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Everything posted by Shapeshifter

  1. SAM is spelled in order of the original cast and which map they went from first to last. Well we know Ascension was before CotD (due to Dempseys quote) and we know CotD is before Shangri-La (due to Richtofen starting with the golden rod) so the order would be Ascension, Shangri-La, Moon wouldn't it? There's way too many gaps in this storyline. Theres time travel. Do the math.
  2. Shapeshifter


    This was a useless post You're a useless poster. You NEVER have anything positive or crucial to add to a conversation. You basically just complain and try to belittle people, first sign of someone with self esteem issues. I suggest you work on whatever is bothering you about yourself, and I'll bet you in turn will learn to respect others thoughts and opinions. YES, YES
  3. Its the same characters though... Dempsey, Takeo, Nikolai, AND I CANNOT confirm Richtofen though. I didnt see him in the video.
  4. oh meh gawd.Oh meh gawd.Oh. My. Gawd. OH. MY. GAWD. OH MY GOD. OH MEH GAWDDDDD
  5. Y UR PHOTOS NO WORK, and you LITERALLY, JUST beat me about posting the crawlers. Im mad that they are back. FML
  6. Yellow: Wonder Weapon Ads. Red: That page we saw in Shangri-la. Blue: Perk Ads. Pink: THE GOLDEN ROD, DAH DAH DAH! Black: Looks like someone ripped out a mail-in order... And what is that page behind it? A new map?
  7. *Cough* Duel Wield Weapons *Cough* ;)
  8. The same description comes with the Hardened edition as well. 2.Activision did this BECAUSE of CoDz. Well, not just, but forums like this too. Everyone is always complaining, "GAMESHARE TEH MAPZ W/ MEH, PL0X !11!one!!1" I'm very disappointed in Activision as a company, and Treyarch as a developer. They should have at least compansated us more as well, with 3 more maps for free. Or something like that, I mean, a soundtrack and a theme? I know one thing, they better be worth more than five dollars each, because thats how much a zombies map costs in a map pack. I'm sorry... I have to agree with whiteboy on this one... :ugeek: = Gypsie Fruitcake. I know I'm gonna be flamed, but come at me. I'll try to comeback at you with a highly logical counter opposition onto why I think my point of views are correct. And mods... Dont lock it, no matter what. Game makers do this sort of thing frequently, example; In Homefront, if you pre-ordered, you got the 870 Express Shotgun as a bonus, exclusive to the pre-order! The gun is now available for download. Unfortunately (well, fortunately for me ), this is a way for game makers to entice people to buy the "Hardened" or "Prestige" editions of games, full well knowing they will release some or all of the exclusive content down the road. Besides, in the quote you provided from 3arc, it just says "four additional co=op maps not included in the standard edition", not "ZOMG GET THESE MAPS NOW OR YOU WILL NEVER HAVE ANOTHER CHANCE!! MWAAAHAHAHAHA". Besides, while understandably a bit ticked, I would think people would be happy these maps are being re-re-released. It'll open the maps up to all of the Zombie fan base, not just those that could afford the original package or those that have since the launch gotten into Zombies. Better games, more players, more discoveries (if any are to be made, more people will help the chances); all in all, a good deal. Yeah, but I just remember going on activisions forums, and seeing a thread asking if they will ever be released in a map pack... They said NO. + Ive seen tweets from JD, saying they wont be re-released, and an email from activision stating the same thing. Don't get me wrong, IM EXTREMELY HAPPY FOR YOU ALL(Sarcasm) But, also pissed for my friends who bought the codes for like 60 bucks on ebay, and for myself for being fooled by this new "Timed Exclusive" Shit. This is why PC games like "Team Fortress 2" will always be better, competitive multiplayer wise... Like if you preorder, or buy a special edition of the game on steam, some times youll get an item for TF2. Most of the time, those items will have a extremely special color/ranked name, and will be worth alot. But valve releases the same items here, just different, about a week after they come out. Why couldnt this have happened to us? WE got the new Der Riese, but they got the original. Or at least, I was hoping the WaW guns would be in the classic mappack, but nope.avi.
  9. I knew about the site, then the whole GKNOVA6 viral started. I joined IMMEDIATELY. But I was corrupted by the "hoax" and I was a full sucker. I was even telling my friends that "Henry Laugham is gonna be in campaign, just you wait!" Before release, and I got made fun off shortly after. I really don't care anymore, but I agree with every word carbon typed. P3ALwKeSEYs
  10. Eh. MW3 will be trash. You know what? Get. The fuck. Out. You're not a Call of Duty fan. You've shit on everything in the foreseeable future from both core developers. I don't care if Activision is milking the cow because that's just what greedy publishers do. You got a special edition game for free, and because Treyarch is giving more free shit to anybody with a special edition, you're shitting on them? Go play Battlefield. Do some community service. Get cancer. Kill yourself. Hell, I don't care what you do. But every time you open your mouth you turn our beloved forum into a sewer. I'm ashamed for you. If I was a moderator, you'd be long-since banned. Complaining is one thing. I hate the way zombie levels are structured. Left 4 Dead does it better. But I don't accuse Treyarch of screwing us. So again, just to reiterate... lulz, Im not a CoD fan, IMO. I only like zombies. Im more of a battlefield fan.
