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Everything posted by AlphaSnake

  1. "You will never succeed in this Edward" "The darkness will swallow your pride, something far more terrible than you lies here" "I'll destroy you for what you did to daddy" "Edward you will tremble in fear, I'll slice you apart & expose your rotten innards, so you will be judged for what you have become" "Your tears will taste so sweet when you beg for your miserable life" "You did this, I will have no mercy on you for your arrogance" "I will destroy you & all those who help you" "The Earth's destruction will lie in you hands Edward. Your fault!" You lot need to see the quotes from Shi No Numa about the Devil, Satan, Lucifier & the Illuminati. Isn't that right Mac? Always remember who openned this box. :twisted: This time hope escaped with everything else. I swear we will have a Purgatory style level with the horned one sat in his thrown watching us kill zombies below. I had an idea for a custom map design if anyone is interested in making it: You start in a dark large cavern. In this room all long the walls everygun that ever feature in zombies can be bought for 200 points. You could have a setting menu where you could set which type of zombies will spawn. You could have everything at once. The PAP like you said in the middle with the Area51 barrier with Obey on it. This could be like a Hell dimension oblivion style map, or purgatory nightmare style level. You play as a fallen zombie killer, like Smokey & John Bandana who died in Verruckt. Down to Hell they go to perform in the Devils show. You could have the Devil sat on a throne of skulls (Like the joker in the battle in Arkham Asylum) watching you run & kill zombie forever just like the Nightmare song. No rounds, just a timer. All perks could be buyable at very cheap prices, as well as a free Mystery box. As the action does not stop it could be hard to use. Basically it would be a weapons & perk gallery with a Hellish nightmare theme to it. I love this idea, the walls could take a theme from all the levels, with all the traps on the edge with a funnel to herd the zombies inside. This would show case all the features in an easy place to circle even for noobs. I'll bet people still manage to die even in a level like this. There could be a round version, where the room become lite by the fires of Hell. Then the floor would drop away to lava below with lost souls lining the walls down to the boiling lava. There would only remain narrow paths to each of the ten map sections featuring the Traps from that level. I would also like to see the Der Riese traps from the boards made for this map. But still an Epic idea, I love the cheat mode for World at war zombies, paint ball death card FTW. Again I love this, when the Black Ops Mod Tools come, I want this done. I could go on all day. Regards Alpha.
  2. :lol: I still love it everytime I hear it. El Burro, is an Ass... Had to do it... The reason why Treyarch did this is so we would get to it first. They knew that Cj & myself are collecting all the known media for zombie in one thread. Kino was MIA... They gave it to us. :twisted: They also did this to Mule Kick we can could have it as an exclusive on CoDz. At least this is how it went down in my mind. Thank you Treyarch. Regards Alpha.
  3. The best from sam: "You will never succeed in this Edward" "The darkness will swallow your pride, something far more terrible than you lies here" "I'll destroy you for what you did to daddy" "Edward you will tremble in fear, I'll slice you apart & expose your rotten innards, so you will be judged for what you have become" "Your tears will taste so sweet when you beg for your miserable life" "You did this, I will have no mercy on you for your arrogance" "I will destroy you & all those who help you" "The Earth's destruction will lie in your hands Edward. Your fault!" Regards Alpha.
  4. Great work as always Cj... These can be found in the Ultimate media thread aswell with nearly 100% of all the quotes, music & other sounds. Regards Alpha.
  5. 8i_1x5DBhJc From Cj once again, as per a CoDz member request. Regards Alpha.
  6. Trust me the terminal files support it. Maxis had a crush on Sophia in 1939. Sam is what 7 years old in 1945 when the shit hits the fan. Think, who else would Maxis have time to meet & have a relationship with? During a war no less. Sophia was Maxis Personal Assistant, female & close at all times. There are no other choices. The women in the terminal files could be Sophia but I doubt it. I've combed back over the maps take pictures & such. I'm rewriting my grand thread from scratch, it's a big one. So far it is in a 244 page word document. It will be anything little scrap of details I can find & then some. If you found this before me thats great, always good to get a second confirmation. Why do you believe that Sophia isn't Sam's mother? Regards Alpha.
