova = Popular science television show Nova = Inertial confinement fusion laser Nova = Group of Australia radio stations (Nova100, etc) Nova = Late Night 'A current affairs' program Nova = Very early concept diagrams of satellites (Saturn 1, 5, etc) Nova = A science fiction novel written by Samuel Delany Nova = A character from 'Planet of the Apes' Nova = Marvel Comics super hero (Richard Rider) Nova = Name of a dutch, electronic music band So you see, The use of the word Nova is entirely coincidental, there is no link. Unless ofcourse that you are dimwitted enough to suggest that Zombies are caused by a inter-space launching of apes from Northern Virginia (who had their own TV show and composed several books) into a White dwarf that is currently undergoing a super Nova, and than exposed to horrible dutch music.... ..... :facepalm:
  23. Guys, calm down! Element 115 = Xerum 525 The nazis first thought they had synthesised a completely new element, which had an atomic number of 115. Even though they created it by the bombardment of Calcum and Americanium, they were convinced that the nucleus had emerged into eachother, thus creating an imitation of an atom with an atomic number of 115. Eventually, they discovered this was not the case. They had merely created an isotope of American and Calcium. Their delusion came form the fact that American and Calcium can not physically bond to eachother, unless they are simultaneously triggered into an isotopic state. So, when they bombarded American and Calcium together, some atoms were converted into imitations of other elements, donating their neutrons to the new compound. The nazis assumed these missing atoms were joined to nucleic fusion! After realising everything, they had to concede that their chemical was not actually an element, and so it was not appropriate to call it 115. They instead called it Xerum 525. Now go to bed
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