  11. You just described the entire game of minecraft.
  12. I agree with CJ. Plus, Superhands, you could honestly just play WaW PC, and MAKE all these new wonder weapons, DOWNLOAD the Black Ops weapons for WaW Classic maps, MAKE maps that will never be released to console, and you could just recreate the new black ops maps and perks if you wanted to. Don't think so? Look up the portal 2 collab. Portal 2 was practically made before portal 2 even came out. PC has NO right to complain, or whine, because they got the best services. PLUS you got the WaW map packs for free...... :|
  13. I hope you guys realize, another reason I'm mad, it the fact that the maps are exactly the same. IF they upgrade them again, with like new easter eggs and such, Ill be fine. I just don't like how 3arc keeps recycling old content.
  14. Give a big Round of Applause for Shapeshifter, the guy who would rather pay $15, then get something for FREE. I would, because I would rather support the developers....
  15. Alright, whatever, fuck this shit. I NEVER BOUGHT IT. IT WAS A GIFT. I DON'T WANT MOON FOR FREE. IT LOOKS LIKE SHIT, AND I COULD JUST GET THE SOUNDTRACK FROM THE PC FILES. ITS LIKE ONE PERSON WHO ISN'T AS FAMOUS ON THE FORUM VOICES THEIR OPTION AND YOU FLAME THE FUCK OUTTA HIM. ALL IM TRYING TO SAY, IS TREYARCH SHOULDN'T HAVE BEEN LAZY, AND THEY SHOULD HAVE JUST MADE NEW MAPS FOR MP4. WOULDNT YOU HAVE LIKED 5 BRAND NEW MAPS?AND THE CLASSIC NAPS ARE NOT EVEN THAT GOOD. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, HALF THE PEOPLE ON THIS THREAD CANT SAY SHIT, THEY COMPLAIN AND BITCH JUST AS MUCH AS I HAVE IN THIS ONE THREAD. CoDz IS SLOWLY TEARING ITSELF APART. WHY DO YOU THINK THAT NEGATIVE BRAINS WERE REMOVED? BECAUSE IF THRY WERE STILL HERE, I WOULD HAVE JUST GOT NEGATIVE 16. BECAUSE OF MY OPTION. THANKS GUYS, REAL GOOD SHIT GOING ON HERE. PLUS, IF YOUR NAME ISN'T ALPHASNAKE, FAUST, OR CARBONFIBAH YOUR THREADJUST GETS STOLEN BY A NEWBIE. T~T I used to love CoDz.... It was a place where Stories were shared, friends were made, and we all worked together. But no one ever gives the weird kid a chance.... Do you think I flame most of you, on purpose? Nope. OCD makes it so everyone has to type perfect... To put it simple. It's like Kids meals. If you get this order, you get a special toy the other ones don't, unless they buy this one too. Oops! Menu change! Now the people who bought the special, the one that costs more, dont have an exclusive toy! Everyone gets it! But to compensate, if you bring your reciept in, you get a free straw. /secondrantover
  16. Well, it should actually be in either the classic map section or the moon section.
  17. Ok guys here is what he said: Is there a small Easter egg? How were the zombies there? Why do the monkeys get your power up and take it to the temple, the one that you pack a punch at and the water pushes you? What will happen to the monkey if they steal your power-up and the water is still going? Why did the Monkey bomb came back in Shangri-La but not CoTD? How did the babygun got there and who created it? Why is there a napalm zombie and an ice zombie thing and a zombie with a gas mask? P.S. I am new to the forum. A guy game me brains so I was wondering what do they do and how do you give them. What are the zombifaction ( don't know what he meant) things with the green boxes? Who made the scavanger and the other gun in CoTD? Ya know... Cause... I didnt just... write that out before you... or nothing.... :facepalm:
  18. Thats cool, you know just steal my thread and all. I don't mind. viewtopic.php?f=72&t=14893
  19. I'm not whining about anything, I just think its unfair to the people who bought it because it was one of the sole features of the special editions. No one cared about the avatar, or the RC Car. Everyone wanted those maps, and your just uptight and butthurt that PC didnt get them. (And I truly feel bad for you.)
  20. IF they were not different, they could just release the map pack now, or at least sooner. Why would they need all that time to make ONE map?
  21. Ah, but you see, It means that the buys of the standard edition should in no way be able to get these maps, without illegally gamesharing, or buying the other editions. There for it should be released as DLC for the STANDARD EDITION be cause they are not included in the STANDARD EDITION. True dat boyo. I got the hardened edition so, i'm just chuffed i get moon for free Believe me, Im happy Im getting ONE free map, a soundtrack, and a theme, but still.... It just doesnt seem right...
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