  7. KI_3-OVh_Kk It does exist, enjoy. Thanks to Cjdog23 for this. Regards Alpha.
  8. Sam's room at Verruckt. Sam's room in the Kino Der Toten teleporters. The wallpaper is a 100% match. Sam was born at Verruckt, her mother was Sophia. Sophia gave birth to Sam, Dr. Maxis was the father. She calls Richtofen Uncle. I think Richtofen butchered Sophia when he let the zombies out. Its all coming in my new project. Regards Alpha.
  9. Honestly, after read the material & watch the Nacht & Verruckt trailer a million times. I can say that the Marines are unique character, they have personality. The deep voiced one you speak of with the round helmet, I thought Dempsey, but it just won't work having him part of that crew, the best option s Dempsey was apart of the first team. When this new project I'm working on hits, your will understand completely if you read it. It is absolutly everything I've got on Zombies, I do mean ALL of it. The only way I can get the whole lot out in one go is in Book format. No shit... To quote the Joker "I'm a man of my word" this will be done. Regards Alpha.
  10. Right. Dempsey was part of the first rescue team to find Peter & Harvey. He was caught by living German Nazis & taken to Der Riese, then on to Call of the Dead the Siberian Group935 station, where Richtofen performed his experiments. Before you say no to that, think why would the Radios be there? How does Richtofen know about the Golden rod? How does he know about the shield sytem that is the same as the one in Der Riese? The only answer is that Call of the Dead is a Siberian Group935 station where Dr. Maxis, Dr Richtofen, Dr Mckay & Dr. Yena worked. Proven by the Radios in Call of the dead of course. Okay so Dempsey was caught by the Nazis, what now? They sent these guys to rescue the rescue party, get it? There were two rescue attempts. The marines look nothing like, sound nothing like Dempsey or any other character for that matter, they are unique. The fact they are in Nacht then Verruckt is proof they made it out of Nacht, just like our crew makes it out everytime. But these Marine's luck ran out in Verruckt where they died fighting for their lives. This is also backed by files in the terminal... Mainly the V. Bush & Oppy Emails about the Veruckt Limericks. If I'm wrong, then please by all means correct me, but this is how it all went down in my mind. I'm currently rewriting the Grand thread from scratch, I won't be posting it on the forum. The reason being I'm already upto 118 pages on a word file. So it will be hard to put it in post form. This will be part of that rewrite, I've just made it to the final radio in Der Riese. So we shall see how this turns out. Regards Alpha.
  11. These are the marines sent to Nacht Der Untoten, which they fought through & survived to then arrive at Verruckt in an attempt to rescue Dempsey after he was captured. neao27bSRW0 (Zombies can be heard groaning faintly) (Lots of zombies start to close in on the abandoned air field building, they sound aggitated) Marine 1: "CONTACT" (The team open fire) Marine 2: "GOT ONE" (A barrel explodes, zombies are gunned down, Browning machine gun fire can be heard) Marine 3: "GEES, THEIR ALL OVER THE PLACE." (Zombie begin breaking into the building ripping boards off windows) Marine 4: "COME ON, GIVE EM HELL" Marine 2: "KEEP ON FIRING" Marine 3: "Take their heads off" Marine 2: "STAY DOWN" Marine 1: "GEES, THEIR RIGHT BEHIND YA" (The marine turns & opens up with his MG42) Marine 2: "ARHHHHHHH" (A marine burns the zombies with an M2 flamethrower) Marine 3: "THATS IT, KEEP FIRING" Marine 2: "BEHIND YA" Marine 3: "TAKE COVER" (A marine moves in with the MG42 spraying the horde of zombies) Marine 1: "We got your back" Marine 2: "Arhhhhhh" Marine 3: "Cover me" (The three marines stand back to back firing their weapons) Marine 2: "Reload" Marine 4: "YAAAAAAA" (He is downed by several zombies) Marine 1: "Urrrrrgggg" (He is also downed) Marine 2: "LETS PUSH THE BASTARDS BACK" (He aims a panzerschreck at the horde closing in on them & fires blowing the horde to bits) (Fade to black) The Marine Rescue Team - Abandoned German Airfield 1943. Even though two marines were downed by zombies, we know they can be revived by the others, so they must have escaped Nacht Der Untoten. They then moved on the Verruckt Asylum. Regards Alpha.
  12. These are the marines sent to Verruckt to rescue Dempsey after he was captured. AD4Yg0yjS4I (A man can be heard sobbing) (Zombies can be heard Groaning) Marine 1: "HERE THEY COME" Marine 2: "THEIR EVERYWHERE" Marine 3: "Arh, shit" (The horde is closing in) Marine 4: "We need to get these doors open" Marine 3: "DON'T LEAVE ME!" Marine 1: "Hang in there! We're workin at gettin the power on" Marine 3: "Hurry it up, ok?" Marine 2: "THEIR EVERYWHERE" Marine 4: "These fuckers are everywhere" Marine 1: "Get out of my face!" Marine 3: "GO AWAY" Marine 4: "I GOT YOU, NOW GO!" Marine 2: "Keep moving!" Marine 3: "Their coming through the walls!" Marine 4: "GRENADE GOING IN" Marine 3: "There are too many of of them" Marine 4: "GET EM, KEEP MOVING!" Marine 3: "FUCK" (Sound of an explosion, followed by doors opening) Marine 1: "Hit it" (Sound of the power being activated) (Electrical fences activate & the zombies are electrocuted) Marine 1: "Freakin zombies" Marine 2: "It's over" Marine 1: "No, it ain't over! This is just the beginning!" (Fade to black) Enjoy. Regards Alpha.
  13. I know you didn't say there is no such thing as double barrel shotguns. They are 100% real. They are very real, I've shot a real Full bore Double Barrel shotgun on a clay pigeon shooting range when I was a teenager. I have to say it hurt like hell. Nice find on the Olympia & real Death Machines. The first time I saw a mini gun with back pack was in Predator worn by Jesse Venture. Now that was a Death Machine. Regards Alpha.
  14. The translation I got was: Stage two 601 NZR Strength through order. NZR could be Nazi Zombies Return. Also did anyone notice the 601 group logo is in front of a mushroom cloud? I think this would have been the Nazis final plan for the ZWMD. Also those broadcast towers looks like mind control equipment. Still interesting to read about, who knows maybe there is a lot more we missed. Regards Alpha.
  15. Stay in the mystery box room, DO NOT open the stairs in that room. When the round starts stay in the corner by the Thompson & protect the window there, if your getting cornered move to the left and forward to the box and lead them back round. Nacht Der Untoten was epic on W@W I can't wait to try the improved version, Black Ops weapons in the box should help, plus you can still get the Ray Gun & the Thunder Gun. Destroy the zombie trains with the Ray Gun at a distance & use the Thunder Gun as your way out of trouble, simple. Repair the windows in that room often. You should do fine, just move before they get there & don't panic. Regards Alpha.
  16. Sorry dude the picture link is broken. Regards Alpha.
  17. I can take care of that for you. Hold please. Regards Alpha
  18. When googling who is involved with the Wiki this is all that comes up. About Us Wikia is a collaborative publishing platform that enables communities to discover, create and share content on any topic in any language. Wikia sites are written by community members that are passionate about subjects ranging from video games, TV shows and movies to food, fashion, and environmental sustainability. Written by community members. Regards Alpha.
  19. I would not class this as official... Good but not official. You should post the link in the OP so we can judge for ourselves. I know you posted it, but put it with you OP right at the top. Regards Alpha.
  20. There is a little green thumbs up at the top right hand corner of every post. If you like the post give it a thumbs up. The more [brains] you get the more zombified you become. I hope this helps. Regards Alpha.
  21. It is a fact that Treyarch reads here. CoDz created Samantha. So if you give this enough attention & it could be done. Personally I would love to see these traps created in a real map. This is one of the things that makes zombies special to me. Regards Alpha.
  22. XEliteAssassinX you need to post a bigger picture, as even with my eye's I can't see a name on that picture. Regards Alpha.
  23. Don't call it a "Rape" train, I hate that term... It is a Zombie Train. Hell, even Jimmy would agree with this. Regards Alpha.
  24. Please list those members in a pm to myself, any thread where you think you have been wronged report them ASAP. The Mods will deal with it. Regards Alpha.
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